New versions of Arabic Almanac & Mawrid Reader being tested in February-2016 !
(This page last edited 20-May-2021)
Note: Press f5 to load new versions for the 1st time, if you have used previous versions recently. 40 dictionaries (AA 6.2 testing page for new version) 31 dictionaries 2 dictionaries text based beta tool
(This page last edited 20-May-2021)
Note: Press f5 to load new versions for the 1st time, if you have used previous versions recently. 40 dictionaries (AA 6.2 testing page for new version) 31 dictionaries 2 dictionaries text based beta tool
Downloadable Versions (All these include 1 dictionary for which images are no longer displayed in online versions, but images for that book also are included in all downloadable versions given below. 1st 2 are .rar format and last is .zip format. All can be extracted after downloading inshaALLAH! using any free software e.g. 7-zip )
Download this downloadable zipped folder ".rar" format. Size is about 4.1 GB. Note : No downloadable folder for this version was uploaded by brother Erik. His data available from Github and his website was used to compile this downloadable version manually.
Download this downloadable zipped folder ".rar" format. Size is about 3.7 GB. Based on official folder uploaded by Erik. Only Mabhath data was removed and remaining data was re-zipped and uploaded again.
Copy of original zipped folder ".zip" format originally uploaded on 14-April-2015 at 11:36 pm GMT by brother Erik, but original link was no longer working, and so it was uploaded again. Size is about 3.9 GB.
If you want to contribute in the running cost of the Arabic Almanac/Mawrid Reader/Mabhath website, you can donate using the Donate button given on
For accessing Arabic Almanac Roots directly along with Qur'anic Arabic Corpus, check below post:
Arabic Roots Quick Study Tool - Access any root page directly on Arabic Almanac, Qur'anic Arabic Corpus, Baheth and word on Mawrid Reader
2 More Tools like Arabic Almanac
Initial discussion with brother Erik done and inshaALLAH both tools will be prepared by him once he has sufficient amount of free time:
1. Arabic Particles Tool containing all books in Arabic Particles Quick Study tool . Search Mabhath style giving drop down menu containing similar particles to choose from based on entering few letters. Then chosen particle or related word relevant page to open in all books on selection. Or at top give a table listing all the particles and related words, clicking which relevant page to be opened in all books. Or make a table of all arabic letters and on hovering over any letter, a popup appears having links to all particles and related words starting with that letter. On [21-2-2016] Final Excel index and final modified PDFs of all books are ready for this new proposed tool MashaALLAH!
2. A Qur'an Research Tool having all important books dealing with Qur'anic Morphology, Qur'anic Syntax, Qur'an Tafsir and other Qur'anic Studies areas, all of which can be studied instantly and together just by inputting Surah number and Ayat number like 001.001 and as a result displaying the relevant pages from all these books together for that like Arabic Almanac. Index a page based on last Ayat on the page. It can be made containing all books used in Qur'an Ayat Navigator 2 which is a PDF tool that can be used till an Arabic Almanac style tool is designed. In 1st stage, only I'raab ul Qur'an books may be targeted for this tool like Arabic Almanac. Indexes and PDFs from Qur'an Ayat Navigator 2 to be used inshaALLAH! As a next step I plan to add the books suggested by some teachers to brother Erik to Qur'an Ayat Navigator 2 (all except 2) and once all the books are added and brother Erik has sufficient free time, he can prepare the tool inshaALLAH!
This detailed how to guide below is recommended officially on:
What is Arabic Almanac :
Arabic Almanac is MashaALLAH! the Ultimate Arabic Vocabulary Tool using which you can study & research 31 dictionaries together by 1. Setting priorities of which book to display 1st and which next and so on for all 31 books.
2. If you don't know any of the languages, simply hide the book from that language.
3. Searching a root
(Note: If you don't know how to identify a root, see posts list ranging from identifying roots for words automatically without any skill to learning skills of root identification.)
4. Studying & researching the contents on that root including the words derived from that root in all the 31 dictionaries.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to study as many roots and their derived words as you want to study.
Simply search a root and you will have relevant root searched and displayed in all the books, saving a lot of time and effort, and allowing fast study and research.
