Qur'an Words Search

Click below box to toggle between post's dark, light and white modes.

1st time? See introduction & table at the end of this page.

Tool 1 : Search any Qur'anic Word with Harakaat support
After searching, hovering over an Ayah displays the translation attempt and clicking any Ayah takes you to the context to see its preceding and following Aayaat. Back button can be pressed to repeat the process of seeing the context for remaining search results. When viewing on mobile phone, click the search button twice as searched Tanzil page does not load in iframe in some mobile browsers with 1 click.
Tanzil Search with harakaat supported link comes here

Tool 2 : Note that below tool does not support harakaat, despite being suggested to do so as early as in 2018. For searching in this tool, just type in the letters without any Harakaat.
For searching words. It doesn't take harkaat into account and only searches based on alphabets. See conversion table at the end to learn the English equivalent characters to type to get the required Arabic characters. If you live in an Arabic speaking country or have a laptop/PC with Arabic Keyboard, then in that case use https://furqan.co/q directly. For others like me who have a keyboard with English alphabets, you can use this page.

Tool 3 : Search any Qur'anic Word with Harakaat support
Turn Prefix off before the 1st letter and let postfix remain on after the last letter. You can click the lock symbol to do so. This search is strictly case sensitive and Harakaat also have to be included. Click "Search Pattern" after reaching the page.
Quran Morphology Search with harakaat input link comes here

Enter the English characters in input box and then press Enter or click the Search button.

Buckwalter Equivalent for Arabic Letters
خ ح ج ث ت ب ا
x H j v t b A
ص ش س ز ر ذ د
S $ s z r * d
ق ف غ ع ظ ط ض
q f g E Z T D
ي و ه ن م ل ك
y w h n m l k
ة ى ئ ؤ ء إأ
p Y } & ' < >
ـَ ـِ ـُ ـْ ـّ
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