Sunday, September 27, 2015

Qur'an Concordance - Roots - Patterns - Letters - Word Sets - Word Domains - Usage Context - Ayah Initiation

All Thanks and Praises are Only for ALLAH. Any mistake is due to me.

Click below box to toggle between post's dark, light and white modes.

Qur'an Concordance - Roots - Patterns - Letters is MashaALLAH! complete in July 2018.
Qur'an Concordance - Word Sets is MashaALLAH! complete in July 2018.
Qur'an Concordance - Semantic Word Domains (previously called Synonyms) is MashaALLAH! complete in July 2018.
Qur'an Concordance - Semantic Word Domains 2 is MashaALLAH! complete in October 2019.
For Qur'an Usage Context Concordance - Concept and Draft, see Appendix 1.
For concept of improving and further segregating display of Quranic Ayaat Concordance for a Word, see Appendix 2.
Download the PDFs below to start studying.

Last updated 17th July 2018.
Additions and Improvements PDF updated on 24th May 2023.
Qur'an Roots Linker PDF added on 7th September 2018.
Qur'an Roots Linker PDF 2019 edition added on 10th October 2019
Qur'an Roots Linker PDF 2023 edition added on 30th August 2023
Qur'an Roots Linker PDF 2025 edition added on 12th January 2025
Quran Semantic Word Domain Roots Concordance 3 added on 2nd January 2025 (6 books).

Qur'an Patterns and Roots Concordance:

Qur'an Patterns Concordance [7.8 MB]

Qur'an Roots Concordance [7.8 MB]

Qur'an Concordance - Additions & Improvements [560 KB]

Qur'an Root Letters Concordance Series: 

Qur'an Roots FEL Concordance [7.5 MB]

Qur'an Roots FLE Concordance [7.5 MB]

Qur'an Roots EFL Concordance [7.5 MB]

Qur'an Roots ELF Concordance [7.5 MB]

Qur'an Roots LFE Concordance [7.5 MB]

Qur'an Roots LEF Concordance [7.5 MB]

Qur'an Roots Permutation Concordance [5.1 MB]

Qur'an Roots with Common Root Letters [1 MB]

Qur'an Same FE Roots Concordance [7.6 MB]

Qur'an Same EL Roots Concordance [7.7 MB]

Qur'an Same FL Roots Concordance [7.7 MB]

Qur'an FEE and FEFE Roots Concordance [1.5 MB]

Qur'an AWY as F Roots Concordance [1.6 MB]

Qur'an AWY as E Roots Concordance [2.1 MB]

Qur'an AWY as L Roots Concordance [2.1 MB]

Qur'an Roots Linker:

Qur'an Roots Linker 2025 edition[13.9 MB] (with 4 more books)

Qur'an Roots Linker 2023 edition[12.5 MB] (with 3 more books and integration of Arabic Particles Tool relevant entries)

Qur'an Roots Linker 2019 edition [10.5 MB] (with 4 more books)

Qur'an Roots Linker 2018 edition [7.2 MB]

Qur'an Particles & Related Words Linker:

Qur'an Roots Linker 2023 edition has integrated Mu'jam al Adwaat wad-Damaair fil Qur'an il Kareem - AP6 (Arabic Particles Tool 6) along with the books from the Arabic Particles Tool for the entries relevant to The Quran. You may also study these tools separately, but if you want to focus on The Quran, then Quran Roots Linker 2023 will be sufficient inshaALLAH!

Qur'an Word Set Concordance:

Qur'an Word Set Concordance ( edition) [3.8 MB]

Qur'an Word Set Concordance ( edition) [9.3 MB]

Qur'an Word Set Concordance (Quran Morphology Edition Online)

Qur'an Semantic Word Domain Concordance:

Qur'an Semantic Word Domain Roots Concordance [8.1 MB]

Qur'an Semantic Word Domain Topics Concordance [8.1 MB]

Qur'an Semantic Word Domain Roots Concordance 2 [2 MB]

Qur'an Semantic Word Domain Topics Concordance 2 [1.9 MB]

Qur'an Semantic Word Domain Roots Concordance 3 [4.1 MB]