Total unique books included = 40 + 3 planned
14 Arabic Arabic Dictionaries + 2 planned
13 Arabic English Dictionaries (Lane's Lexicon and its supplement counted as 1)
7 Arabic Urdu Dictionaries
1 Egyptian Arabic to English Dictionary
1 Arabic French Dictionary
1 Arabic Indonesian Dictionary
2 Arabic Malaysian Dictionaries
1 Arabic Bangla Dictionary
1 Arabic German Dictionary (planned, not yet included)
What is The Mawrid Reader:
Mawrid Reader is a Word based Dictionaries tool containing dictionaries sorted according to words instead of roots.
1. Setting priorities of which book to display 1st and which next.
2. If you don't know any of the 2 languages, simply hide the book from that language.
3. Searching a word
4. Studying & researching the contents on that word in both the dictionaries.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to study as many words as you want to study.
Simply search a word and you will have relevant word searched and displayed both the books, saving a lot of time and effort, and allowing fast study and research.
Total dictionaries included = 2
Download both tools together for very fast use along with 3rd beta tool:
Both tools have same zipped download folder, after downloading you can find aa.html and mawrid.html to open and use both the tools respectively. A 3rd tool MH which is in beta stage is also available in this downloadable folder.
Size = about 3.9 GB
Direct Download from Archive
Right click above link and download using any good download manager (pause & resume of download is possible if you are using a download manager. Downloaded version is recommended because it saves time during study and next or previous pages or next searched root is displayed immediately instead of loading from internet.
Official Readme for all tools:
List of Dictionaries included in Arabic Almanac:
The English dictionaries include:
- Lane’s Lexicon and supplement
- Arabic English Dictionary of Qur’anic Usage by Badawi and Abdel Haleem
- Vocabulary of The Holy Qur’an by Abdullah Abbas Nadwi
- Dictionary and Glossary of The Qur’an by Penrice
- Verbal Idioms of The Qur’an by Mustansir Mir
- Dictionary of The Holy Qur’an by Malik Ghulam Farid
- Arabic English Dictionary by Hans Wehr 4th edition
- Arabic English Dictionary by Hava
- Arabic English Dictionary by Steingass
- Dictionary of The Holy Qur'an
- Lughaat ul Qur'an by GA parvez (English Translation)
- Concordance of The Sublime Qur'an by Laleh Bakhtiar
- A concordance of The Qur'an by Hanna E. Kassis
- Urdu Translation of Mufraadaat alfaaz al Qur’an by Raghib Asfahaany
- Urdu Translation of Mukhtaar us Sihaah by al Raazi
- Urdu dictionary Qaamoos ul Waheed based on Arabic dictionary Mu’jam al Waseet
- Urdu Translation of al Munjid by Ismat Abu Saleem (new edition)
- Qaamoos Alfaaz o Istelehaat e Qur'an by Amin Ahsan Islahi
- Lughaat ul Qur'an by GA parvez
- Urdu Translation of Vocabulary of The Holy Qur'an by Abdullah Abbas Nadwi
- Lisaan ul Arab by Ibn e Manzoor لِسَانُ الْعَرَب
- Mufradaat ul Qur'an by Raghib
- Asaas al Balaaghah by Zamakhshari
- Umdat ul Huffaaz Qur'an Dictionary
- Muheet ul Muheet by Butras Bustaani
- Tasheeh Lisan ul Arab
- Misbaah ul Muneer by Fuyyumi
- Al Munjid
- Al Mu'jam al Ishtiqaqi l Muassal lil Alfaz il Qur'an il Kareem
- At Tahqeeq fi Kalimat il Qur'an il Kareem by Mustafavi (planned, not yet included)
- A Dictionary of Egyptian Arabic by Badawi and Hinds (Arabic to English)
- Maqayis al Lughah by Ibn e Faris
- Kitab ul 'Ayn by Al Khaleel
- Mufradaat ul Qur'an by Farahi
- Al Mu'jam al Mufahras li Alfaz al Qur'an il Kareem by Fawad Abdul Baqy
- The Clear Concordances of The Holy Qur'an by Mohamed Al Dabbagh (planned, not yet included)
- Mu'jam Mufradaat al-Taalib
- Dictionnaire Arabe-Francais by Kazimirski
- Kamus Arab-Indonesia Terlengkap by KH. Ahmad Warson Munawwir
- Qaamoos Idrees al Marbawi by Muhammad Idrees
- Ensiklopedia Al-Quran
- Qur'anic Arabic by Yaehia
- Arabic German Dictionary by Hans Wehr (5th edition) (planned, not yet included)
- English: Al Mawrid by Dr. Rohi Baalbaki.
