Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Book Indexing Project for Quick Study Tools and Quick Access Studies

Book Indexing Project to Index important books for preparing quick study tools

In this project, time will inshaALLAH be allocated and spent to prepare indexes for important books or books suggested by viewers of this blog. The books can be related to The Qur'an, Arabic Dictionaries, Arabic Grammar Works, Arabic Studies, Seerah Works, Hadith Books etc. InshaALLAH!, the index will then be integrated into a quick study tool and / or also released in spreadsheet format for use by others.

The index can be made based on Aayaat of The Qur'an, roots of a dictionary, Hadith numbers, years of life for biographies, topics, notes, categories etc.

Books can be suggested via email to asimiqbal2nd @ and depending on the importance of the book, I may start slowly allocating time on indexing or ask the person to clarify whether he is willing to sponsor the indexing if the book is not chosen to be given immediate priority by me. The one emailing and suggesting the book can also volunteer to prepare the index, but index checking will inshaALLAH! be done by me myself.

The index will inshaALLAH be prepared by me and then rechecked by me. About 50 to 80% of the time spent by me on this will be allowed to be sponsored by a sponsor @ $10 per hour, which will inshaALLAH be mentioned in this post with brief details of the indexing for the book like manpower names, sponsors (who may keep themselves anonymous and then some code word like sponsor02 etc. may be used instead), time spent on indexing to the minutes, voluntarily spent time, time allowing sponsorship, etc.

Method of sponsoring / Funding:
Direct IBAN transfer, or via Google Pay or Apple Pay, or transfer via Ria, Western Union or MoneyGram, but other methods can also be explored via Email. IBAN and other required details can be provided to interested sponsors, after some discussion with the sponsor for some days or weeks. Email :asimiqbal2nd @

Book 1:
Method : Prepare and Launch index and then allow partial sponsorship.
Book Name :
التفصيل في إعراب آيات التنزيل - د. الخطيب، د. مصلوح، أ. العلوش

Index Prepared and used in: Quran Ayat Navigator 2 - 2023 edition (47.8 MB) for Quran Ayat Navigators
Download book from: Merged Book or in 16 PDFs
Number of pages: 10702.
Indexing Type: By indexing each of the 6236 Aayaat of The Quran.
Indexing Notes: 29:46, 29:47, 29:48, 29:49 are missed by authors and publishers apparently. 10 pages are missed by scanner apparently, due to which 59:11 is partial and 59:12, 59:13, 59:14, 59:15, 59:16 are missing. Any volunteer can scan and send me pages 84 to 93 of Volume 28.
Status: Complete.
Time spent on indexing: 20 hours : 44 minutes.
Time spent on index re-checking: 8 hours : 34 minutes.
Total Time spent: 29 hours : 18 minutes.
Voluntarily spent hours without any sponsorship intention: = 15 hours : 18 minutes.
Sponsorship allowed: For 14 hours i.e. $ 140.
Sponsorship received: 0
For receiving Excel Index or for discussing funding: Email: asimiqbal2nd @

Book 2:
Method : InshaALLAH! wait for sponsorship for Book 1 mentioned above, and then start preparing index for launch of next edition, and then allow partial sponsorship.
Book Name :
الفريد في إعراب القرآن المجيد ـ المنتجب الهمدانيّ

Download book from: Book in 6 Volumes
Number of pages: 4138.
Indexing Type: By indexing the notes on the Ayaat of The Quran found in this book Ayah by Ayah.
Status: To be started and launched inshaALLAH! after receiving the funding for already launched Book 1 mentioned above, and then allow funding for it after launch.

Integration 1, followed by 3 books' indexing based on main entries and roots actually used in The Quran only:
Integration of Particles and Words actually used in The Quran from Arabic Particles Tool (1.91 MB) into Qur'an Roots Linker (10.5 MB)
and indexing of the books معجم الأدوات و الضمائر في القرآن الكريم تكملة المعجم المفهرس لألفاظ القرآن الكريم and المعجم المفهرس الشامل لالفاظ القران الكريم بالرسم العثماني and معجم مقاييس اللغة
Indexing Type: By indexing roots / words and integrating relevant entries from 1 tool to the other.
Status: Complete.
Index Prepared and used in: Quran Roots Linker - 2023 edition (12.5 MB) for Qur'an Concordance - Roots - Patterns - Letters - Word Sets - Word Domains
Total Time spent in August 2023: 39 hours : 16 minutes.
Voluntarily spent hours without any sponsorship intention: = 19 hours : 16 minutes.
Sponsorship allowed: For 20 hours i.e. $ 200.
Sponsorship received: 0
For receiving Excel Index or for discussing funding: Email: asimiqbal2nd @