Qur'an Ayah Initiation Concordance:
Qur'an Concordance based on initial letters of an Ayah. InshaALLAH! various PDFs planned to be uploaded in this section:
معجم القرآن الكريم المفهرس ـ معجم أبجدي للآيات

Qur'an Ayah Initiation Concordance 1

معجم آيات القرآن ـ فهرس تفصيلي مرتب على حروف الهجاء

Qur'an Ayah Initiation Concordance 2

Qur'an Topics Based Concordance by Grouping Aayaat based on topics assigned by various scholars:
Attempts by various scholars to sort Qur'anic Aayaat based on topics
المعجم المفهرس لمواضيع القرآن الكريم Qur'an Concordance Topics Based 1

المعجم المفهرس لمواضيع القرآن الكريم Qur'an Concordance Topics Based 2

المعجم الموضوعي لآيات القرآن الكريم Qur'an Concordance Topics Based 3

Qur'an Concordance Reference Books: 

Books linked directly from Qur'an Concordance PDFs:
Mu'jam ul Mufahras ush Shamil li Alfaz il Qur'an il Kareem bir Rasm il Uthmani [319.8 MB]
Mu'jam Huroof il Ma'ani fil Qur'an il Kareem [43.2 MB]
Arabic Almanac

Books linked directly from Qur'an Semantic Word Domain Concordance 1 and 2:
Mutaraadifaat ul Qur'an (Urdu) [26.9 MB] 
Mu'jam ul Furooq al Dalaaliyah fil Qur'an il Kareem [10.9 MB]

Books linked directly from Qur'an Semantic Word Domain Roots Concordance 3:
الفروق اللغوية
معجم الفروق اللّغويّة
الفروق اللغوية في القرآن الكريم
دقائق الفروق اللغوية في البيان القرآني
سرّ الإعجاز في تنوّع الصيغ ٱلمشتقة من أصل لغويّ واحد في القرآن
إعجاز رسم القرآن و إعجاز التّلاوة

Books linked directly from Qur'an Roots Linker:
aa / aa 2 = Arabic Almanac
qc = The Clear Concordances of The Holy Qur'an [219.1 MB]
mi = Al-Mu'jam ul Ishtiqaqy [36.3 MB]
me = Al-Mu'jam ul Ishtiqaqy updated 2 color HD edition [152 MB] (QRL2025)
tq = At-Tahqeeq fi Kalimaat il Qur'an il Kareem [23 MB]
tj = Taj ul Uroos [355.3 MB]
bz = Basair zawi t Tamyeez [51.6 MB]
mr = Mufradatu Alfaz il Qur'an by Raghib [19.6 MB] (extended footnotes edition)
uh = Umdat ul Huffaaz [27 MB]
mb = Mufradat ul Qur'an fi Majma' ul Bayan [11.8 MB]
mms = المعجم المفهرس الشامل لالفاظ القران الكريم بالرسم العثماني [319.8 MB]
adq = معجم الأدوات و الضمائر في القرآن الكريم [31.3 MB]
mml = Maqayees ul Lughah (new edition) [26.4 MB]
mqy = Maqayees ul Lughah (old edition) [58.4 MB] for (pages missing in new edition's scanned PDF)
Arabic Particles Tool Books = Arabic Particles Tool Integrated Books

ant = الأدوات النحوية في كتب التفسير [14.6 MB]
mhj = من أسرار حروف الجر في الذكر الحكيم [39.9 MB]
mhe = من أسرار حروف العطف في الذكر الحكيم [6.6 MB]

Other Books:
Mu'jam al Mufahras li Alfaz il Qur'an il Kareem [264.6 MB]
Mafsal Aayaat il Qur'an [144.2 MB]
The Clear Concordances of The Holy Qur'an (with additional pages) [411 MB]
Mu'jam al Adwaat wad-Damair fil Qur'an il Kareem [31.3 MB]
Al Qutoof min lughat il Qur'an [84.3 MB] (A separate quick study tool sorted root-wise may be made inshaALLAH!, once a better quality PDF is found!
Sirr-ul-I'jaz fi tanawwu'i ssiyaghil-mushtaqqati min Asli-llughawiyyi wwahid fil Qur'an [7.6 MB] (Quick Study PDF tool "Qur'an Semantic Roots Domain Concordance" based on this book may be made within 2021 inshaALLAH!. This is a selective book, i.e. it does not cover all roots and words used in The Qur'an.
Tarteebu Maqayees il Lughah [26.3 MB]

