Download Free PDF Books to learn Arabic Grammar & Vocabulary

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Qur'an Concordance : Arabic & English 
Arabic Grammar and Vocabulary PDF books and more in English
Arabic Grammar and Vocabulary PDF books and more in Urdu
Arabic Grammar and Vocabulary PDF books and more in Arabic
Quick Study Tools on The Qur'an and For Studying and Learning Arabic Online

Qur'an Concordance - Arabic & English

Al Mu'jam ul Mufahras ush Shamil li Alfaz il Qur'an il Kareem bir Rasm il Uthmani

The Clear Concordances of The Holy Qur'an PDF (411 MB) by Mohamed Al-Dabbagh, preview (Includes 3 books: (book 1) Root based concordance, (book 3) Word based concordance, and (book 2) Roots for The Qur'anic Words mentioned with The Qur'anic Text). You can see Identifying The Root for a Qur'anic Word Series for getting the roots for Qur'anic Words quickly. 

Mafsal Aayaat il Qur'an .

Mu'jam al Mufahras li Alfaz il Qur'an il Kareem: PDF format 1 , preface format 1 , PDF format 2Online Folder with Formats 1 and 2  . 

Particles Concordance : Mu'jam Huroof il Ma'ani fil Qur'an il Kareem .


Arabic Grammar & Vocabulary PDF books & more in English

Following is a collection of freely downloadable useful books and tools in English for learning Arabic Language, Grammar & Vocabulary. 

Classical Arabic Grammar Book, can be used as a text book + reference book
Mirror for this and below 2 sections ,

A comprehensive Classical Arabic Grammar book in English. Important for serious students of Classical Arabic Grammar. Always study Qur’anic & Classical Arabic Grammar for Islamic study. Modern standard Arabic is different.

Wright Arabic Grammar Blog Post with introduction and download links in 2 high quality formats

High quality versions with multiple options i.e. downloading colored & black & white pdf & djvu. 

A Grammar of the Arabic Language by W. Wright Volume 1 , 

A Grammar of the Arabic Language by W. Wright Volume 2 ,

Alternate high quality versions with multiple options i.e. downloading colored & black & white pdf & djvu. 

A Grammar of the Arabic Language by W. Wright Volume 1 , 

A Grammar of the Arabic Language by W. Wright Volume 2 .

Classical Arabic Grammar Book, can be used as reference book

A Grammar of the Classical Arabic Grammar by Mortimer Sloper Howell :
(This 7 book set is the largest Arabic Grammar book in English ever written)

Howell Arabic Grammar blog post with introduction and download links for various formats

Download all 7 books in all available formats including OCR 2013, Snap 2013, and Google & Microsoft formats from online folder ,

Google & Microsoft Scan from archive ,

2013 OCR and Snap formats from archive  ,

Fischer Arabic Grammar

A Grammar of Classical Arabic by Wolfdietrich Fischer 3rd edition .

Al Ajurrumiyyah English

An Introductary Classical Text with Translation and Notes (Original PDF)
Split PDF for ease of study as original PDF mixes content in difficult to study manner: 
Text and Translation , Notes , Other pages

Aspects of sentence analysis in the Arabic linguistic tradition, with particular reference to ellipsis.
PHD Thesis by Al-Liheibi, Fahd M M.

Arabic Morphology and Phonology - based on the Marah Al-Arwah by Ahmad b. Ali b. Mas'ud

The Complexity of the Irregular Verbal and Nominal Forms & Phonological Changes in Arabic

Abu Faris ad Dahdah Books with English (

A Dictionary of Terms of Declension and Structure in Universal Arabic Grammar .  
Note:  for Arabic to English (start from 1st page) , for English to Arabic start from last page

Online lessons .

System of Inflexion

A Grammar of The Arabic Language According to The Principles Taught and Maintained in The Schools of Arabia - System of Inflexion Amil and Sharh English Translation with Annotations 

Colored PDF format , Black & white PDF format .

Arabic Syntax (as a supplement to above book) .