Integration 2 (very Important) :
MashaALLAH! Integration and linking of:
ant = الأدوات النحوية في كتب التفسير [14.6 MB]
mhj = من أسرار حروف الجر في الذكر الحكيم [39.9 MB]
mhe = من أسرار حروف العطف في الذكر الحكيم [6.6 MB]

and addition of me = Al-Mu'jam ul Ishtiqaqy updated 2 color HD edition [152 MB]
as Qur'an Roots Linker 2025 edition.
Indexing Type: indexing and integrating roots and entries from multiple PDFs to Quran Root Linker 2023 edition.
Status: Completed on 12th January 2025.
Time spent = 23 hours 24 minutes.
Voluntarily spent hours without any sponsorship intention: = 13 hours : 24 minutes.
Sponsorship allowed: For 10 hours i.e. $ 100.
Sponsorship received: 0
For receiving Excel Index or for discussing funding: Email: asimiqbal2nd @

Further optional expansion possibility:
Indexing and addition of أساس البلاغة as an additional book.
Another book that may be linked up for the relevant roots actually used in The Quran for Quran Roots Linker PDF is the ~8890 page important Arabic book تهذيب اللغة , but some positive signals are required from potential sponsors before taking on this massive book, as the indexing is complex due to unorthodox arrangement of roots in the book, but I have done a bigger book already i.e. تاج العروس and integrated it in the 2019 edition, a few years ago.
Status: Under consideration but with funding, this indexing and integration can be taken on seriously, inshaALLAH!, in which sponsor can commit to sponsor maximum 50% of the time at $10 per hour and inshaALLAH 50% time will be allocated voluntarily.

Concordance Study Tool 1 : Quran Semantic Word Domain Roots Concordance 3:
Project done successfully and launched on:
Qur'an Concordance - Roots - Patterns - Letters - Word Sets - Word Domains - Usage Context

Books linked directly from Qur'an Semantic Word Domain Roots Concordance 3:
الفروق اللغوية
معجم الفروق اللّغويّة
الفروق اللغوية في القرآن الكريم
دقائق الفروق اللغوية في البيان القرآني
سرّ الإعجاز في تنوّع الصيغ ٱلمشتقة من أصل لغويّ واحد في القرآن
إعجاز رسم القرآن و إعجاز التّلاوة

Time spent on this project = 53+ hours.
Sponsorship required for = 25 hours.
Sponsorship received = 0.
Voluntarily spent hours without any sponsorship requirement = 28 hours.

Book ?: (Number to be assigned inshaALLAH once it is chosen for indexing)
Method : Wait for sponsor commitment to sponsor for at least 50% of the time spent for this indexing. Sponsor can email and agree to sponsor and then on completion, he can sponsor for 50% of the time spent.
Book Name :
المعجم المفهرس لألفاظ الحديث النبوى

Estimated number of pages : 3799.
Link : Available on Archive for download
Indexing Type : By indexing all the Roots targeted in this book.
Status: Awaiting Funding offer (Off for now).
Time spent so far : 0.

Enrichment ?: (Linked 2nd step for the above indexing)
Method : Wait for completion of normal indexing in the above step and sponsor commitment to sponsor for at least 50% of the time spent for this indexing. Sponsor can email and agree to sponsor and then on completion, he can sponsor for 50% of the time spent.
Book Name :
المعجم المفهرس لألفاظ الحديث النبوى

Estimated number of pages : 3799.
Link : Available on Archive for download
Indexing Type : By typing and manually linking Darussalam and Hadith reference pages for the indexed Roots targeted in this book.
Status: Awaiting Funding offer (Off for now).
Time spent so far : 0.

Book ?: (Number to be assigned inshaALLAH once its PDF is found and it is chosen for indexing)
Method : Wait for PDF availability and sponsor commitment to sponsor for at least 50% of the time spent for this indexing. Sponsor can email and agree to sponsor and then on completion, he can sponsor for 50% of the time spent.
Book Name :
المعجم المفهرس لألفاظ الشعر الجاهلي ومعانيه

Estimated number of pages : 1105.
Link : Available on Google books for a limited and snippets style preview
Indexing Type : By indexing all the Roots targeted in this book.
Status: Awaiting PDF availability and Funding offer (Off for now).
Time spent so far : 0.

Full scope and extent of this project can be realized, if sponsorship is received. This includes but it is not limited to:

1. Indexing and linking up, for quick and free access, by Roots, all the available Arabic Lexicons and Dictionaries, for which PDFs are available.

2. Indexing by Surah Number and Ayah Number, for quick and free access, all the available Tafaaseer of The Qur'an and I'rab ul Quran and Quranic Studies Books, for which PDFs are available.

3. Indexing, by years or events, for quick and free access, well known Seerah books, for which PDFs are available, to study The Noble Life of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ in multiple books together.

4. Indexing Arabic Grammar, Syntax, Morphology, Balaghah, and Sciences Books, by topics, categories, sub-categories or grouping, for quick and free access, all the good books for which PDFs are available.

5. etc. and many more... But it can be taken on seriously once a few sponsors show some interest to fund this important project. Even partial sponsorship can get this project rolling inshaALLAH!

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