Quick Introduction

Pattern Wise concordance of Words from The Qur’an with some grammatical notes. Many efforts are being made on Root Wise concordance of The Qur’an, but this new and unique idea focuses on Pattern Wise concordance of the Qur’an. Gathering and sorting together, the similar pattern words of different roots together, to study and understand pattern effects better. In Root Wise Concordance, different patterns of the same root have some link to the root meaning. Similarly, in Pattern Wise Concordance, same patterns usually have some similar effects on the meaning of roots.

Root Wise Concordance document has also been prepared and uploaded for maximum research and study benefit, so that you can study and research words from the same roots used in The Qur'an. Root Wise Concordance is one of the oldest and most widely used method. Most of the Classical Dictionaries are also arranged according to roots so that all derivatives of a root are studied together.

In addition to that, Letter Wise Concordance documents have also been prepared and uploaded for even more study and research benefit, e.g. to analyze a word together with other words that have same 2 root letters at same locations and only 1 root letter different at 1 location. Also, what happens when the same root letters are used, but only their order is changed, i.e. examples are there in The Qur'an of even 6 unique roots formed from the same 3 root letters i.e. all possible combinations actually being used in The Qur'an. Then there are 5 unique roots using  same 3 root letters, and then cases of 4, 3 and so on...    

That is, while a researcher can inshaALLAH! :
1. Study all words from the same root used in The Qur’an, to try to understand a word better (Root Wise Concordance)
2. He can also study same pattern words and similar pattern words used in The Qur’an to understand the word even more effectively inshaALLAH! (Pattern Wise Concordance)
3. He can the also try to understand the effects of same letters coming in same positions of the root in different roots. (Letter Wise Concordance)

Note: You must download below PDFs instead of opening in browser so that when you click links, your PDF remains open. If you open PDF online, on clicking any link the PDF  will be replaced by webpage of clicked link.

Letter Wise Concordance Quick Introduction :

Qur'an Roots with Common Root Letters: To see different roots made from the same 3 root letters.
FEL: Lists roots sorted according to root letter of ف, then ع, then ل
LEF: Lists roots sorted according to root letter of ل, then ع, then ف
ELF: Lists roots sorted according to root letter of ع, then ل, then ف
FLE: Lists roots sorted according to root letter of ف, then ل, then ع
EFL: Lists roots sorted according to root letter of ع, then ف, then ل
LFE: Lists roots sorted according to root letter of ل, then ف, then ع
Same FE roots: Sorts roots based on the number of roots having the same letters for ف and ع in the root.
Same EL roots: Sorts roots based on the number of roots having the same letters for ع and ل in the root.
Same FL roots: Sorts roots based on the number of roots having the same letters for ف and ل in the root.
FEE & FEFE roots: Lists roots having same letter as ع and ل of the root and also the roots having a biliteral root repeated to make a quadriliteral root.
AWY as F roots: Lists roots having ا or و or ى as ف of the root.
AWY as E roots: Lists roots having ا or و or ى as ع of the root.
AWY as L roots: Lists roots having ا or و or ى as ل of the root.
Permutation Concordance: Sorts roots based on the number of roots in The Qur'an in which the same root letters have been used but with different ordering of the root letters.

Qur'an Roots Linker Quick Introduction:
Roots are linked to Arabic Almanac and 4 PDF books:
The Clear Concordances of The Holy Qur'an
Al-Mu'jam ul Ishtiqaqy
At-Tahqeeq fi Kalimaat il Qur'an il Kareem
Taj ul Uroos
to study all of these online. Page numbers are also given for each of the 4 PDFs to study them offline if required.

The entries for roots contain clickable Arabic Almanac link, alternate Arabic Almanac link, followed by clickable link to the page for the root or word. The page number for each of the 4 PDF books is also written, which can be entered in the PDF page box after downloading the PDFs to access the root offline. For online option simply click the links for Arabic Almanac or any or all of the 4 PDF books as required. Remaining quick search codes are as explained below, except d. which is similar to r. and o. which are explained below and is for roots or words which were labeled by some books differently.