Dr V Abdur Rahim’s free material for learning Arabic ,

The Rightful Recital:

Useful and Rare posts on The Qur’an and Arabic 

Basics of Classical Arabic Grammar

Arabic Grammar & Vocabulary Posts:  Selection 1 , Selection 2 ,

Arabic Tutor 1 , Arabic Tutor 2 ,

Arabic Tutor 3 , Arabic Tutor 4 ,

Arabic Grammar Easy Syntax ,

Treasures of Arabic Morphology ,

A summary of Tasreef Part 1 , A summary of Tasreef Part 2 ,

Useful Lessons in Arabic Syntax , Guidance in An-Nahw ,

An Exegesis of the Arabic Word , Arabic Nouns ,

Learn The Language of The Holy Qur’an by Dr. Abdullah Abbas Nadwi : Format 1 , Format 2 ,

Lisan ul Qur’an Part 1,2,3 and keys ,

Al-ajurumiyyah English collection 5 pdfs and 3 docs .

Essentials of Arabic Grammar for learning Qur’anic language by Brig (R) Zahoor Ahmed ,

Fundamentals of Arabic Grammar , Fundamentals of Classical Arabic Volume 2 (Draft) .

Tasheel al Nahw ,

Arabic Through The Qur’an by Alan Jones .

Basic vocabulary ,

A very brief journey through Arabic Grammar ,

Combined format of some lecture notes ,

101 Rules ,

Some free material on Arabic Grammar ,

Arabic Verb Conjugator ,

Lisan ul Arab Blog ,

Attempted application of grammar rules
(Only for experienced users. Page numbers according to Adobe editable page box. Read following pages only : in reverse 247 to 219, on which gramatical analysis is attempted in pages 1 to 77. Page above 1 gives abbreviations. Then on page 1 right click mouse and choose rotate clockwise. Use with caution / additional verification.)

Various Courses & material for learning basic Arabic (No longer free, and too shallow)

Assimilation in Classical Arabic – A Phonological Study (PHD Document) .

English Explanation of Binaa al Af’aal .

A treatise concerning the permutations of letters in the Arabic Language .

Learning Arabic Language of The Qur’an by Izzath Uroosa

Ilm Fruits site with Arabic learning posts .

Arabic Letters Research by Mansour .

Mansour posts on Arabic letters in French : Google Translated (English) .

An Explanation of the Matnu-l-Ajurruumiyyah in English

Essentials of Qur’anic Arabic by Masood Ranginwala .

All The Arabic You Never Learned First Time Around Searchable PDF (Modern Standard Arabic).

Arabic made easy .

Old arabic site on tripod (Unique material on Arabic Grammar in English, but incomplete.Warning:  use with caution due to intolerable banner ads)

Comprehensive spreadsheet on basics of Arabic Grammar by Afzal Muhammad: View online , Folder for downloading 2 versions of the sheet and author email , introduction video.

Arabic Verb Conjugation Tables etc. by Feroz Ali Meghani .

Brief book on Arabic Syntax .

Modern Standard Arabic:

A Reference Grammar of Modern Standard Arabic (Karin C. Ryding)

A practical grammar of written Arabic in 200 lessons: Colored PDF , Black & White PDF .

Arabic English Dictionary: The Hans Wehr Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic 4th edition .

A Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic by Hans Wehr 3rd edition .

Selected books from al3arabiya .

Syntax of Modern Arabic Prose by Vicente Cantarino Volume 1 , Volume 2 , Volume 3 .

Some Reference Classical Arabic Vocabulary Material
Concordance of The Qur'an Patterns, Roots, Letters

Qur'an Ayat Navigators

(Read Notes below before using this material)
Lane’s Arabic-English Lexicon : on Archive in multiple formats  , PDF files , DJVU files , Online StudyingLL with English search , single searchable .txt file , with Arabic Almanac . (along with many other dictionaries) , Search after pasting roots without spaces , Lane's Lexicon online in typed and copyable text format .

Qur’anic Arabic Corpus ,

Al Furooq al Lughawiyyah Arabic and English Thesis - a thesaurus for distinctions of meaning between assumed synonyms in Arabic  :

Blog post ,

Download PDF Arabicmirror for PDF in Arabic .