- Urdu: Lughaat ul Qur'an by Abdur Rasheed Noumani.
Below I try to explain Arabic Almanac & Mawrid Reader it in detail using screenshots and also Mabhath ut Taalib quickly.
Click images to view in full size.
How to Use :
Downloading for very fast offline study
(Using downloaded version is highly recommended since it saves time and can work without the need of internet)
1 . Download all 3 tools for very fast offline use (size is about 3.9 GB) .
Right click above link and download using any good download manager (pause & resume of download is possible if you are using a download manager. I am using freedownloadmanager to download this). Downloaded version is recommended because it saves time during study and next or previous pages or next searched root is displayed immediately instead of loading from internet.
Also see : for official readme instructions.
2. After downloading unzip or unrar the folder using any free unzip or unrar software.
3. Open the main folder, showing 3 sub-folders aa, mr and mh.
4. Create shortcut to these 2 files i.e. aa.html and mawrid.html and copy or move the shortcut to your desktop or any folder that you access easily.
Creating shortcut for aa.html
Creating shortcut for mawrid.html
5. Now on the shortcut or file, right click and choose open with to open with browser of your choice, and choose and set a browser as default.
6. On your laptop or PC, now open the shortcut to aa.html and mawrid.html directly. Open both the shortcuts 1 by 1 and some browsers like opera open them as tabs in same window. Below screenshot shows me using opera browser to open both the files together 1 by 1 and both tabs in same window so that I can quickly study both the tools side by side.
aa tab active.
mawrid tab active
7. To view mh, use firefox as this is properly displayed in firefox only without any additional browser settings.
8. To view on your mobile : Copy the folders aa, mr and mh to your mobile on the memory card (preferred). i.e. instead of downloading to mobile, copy from laptop/PC to your mobile. Almanac readme also gives instructions on this step, see quoted text below. Size is about 3.9 GB
""The size is about 3.9 GB. The zip file contains three folders: "aa", "mr" and "mh". Copy these from your pc to the SD card on your phone/tablet/phablet for a superfast and compact reference for use on the go. For desktops you should then be able to do "File->Open" and select the index.html or mawrid.html file within the aa, mr, or mh folder for root based (Almanac), alphabetical dictionaries (Mawrid etc) and text based (Mabhath) respectively. On smart phones & tablets the best way is to install the free Astro file manager and navigate to the aa, mr or mh folder that you've extracted from the zip file onto the sdcard. Tap the index.html or mawrid.html file and it should let you open in any of the browsers you have installed. I recommend Firefox as it seems to work without any issues."
As further explanation copy the folder on main SD card drive instead of within any other folder.
You can open the file on your mobile by typing address like below in your browser :
etc. depending on your mobile type and location where you placed the folder
main part is file://localhost/sdcard
Here is screenshot from a mobile.
How to use:
1. aa.html allows entering and searching a root in all the available dictionaries and then presents the results in all the dictionaries and mawrid.html allows entering and searching a word without harkaat in both the dictionaries. Mabhath ut Taalib index.html in MH folder allows entering part of root and selecting from available roots using drop down menu.
2. Open the files 1 by 1.
3. 1st of all set priority in which you want to view the dictionaries. Click the settings menu (3 bar button), see below screen shot:
4. Set priorities by selecting the dictionaries priority based on which dictionaries you want to study 1st. You can set any priority. To set priorities, see below screenshot: After setting all books priorities click Save & Close button at the bottom. Once you have set the priorities, you can select the portion of the address aa.html onwards i.e. #and all text after it and copy and save this text in notepad and also email yourself. Later if you need to copy same setting in some other computer or browser simply replace the # and all text after it with copied text to set immediately and then choose Save & Close.
5. Using the buttons. See below screenshot. with descriptions of buttons within screenshot.
6. To show a book you hid previously, click show button
7. Keyboard shortcuts:
To open search box, type: f
To search results after entering root in search box, click OK or press Enter on keyboard.
To open search box via mouse click image of a book.
To make shifts between fit width and full width modes type : w
To make shifts between full width mode and mobile (column) mode type : v
To move to previous page on book being displayed, press left arrow on keyboard.