Using quick search codes 

Click Ctrl+f i.e. Ctrl and f keys together after opening any of the above Qur'an Concordance PDFs and search box will inshaALLAH appear.

Quick search codes have been devised to search a root or word and particle quickly in the PDF documents. For roots and other words, the below transliteration table is used along with the unique code for each and the method used is r.root. and o.word. or o.particle.

Learn transliteration equivalent letters for Arabic for quick root access and quick other words and particles access.

PDF searchable equivalent for Arabic Letters
خ ح ج ث ت ب ا
x h j c t b a
ص ش س ز ر ذ د
1 $ s ; r z d
ق ف غ ع ظ ط ض
q f g e 4 3 2
ى و ه ن م ل ك
y w o n m l k

For roots, you have to start with "r." and then type the equivalent root and then end with "." e.g. r.e1m. for ع ص م  .

The o. series covers all other words and particles . In this case, every letter is mentioned, those with tashdeed are written twice. All harkaat are ignored and only the letters are taken into account when making the code e.g. o.a. for أَ . Words ending with Alif Maqsoorah ىٰ are written with y and not a just like the way many dictionaries have placed such words.

For accessing all roots with 2 root letters at 2 fixed positions in different roots, the codes used for r.e1m. root i.e ع ص م are is 12.e1 , 13.em , 23.1m for 1st 2 root letters, 1st and 3rd root letters and 2nd and 3rd root letters. In this way with 23.1m , you can search all roots in which 2nd and 3rd root letters are ص م .

For patterns, here are some common conventions used. f is ف and ' (single quotation mark) is ع and l is ل and for tashdeed, the letter is written twice. For fatha, a is written and for fatha followed by ا or ىٰ aa is written and for fatha followed by آء aaa. is written. For kasra, i is written, and for kasra followed by ى ee is written for damma u is written and for damma followed by و oo is written. For ء . is written. For fatha followed by ي ay is written. For ه h is written. a is written for أَ i is written for إِ and u is written for أُ . For fatha followed by ت or ة at is written. For quick search of patterns, the method devised is to start with "p." and then mention base pattern and then end with "." . Base pattern allows to search and see derivatives of the pattern like broken plurals etc. As an example, for Form I Active Participle, the pattern code is p.faa'il.

The codes are usually started and ended with "." to not mix up smaller and larger subsets. e.g. o.a. will give limited searches while o.a will return many results. 

ms22 means page 22 of Mu'jam ul Mufahras ush Shamil li Alfaz il Qur'an il Kareem bir Rasm il Uthmani and hm22 means page 22 of Mu'jam Huroof il Ma'ani fil Qur'an il Kareem i.e. the streaming pages of these 2 books are linked from the concordance PDFs and also the page numbers with book codes are given so that those who want to access the required pages in the PDFs for these 2 books can do so.

After the roots codes e.g. r.e1m. , a number is written which gives the number of words from that root for which entries are present in the Qur'an Concordance PDFs. Similarly after the base pattern codes e.g. p.faa'il. a number is given which gives number of entries in this PDF for which the base pattern is such. For other entries like particles, names, and even Huroof ul Muqatta'at, a count is also given after such indicating how many entries are there, using the same letters regardless of harkaat on them.

The i0002 codes given at the end of each entry in the quick search references and links column is the unique identity of each entry, using this code, you can access the exact same entry in various types of concordance e.g. Qur'an Roots Concordance, Qur'an Patterns Concordance etc.

Lastly, the direct links given in quick search references and links columns give links to above mentioned 2 concordance books. 1st is basically a Words Concordance and 2nd is basically a Particles Concordance.

Further Explanation:

Now coming to Pattern Names column. For words ending with ة I have added t in pattern name column and mentioned t.f with real feminine cases only, keeping remaining ة cases open. t.s is written where ة is only in singular and not in plural and t.p is written when ة is only in plural and not in singular. t.n.un is written for noun of unity, with ة denoted by t.

n.plc is written for noun of place and n.tim is written for noun of time. And where the word has come as both noun of place and time at different places in the Qur’an n.plc/tim is written. From derived verbal forms, passive participle pattern is also used for noun of place and noun of time, vb.II.ptrn.pp N.plc/tim is written instead of just n.plc/tim.