Download PDF English , mirror for PDF in English .

Arabic English Dictionary of Qur’anic Usage Badawi and Abdul Haleem (complete book)

Vocabulary of the Holy Qur’an by Dr. Abdullah Abbas Nadwi

4 Basic Qur’anic Terms : English translation ,

Qur’an Synonyms - English Translation of Mutaraadifaat ul Qur’an by Kilani by

PRL (Project Root List) ,

English Translation of Lughat ul Qur'an of G.A Parwez by QES : V1 , V2 , V3 , V4 .
(use with caution & additional verification since it is written & translated by Sunnah rejectors)

Dictionary of the Qur’an by Qadiani (Non-Muslim)

Dictionary of about 1400+ roots from Qur’an by Qadianis (Non-Muslims).

A Dictionary and Glossary of The Qur’an by John Penrice . 

The Easy Dictionary of The Qur’an by Abdul Karim Parekh .

Qur’anic Keywords a Reference Guide by Abdur Rashid Siddiqui (Search words in various books, mostly Arabic)

Qur’an dev research tool , roots tool .

Open Burhan ,

Translations comparison ,

Mazhar A Nurani’s Site ,

Classical Arabic to English Dictionary by Hava (very shallow in meanings)

Dictionary of Qur’anic Terms and Concepts by Mustansir Mir .

The student’s Arabic English Dictionary by Steingass .

Ethico Religious Concepts in The Qur’an by Toshihiko Izutsu .

Glossary of Islamic Terms by Aisha Bewley .

A Comparative Lexical Study of Qur'anic Arabic by Martin. R. Zammit .

5 volume Tafsir by Qadiani (Non-Muslim) : Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 , Part 5
(use with caution and additional verification, mainly linked because
the notes on words given as important words contain some useful

Appendix : Due to 3 books in this section by Qadianis, you must also visit Detailed refutation of Qadianis , More books on refutation of Qadianis .

Notes: Lane’s Lexicon can be used, & is a recognized Arabic Vocabulary tool, but for roots starting with qaaf, kaaf, laam, miim, nuun, hay, waw & ya, explanation & material on roots is usually not complete since Lane died while working on qaaf, & later his nephew completed the work mostly using Lane’s notes. Lane’s Lexicon with English search has some typing errors in Arabic but still can be used “To copy paste the text from the lexicon (after which you will have to verify the Arabic words using any other free scanned Lane’s Lexicon relevant material)” and “To search English words”. To start navigating it, click the blue arrow on the left of Edward William Lane. Qur’anic Arabic Corpus can be a useful tool but is incomplete and not updated since May 2011, so use with additional verification & caution. PRL can be used for quickly studying or downloading Lane’s Lexicon relevant pages for roots used in the Qur’an & for checking which derivatives of a root have been used in which Ayaat, but it is incomplete since a long time. Avoid the English meanings of PRL completely if you aren’t experienced. from which Lane’s Lexicon 1st 2 links & PRL are linked is run by a Sunnah rejecter, so try to avoid his remaining material. In Dictionary of The Qur’an, negative bias is expected in some meanings like khatama, wafa etc. I mainly recommend using the list of roots used in the Qur’an & derived words for each root used in the Qur’an from this book but study the English material with caution since source referencing style is vague & he is a Qadiani. Dictionary of about 1400+ roots is a vocabulary specific dictionary (focusing on vocabulary & usage, not grammar) that can be used by experienced users with caution since qadiani bias is expected at some places. Open Burhan is an online concordance tool by a Sunnah rejecter & is not complete yet, so use with caution. Translations comparison tool is only for those who understand sufficient Arabic & just want to check out how others have translated various Ayaat to help them further in their translation attempts, some of the translations given in it are by deviant groups. Mazhar A Nurani’s site has some grammar notes that experienced users may study. Some views by him are unacceptable e.g. he rejects return of Hazrat ‘Eesa (pbuh) despite obvious hints in the Qur’an & his translation attempts contain extra words. Qur’an dev tool appears to be based on corpus site and thus limitations of corpus site, may appear in it also.

Some Ideas and Works on Context Usage for study of Qur’an

Verbal Idioms of the Qur’an .

