Tuesday, January 09, 2024

Arabic Case Theory Project - Nahw - Raf' Nasb Jarr Jazm رفع نصب جرّ جزم as the Next Level of Arabic Patterns Research

Arabic Case Theory Project
Series - Arabic Case Theory Unique Research - Common meaning shades, range of meaning shades, use cases etc. for cases in Arabic:

Deep exploration of all the use cases of cases, to identify core and common meaning shades, range of meanings, and also the use cases and other important factors, instead of just mentioning the types of words that come under each case, as is done conventionally. Unconventional deep research with focus on Quranic usage to attempt to extract core meaning shades and range of meaning shades inshaALLAH!
1. Usage and use cases of نصب in Arabic, inshaALLAH! with a special focus to observe Quranic Usage for the use cases, and attempt to extract the core meaning shades and the range of meaning shades.
2. Usage and use cases of رفع in Arabic, inshaALLAH! with a special focus to observe Quranic Usage for the use cases, and attempt to extract the core meaning shades and the range of meaning shades.
3. Usage and use cases of جرّ in Arabic, inshaALLAH! with a special focus to observe Quranic Usage for the use cases, and attempt to extract the core meaning shades and the range of meaning shades.
4. Usage and use cases of جزم in Arabic, inshaALLAH! with a special focus to observe Quranic Usage for the use cases, and attempt to extract the core meaning shades and the range of meaning shades.

Status : Awaiting funding offer to allocate the due time this project needs to be done seriously and not as a part-time hobby.
Time Tracker for actual work on this Project in funded mode = 00 hours : 00 minutes

Iteration 1 : Raw Notes or Draft Notes as they are extracted:
Not started formally due to lack of interest by potential sponsors and lack of funding, but below reference material may also be consulted by those interested in the research and slow moving : self-funded / unfunded option also initiated. Check the below post for details.

Arabic Case Theory Project - Unfunded or Self-Funded Option - Progress Tracker + Quran Defense Project 2

Reference Material for Initial Stages or Initiation of Research
Quran Concordance Research
Quran Concordance - Patterns - Roots - Letters - Word Sets - Word Domains

Existing Use Cases Research material
كتاب الجمل في النّحو / المحلى وجوه النّصب

Ibn Mada's Ideas :
كِتابُ الرّدّ على النّحاة ـ لابن مَضَاء القرطبي

Ibn Mada' al-Qurtubi and the Book in Refutation of the Grammarians. (1984 PHD Thesis by Ronald G Wolfe)

Evaluation of Ibn Maḍāʼ's criticism of the Arab Grammarians. (1985 PHD Thesis by Naji Abdeljabbar Abdeljaber, University of Michigan)
As per the book preview it seems like a very important book for my planned detailed posts on case theory.

Ideas and Works by some other scholars
في النّحو العربي نقد وتوجيه ـ مهدي المخزومي
نحو التّيسير دراسة ونقد منهجيّ ـ أحمد عبدالسّتار
الإعراب والتركيب بين الشكل والنسبة ـ دراسة تفسيرية
التطور النحوى للغة العربية original PDF , lean PDF .
الفلسفة اللغوية والألفاظ العربية وتاريخ اللغة العربية

Also see some more PDF books at Arabic Case Theory Page at Archive

Ibrahim Mustafa's Ideas :
إحياء النّحو
Printed edition in Arabic : Preface , Book .
Typed edition in Arabic: Book .
Introduction in English extracted from 1984 PHD thesis by Ronald G Wolfe linked above. His understanding of considering accusative case as the default case does not seem correct to me, though his work is still worth studying for useful ideas and for getting new ideas.

A sample screenshot from initial raw un-refined, self-study notes taken by me in 2021 for رفع

Case Theory rough notes from 2021

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