To move to next page on book being displayed, press right arrow on keyboard.
8. Search Box and Search:
In search box, type in English to search a root quickly or if you have capability of typing Arabic directly, type the Arabic roots. See below conversions from which you can type using any method.
/ means OR . For example, kh/x/X means you can type any of the 3 options kh OR x OR X for خ .
Double letters (with single letter option also) :
th/v/V -> "ث" gh/g/G -> "غ"
kh/x/X -> "خ" sh/$ -> "ش"
dh/* -> "ذ"
Different cases (normal and capital) :
d -> "د" t -> "ت"
D -> "ض" T -> "ط"
z -> "ز" h -> "ه"
Z -> "ظ" H -> "ح"
s -> "س"
S -> "ص"
All other "normal" letters (simple cases) :
a/A -> "ا" q/Q -> "ق"
b/B -> "ب" k/K -> "ك"
j/J -> "ج" l/L -> "ل"
7 -> "ح" m/M -> "م"
r/R -> "ر" n/N -> "ن"
w/W -> "و" y/Y -> "ي"
f/F -> "ف" e/E/3 -> "ع"
The root can be searched without spaces or with spaces. With spaces is required if you are inputting any of the letters via double letter method i.e. 2 English letters for an Arabic letter OR if ه comes as any of the root letters except 1st.
Below screenshot showing without spaces method since no double letter method chosen.
Below screenshot showing with spaces between root letters method since I have chosen double letter option for ش i.e. sh instead of $
Also roots with ه as any letter except 1st, also have to be typed with spaces. For example, if you want to search س ه ر , typing shr will give ش ر instead of س ه ر .
So type s h r (i.e. with spaces) to get س ه ر .
After entering the root to be searched press Enter or click OK
To search words in Mawrid reader, enter the letters of the word without harkaat or tashdeed etc. Just letters. e.g. to search قَيُّوم you can type qywm. See below screenshot, I have typed qywm in search.
9. If you don't know how to identify a root, see posts list ranging from identifying roots for words automatically without any skill to learning skills of root identification.
10. Start reading the books in priority you set, some roots are covered on multiple pages, use next arrow button or next arrow key in keyboard to view next pages of same book. To view previous page, click left arrow button or left arrow key on keyboard.
11. After reading 1 book, start reading the root in next book and so on till you check all books you want to study the root in.
12. Troubleshooting suggestions:
Efforts have been made to display correct page for root, but on rare occasions some books display few pages before or after required page, you can use right arrow button or key or left arrow button or key few times to reach the required page on the book.
In case result seems too far away from the target root, you can also search nearest root and navigate few pages ahead of it or before it using arrow buttons or keys.
Some books arrange roots with same 2nd and 3rd root letter as ف ع instead of ف ع ع . For such if you can't find the root, navigate few pages. e.g. the root ض ل ل is found in Lane's Lexicon under ض ل .
Some of the Urdu books had arranged few roots in non alphabetical order. If you can't find the root in an Urdu book, to see whether that book has covered the root somewhere, see all roots starting with the letter that root is starting with in the book. e.g. if I can't find ر و ح in an Urdu book, I can search ر and then check all roots from that book starting with ر . This method can be used on other language books also in case you can't find a root.
13. Still any issue, or any help required in using Arabic Almanac or you think I should explain any other thing regarding Arabic Almanac in this guide, feel free to comment here or contact me revivearabic @ any time. You can also contact the owner of the site : ejtaal @
Appendix 1 -
Links to download most of the Dictionaries included in Arabic Almanac & Mawrid Reader:
The English dictionaries :
Lane’s Lexicon and supplement
Arabic English Dictionary of Qur’anic Usage by Badawi and Abdel Haleem
Vocabulary of The Holy Qur’an by Abdullah Abbas Nadwi
Dictionary and Glossary of The Qur’an by Penrice
Verbal Idioms of The Qur’an by Mustansir Mir
Dictionary of The Holy Qur’an by Malik Ghulam Farid (warning: This dictionary was written by a Qadiani , so use with caution. However, the dictionary is useful and bias is limited.)
Arabic English Dictionary by Hans Wehr 4th edition
Arabic English Dictionary by Hava
Arabic English Dictionary by Steingass
Al Mawrid by Dr. Rohi Baalbaki
Lughaat ul Qur'an by GA parvez (English Translation)
Concordance of The Sublime Qur'an by Laleh Bakhtiar
A concordance of The Qur'an by Hanna E. Kassis
Dictionary of The Holy Qur'an (warning: This dictionary was written by a Qadiani , so use with caution. Bias is there in some roots and words and referencing style is vague.)