Coherence in the Qur’an

(Above 2 books are to be used with caution since author sometimes uses baseless comments e.g. deceptively simple, linguistic problems (i.e. if he can’t understand something in Qur’an, it means his skill problem not a problem or complexity in Qur’an) and sometimes criticizes other methods via unjustified sweeping statements e.g. using word atomistic.)

Tadabbur e Qur’an

Root Lists
(Selected roots from the Qur’an on which detailed study recommended)
Recently 4 priorities also assigned to root list 1 with 318 roots

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Arabic Rhetoric Books in English

Arabic Rhetoric - A Pragmatic Analysis

Arabic Grammar & Vocabulary PDF books & more in Urdu

Following is a collection of freely downloadable useful books and tools in Urdu for learning Arabic Language, Grammar & Vocabulary .

Mufradat ul Qur’an – Ar Raghib Urdu Translation , Mirror old print: Part 1 , Part 2 , Mirror new print: Part 1 , Part 2 ,

Mutaradifat ul Qur’an by Abdur Rahman Kilani

Anwar ul Bayan fi Hall e Lughat ul Qur’an

Format 1: Volume 1 , Volume 2 , Volume 3 , Volume 4 .

Format 2: Volume 1 , Volume 2 , Volume 3 , Volume 4 .

Qur’an ki 4 bunyaadi istilaahain

Taiseer ul Qur’an Dictionary – Ata ur Rahman Saqib : Part 1 .

Muntakhib Lughaat ul Qur'an

Volume 1 , Volume 2

Sharh Alfaaz ul Qur'an

Volume 1 , Volume 2 

Basic Word by Word Qur’an translation using 3 colors of .

Some notes on ‘airab of Qur’an . 

I'raab ul Qur'an wa Tafseeruhu para 30

1701 pages book Qawaid Zaban e Qur’an, New handwritten edition November 2011: Part 1 , Part 2 , computer edition: Part 1 , Part 2 , contact .

Misbaah ul Ma'aani .

Mukhtaar Us Sihaah of Razi – Urdu Translation in 3 formats .

Lughaat ul Qur’an : Part1 , Part2 , Part3 , Part4 , Part5 , Part6 , Rescan uploaded in 2 PDF formats & 2 image formats .

Qamoos Alfaz ul Qur’an al Kareem by Abdullah Abbas Nadwi. Its Urdu translation.

Qur'an Majeed kay Adby Israar o Ramooz . 

Urdu Sharh Marah al Arwah  .

Aasaan Arbi Grammar 1 of 3 ,

Aasaan Arbi Grammar 2 of 3 ,

Aasaan Arbi Grammar 3 of 3 ,

Aasaan Arbi Grammar 4 as supplement on weak verbs etc.

Urdu Translation of Sharh Ibn e Aqeel : Part 1 , Part 2 ,

Brief notes on Aasan Arbi Grammar series

Qur’ani Soorton ka Nazm e Jali , New Edition .

Tuhfat un Nahreer bi sharh Nawh e Meer Part 1 ,

Qamoos ul Qur’an by Qazi Zain ul Abideen Urdu ,

Qaamoos alfaaz o Istelaahaat e Qur’an by Amin Ahsan Islahi .

Arabi ka Mu’allim 4 volumes, 4 keys, 2 formats .

Masail an Nahw wal Sarf ,

Alfaz e Mutaradifa kay Darmyan Farq ,

Mukhtasar Arbi Qawaid .

Misbaah ul Lughaat An Arabic Urdu Lexicon .

Al Munjid An Arabic Urdu Lexicon : Format 1 , Format 2 , Format 3 .

Al Munjid-fi-l-Lughah’s Urdu Translation .

Al Mujam al Waseet .

Tafsir Qurtuby: Volume 1 , complete Urdu translation .

Qur’an Majeed ki Lughwi Tashreeh Para 1 .

Al Qamoos ul Waheed Arabic Urdu Lexicon 1918 pages

Lisan ul Qur’an : Volume 1 , Volume 2 , Volume 3 , Key 1 , Key 2 , Key 3 .