pl means plural and dl means dual and cl means collective noun and gn means generic noun. For sound plurals, pl is usually not mentioned in form name as it is obvious. In broken plurals, is written instead of pl so that it is sorted later. Moreover, in certain cases, only plural form is used in the Qur'an and singular is not used, so singular is checked using some grammar books and vocabulary books, which may have some chance of error, so due to this, sorting these pl at the end with is a better option.

ap is active participle, pp is passive participle, and vn is verbal noun. vb.I.ap means active participle of verbal form I type. Similarly for others, as terms already exist for verbal forms and they should be kept. vb.I.ptrn.pp.N means noun comes on form I passive participle pattern but is not passive participle, but some other noun. Similarly is the case for ap and other derived forms.

The pattern of fi'aal is also the pattern of (verbal noun corresponding to form III verb) and for cases where I found reference to it in Lane's Lexicon or some other books I  have seen, I have added also.

Miscellaneous is written for prepositions, particles, conjunctions, pronouns etc. as sufficient material is available for these. Assigning and arranging these via patterns is not usually possible, but splitting some of these into sub-particles is possible which I have attempted to do by mentioning probable sub-particles in some words. Most of the proper nouns have not been assigned patterns or roots.

Context also has effects on the scope of the meaning e.g. The being whose quality is described, the word's context & placement in the Qur'an etc.

Usually a language comes first, and then it is analysed to derive grammar rules, so Concordance of The Qur'an is an important idea, by which existing grammar rules can be verified or improved, exceptions can be studied & there are many other benefits. The Qur'an is a Miracle in Arabic. So from its Miraculous language, you can get the highest quality grammar.

This work is just a beginning, and scholars should take this idea and work to the next level by the help of ALLAH but they must keep the projects, books and tools free for all.

In case of any further help in using these Qur'an Concordance PDFs, feel free to email me or contact me on Twitter. With such questions, I can make this guide even more detailed inshaALLAH!

More Areas of Research: 

Research on different forms of writing the same word and possible causes of doing so (Selection from Burhaan volume 2). I do not necessarily agree with the meaning effects provided in this book, and only uploaded this selection as an area requiring further research and analysis. Based on the direction shown by this selection, Words listed in Qur'an Concordance documents can be split further. (Research in this direction can be undertaken by any volunteer, for now I am not undertaking this research and only highlighting this area of further research)
Another book that touches on this issue is إعجاز رسم القرآن and again I do not necessarily agree with the assumptions of the book, but it can help in extending the research further by using same base patterns but splitting further into different word patterns based on style of writing the same word in different ways.

You may also find a few relevant books on this issue from:
كتب علم رسم المصحف وشروحاته

Another book that may be of interest on this issue is:
الجلال والجمال فى رسم الكلمة فى القرآن الكريم (I do not necessarily agree with the assumptions of the book or his videos below)
الجلال والجمال للدكتور سامح القلينى (his Youtube channel)

Some books by Dr. Fadil Salih Samrai related to concordance research:
التَّعْبِير القُرآني
بَلَاغَةُ الْكَلِمَة في التَّعْبِيرِ القُرآني

Some more related books by others:
دليل المتشابهات اللّفظيّة في القرآن الكريم
التّوضيح والبيان في تكرار وتشابه آي القرآن
الآيات المتشابهات ـ التّشابه اللّفظي للآيات ـ حكم وأسرار ـ فوائد وأحكام
المتشابهات من كلمات القرآن
أسرار التّكرار في القرآن
آيات متشابهات الألفاظ في القرآن الكريم وكيف التمييز بينها

النحو في ظلال القرآن الكريم
أسلوب الالتفات فى البلاغة القرآنية Format 1 , Format 2.