The Urdu dictionaries :
Urdu Translation of Mufraadaat alfaaz al Qur’an by Raghib Asfahaany
Lughaat ul Qur'an by Abdur Rasheed Noumani. New scan 2 PDF formats & images , Old scan direct links : P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6
Urdu Translation of Mukhtaar us Sihaah by al Raazi
Urdu dictionary Qaamoos ul Waheed based on Arabic dictionary Mu’jam al Waseet
Urdu Translation of al Munjid by Ismat Abu Saleem (extended edition)
Qaamoos Alfaaz o Istelehaat e Qur'an by Amin Ahsan Islahi
Lughaat ul Qur'an by GA parvez (warning: the dictionary is by a sunnah rejector, use with caution. Still the dictionary has some useful and unique material in some roots)
Urdu Translation of Vocabulary of The Holy Qur'an by Abdullah Abbas Nadwi
The Arabic Dictionaries:
Lisaan ul Arab by Ibn e Manzoor لِسَانُ الْعَرَب
Mufradaat ul Qur'an by Raghib
Asaas al Balaaghah by Zamakhshari : P1 , P2
Umdat ul Huffaaz Qur'an Dictionary
Muheet ul Muheet by Butras Bustaani (preface)
Tasheeh Lisan ul Arab
Misbaah ul Muneer by Fuyyumi (preface)
Al Munjid (preface) (black and white, Almanac version is colored)
Al Mu'jam al Ishtiqaqi l Muassal lil Alfaz il Qur'an il Kareem
At Tahqeeq fi Kalimat il Qur'an il Kareem by Mustafavi . [planned, not yet included]
Maqayis al Lughah by Ibn e Faris
Kitab ul 'Ayn by Al Khaleel
Mufradaat ul Qur'an by Farahi
The Clear Concordances of The Holy Qur'an by Mohamed Al Dabbagh [1st book of the 3 planned, not yet included]
Al Mu'jam al Mufahras li Alfaz al Qur'an il Kareem by Fawad Abdul Baqy
Mu'jam Mufradaat al-Taalib
Egyptian Arabic Dictionary:
A Dictionary of Egyptian Arabic by Badawi and Hinds
The French Dictionary :
Dictionnaire Arabe-Francais by Kazimirski : P1 , P2
The Indonesian Dictionary :
Kamus Arab-Indonesia Terlengkap by KH. Ahmad Warson Munawwir
The Malaysian Dictionaries :
Qaamoos Idrees al Marbawi by Muhammad Idrees. (images in .rar folder)
Ensiklopedia Al-Quran (images in .rar folder)
The Bangla Dictionary
Qur'anic Arabic by Muhammad Abu Hena and Muhammad Yaehia
The German Dictionary
Arabic German Dictionary by Hans Wehr (5th edition) [planned, not yet included]
Appendix 2:
Books considered but not added to Arabic Almanac in below folder
Following folder contains reference PDFs and excel list in case any one wants any other book included.
Folder containing books which were considered but not added to Arabic Almanac
Appendix 3:
The Owner of Arabic Almanac, the man behind the genius idea for such a tool - Erik Jan Taal:
Official site
Erik Jan Taal's memorial picture. I added memorial pictures for Dr. Kais Omar Nabeel Dukes famous for his project The Quranic Arabic Corpus on Dr. Kais Dukes has Died and is no longer with us because he died, apparently late in 2023 or early in 2024. Memorial picture (apparently from 2017 or a little earlier) added for Erik Jan Taal also in this post, since mashaALLAH! he is still alive, but apparently, he has firmly decided to halt all work on Arabic Almanac or any related tool, so the project is dead. Quranic Arabic Corpus project is dead because Kais Dukes died, but Arabic Almanac project is dead because Erik Jan Taal who initiated this project, himself killed his project. He has not even transfered dev version (with multiple additional books) to https and has changed the name from to rendering all links from the many sites and tools linking it to become completely wasted, and also harmed SEO for his own website.

Memorial screenshots from 2016 in which I recommended some books and held back from recommending some books to Erik in 2016