Mu’allim ul Insha : Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 ,

Qawaid as Sarf : Part1 , Part2 ,

Tasveer ul Qur’an .

Ilm al Zabat .

Ta’leem an Nahw .

Aasaan Grammar , New edition , Sharah Tayseer ul Qur’an .

Bunyaadi Arbi Qawaid ,

Peace TV : Aao Qur’an Samjhein ,

Asbaaq ul Nahw part 1 by Hamid-ud-Din Farahi ,

More Arabic Grammar Books in Urdu .

Dars e Nizami Shuroohaat collection , more  (download the Arabic learning books from these sets) 

Arbi seekhain ,

Kitaab us Sarf Jadeed ,

Arbi Graimer ,

Tasheel al Sarf ,

Tasheel al Nahw ,

Miftah ul Insha ,

Urdu : Arabic Grammar notes on few topics : part 1 , part 2 .

Urdu Arabic Grammar course videos and 1 PDF by Amir Sohail : PDF , lectures , more 1 , more 2 .

Urdu: video lectures on Arabic Grammar (Go to multimedia, select by category, select Arabic Grammar)

Mukhtar an Nahw .

Arabic Urdu Lughat (Warning: This Arabic Urdu Lughat by Sunnah Rejector, use with caution and additional verification)

Al Basheer al Kaamil Sharah miat 'aamil .

Aasaan Khaasiyyaat e Abwaab , blog post 

Qur'ani Araby Seekhiay .

Mu'jam ul Qur'an on personalities, nations, countries etc. mentioned in the Qur'an

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Arabic Grammar & Vocabulary PDF books & more in Arabic

Following is a collection of freely downloadable useful books and tools in Arabic for learning Arabic Language, Grammar & Vocabulary .

Airab information for Qur’anic Words + Sarf information for selected Words .

Word by Word airab information for Words in The Qur’an , mirror .

A book on Grammar information for Qur’anic words , alternate link .

Another book on Grammar information for Qur’anic words ,

A site on airaab information for Qur’an ,

Online Book on Qur’anic Airaab and Bayaan by Darwaish .

Qur’an research site in Arabic 1 ,

Qur’an research site in Arabic 2 ,

Qur’an research site in Arabic 3 ,

Qur’an research site in Arabic 4 ,

Study any Qur'anic Ayat in detail in multiple Arabic Tafaaseer
(Qur’anic studies books with online viewing & download option, the format of pdfs is such that you can easily search words. click ctrl+f, search box will appear in pdf, use arabic typing tool to type the word, paste it in pdf search box and search. Search without harkaat to find more results)

At Tahqeeq fi Kalimat il Qur'an il Kareem by Mustafavi .

Partial : Al Mu'jam fi Fiqh Lughat ul Qur'an wa Sirre Balaaghat (24 volumes available)

sirru Sina'at il i'rab : preface , book . (See index of words at the end to note down page numbers and then study useful notes on the word you want to study)  .

Partial work : Al Mu'jam ul Kabeer - Majma' ul Lughat il 'Arabiyyah bi l qaahirah ا to ذ Volumes 1 to 8 combined PDF , Separate PDF volumes  01 , 02 , 03 , 04 , 05 , 06 , 07 , 08 .

القَرَارَاتُ النّحويَّةُ والتّصْرِيفيَّةُ لمجَّمَع اللّغَة العربيّة بالقَاهِرَة
مجلة علوم اللغة PDF set of 40
مجلة مجمع اللغة العربية Set 1 , Set 2 , Set 3 . (search roots & words in Lisaan ul Arab, Maqaayees al Lughat, Qaamoos ul Muheet, As Sihaah fi Lughat, Al’ubaab uz Zaakhir).

alWaraq online research site .

Tafsir e Qurtuby : Format 1 , Format 2 .

Al Muzhir by Suyooty (Encyclopedic in the coverage of Arabic Language and its branches)

Tafsir al Baydawi ,

Taaj ul ‘Uroos , blog post .

Mufradat Ar Raghib ,

Lisaan ul ‘Arab , mirror .

Asaas ul Balaaghah by Zamakhshari .

Al Mufassal of Zamakhshari – Commentary by Ibn Ya’eesh in Arabic: Format 1 , source , Format 2: Part 1 , Part 2 , introduction in German .

Kitaab Sibawayh .

Al Mughni al Labeeb by Ibn Hisham with commentary .

Alfiyyah ibn Maalik with commentary .

Al Muhkam wal Muheet ul A'zam Format 1 (Complete) , Format 2 (study various combinations of a set of Arabic Root Letters together) 

Ad Durr ul Masoon fi Uloom il Kitaab e Maknoon , source . 

Nahw al Wadih ,

Darayatul Nahw ,

islam port research tool .

Siyaghul Jumoo' fil Qur'an il Kareem

Mu'jam al jumoo' fi llughat al 'Arabiya .

al Mu'jam al mufassal fil Jumoo' .

Online Arabic Typing Tool .

qutrub arabic verb conjugator .

BabelPad (unicode text editor for windows)

Arabic Books on archive uploaded by djamel (Only download books on Arabic language and Qur’an)

2 year Madinah Arabic program .

Various PDF downloads for various Arabic Dictionaries which were considered for Arabic Almanac 

Compact tables on Arabic Morphology and Syntax in Arabic : waqfeya , archive

Arabic Language, Syntax & Morphology related Research Papers and Books collection of Muhammad Saeed Rabeeah al Ghamidi : 

Collections : Set 1 , Set 2 , Set 3.

Short Qur'an Dictionary 

Al Mu'jam ul Mufassal fi n Nahw il Arabiy .

Al Mu'jam ul Mufassal fi Ilm is Sarf .

Jami'u ud Duroos il 'Arabiyyah : Title , V01 , V02 , V03 , Intro , 7 part audio book on youtube .

Abu Faris Ad Dahdah Books in Arabic (

Syntax and Translation of The Holy Qur'an 

A Dictionary of Grammatical Analysis in Color from The Holy Qur'an .

Sharhu Alfiyya Ibn Maalik (ebook version with higher quality) .

Sharhu Alfiyya Ibn Maalik (scanned version with lower quality) 

Mu'jam Qawaid il Lughat il Arabiyya : Preface , Book (Compact Arabic Grammar notes in Arabic)

Mu'jam Lughat in Nahw il Arabiyy

verb conjugation  .

The Future of Arabic - A Social Imperative  .

Following are some downloader sites from which you can search and download even more useful books in Arabic .

Arabic Books Downloader Sites : . .

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Quick Study Tools 

Qur'an Quick Ayat Navigator Study Tools for accessing any Surah and Ayat directly 

Arabic Particles & Related Words Quick Online & Offline Study Tool for Study in 15 Arabic Particles Books including Howell Arabic and Wright Arabic and Miat Amil and Arabic Almanac also linked.

Arabic Roots Quick Study Tool - Access any root page directly on Arabic Almanac, Qur'anic Arabic Corpus, Baheth and others

Qur'an Concordance:
Pattern wise Root wise and Letter wise Concordance of The Qur'an

Study & Learn Arabic Online in necessary depth , post by pos
In depth posts on learning Arabic Grammar and Vocabulary and related areas online

User Guides on Useful Arabic Vocabulary tools:
User Guide for Arabic Almanac and Mawrid Reader Step by step detailed guide on how to study 30 & 2 dictionaries together using The Arabic Almanac and Mawrid Reader.

Arabic Keyboard based on buckwalter extended transliteration with 77 characters

Arabic Grammar:
Howell's Arabic Grammar
Howell's Arabic Grammar Online Quick study of Topics, Cross References and Table of Contents

Wright's Arabic Grammar with embedded Quick Study Tool

Sharh of Miatu Amil PDF download with embedded Quick Study Tool

Arabic Verbal Forms meaning shades in depth in Urdu and English

Qawaid Zaban e Qur'an Urdu with embedded Quick Study Tool

Arabic Vocabulary:

Lane's Lexicon : free PDF download and other study options

Lisan ul Arab : multiple editions free PDF download and other study options 

Taj ul Uroos : Free PDFs of Taj ul 'Uroos 

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