دليل الآيات متشابهة الألفاظ

الإيقاظ لتذكير الحفاظ

مصحف التبيان المفصل لمتشابهات القرآن

دليل الحفاظ في متشابه الالفاظ في متشابهات القرآن الكريم

مصحف التبيان في متشابهات القرآن

مصحف متشابه الآيات

الكليات في المتشابهات اللفظية القرآنية

الجلال والجمال في أسلوب الالتفات في القرآن الكريم

التطور النحوى للغة العربية original PDF , lean PDF .
الفلسفة اللغوية والألفاظ العربية وتاريخ اللغة العربية

Patterns Research by others: 
معانى الأبنية فى العربيّة
دلالة اللواصق التصريفية في اللغة العربية
صيغ المبالغة mubalaghah 1 , mubalaghah 2 , mubalaghah 3 .
أَفْعَل af'al 1 , af'al 2

Patterns Research by me: 
Arabic Pattern Meanings Set 1 فَعِيل فَعِل فَعْلَان فَعُول فَعَّال
Arabic Pattern Meanings Set 2 فَعُّول فُعُّول فُعَال فُعَلَة فُعْلَان
Arabic Pattern Meanings Set 3 أَفْعَل فَعْلَآء فُعْلَىٰ مِفْعَال فِعِّيل

Arabic Pattern Meanings Set 4 فَعۡل فُعۡل فِعۡل فَعَل فُعُل
Arabic Pattern Meanings Set 5 فَعَال فِعَال فَعُل فُعُول فُعَل
Arabic Pattern Meanings Set 6 فِعَل فِعِل إِفۡعِيل مِفۡعِيل مِفۡعَل
Arabic Pattern Meanings Set 7 مَفۡعَل مَفۡعِل تِفۡعَال تَفۡعِيل تَفۡعِلَة

Concordance Labeling of Qur'anic Words and Aayaat for Comprehensive Online Study and Learning Tool for all idea

Funding is required to continue patterns research. Stage 1 posts are also ready for the following:
فَعۡل فُعۡل فِعۡل فَعَل فُعُل فَعَال فِعَال فَعُل فُعُول فُعَل فِعَل فِعِل إِفۡعِيل مِفۡعِيل مِفۡعَل مَفۡعَل مَفۡعِل تِفۡعَال تَفۡعِيل تَفۡعِلَة

Appendix 1: Quranic Usage Context Concordance for Research on Meanings of Words - Concept and Draft Version Only:
Below is a draft version of only 1 step of the research involved in researching meanings of Words:
قَلۡب فُؤَاد

Appendix 2: Listing Quranic Aayaat for a Pattern or Base Form from a Root with Segregation based on Case, Word Form etc.:

This is an important project that should be completed 1st, so that the improved concordance can be used for Arabic Case Theory Project

Many sites list Quranic Aayaat for Roots using a base pattern or lemma from the Root as the basis.

The idea for improvement is to sort them further based on case, form, etc. As an example, the Word أَجۡر from the root ا ج ر , with the base pattern فَعۡل is chosen.

After seeing Quranic usage for it on Quranic Arabic Corpus or Tafsir App or Quran Morphology, it can be segregated and sorted further i.e. instead of displaying all Quranic Aayaat for the occurrences as they appear in The Quran , there should be segregation and sorting of the occurrences and then the Quranic Aayaat should eventually be displayed as follows:
1st display all Aayaat with the Word أَجۡرُ on pattern فَعۡلُ
Then display all Aayaat with the Word أَجۡرٌ on pattern فَعۡلٌ
Then display all Aayaat with the Word أَجۡرَ on pattern فَعۡلَ
Then display all Aayaat with the Word أَجۡرًا on pattern فَعۡلًا
Then display all Aayaat with the Word أَجۡرِ on pattern فَعۡلِ
Then display all Aayaat with the Word أَجۡرٍ on pattern فَعۡلٍ
Then display all Aayaat with the Word أُجُورَ on (broken plural) pattern فُعُولَ

If any one is interested in this idea, inshaALLAH! I am available to provide free consultancy.

Appendix 3: Concordance Labeling and Tagging of Every Quranic Word:
Concordance Labeling of Qur'anic Words and Aayaat for Comprehensive Online Study and Learning Tool for all

Appendix 4 - Supplementary Tool for Patterns
This is a supplementary tool for Patterns research for:
Qur'an Concordance - Roots - Patterns - Letters - Word Sets - Word Domains

1. Type any Arabic Pattern without harakaat or vowel signs.

2. On the page opened, multiple patterns appear, click المزيد .. with the pattern for which you want to study usage examples. The pattern examples may be spread on multiple pages. Use the navigator at the bottom to see all the pages with the usage examples.

3. Note the words from the pattern, and then see if the word has been used in classical Arabic dictionaries actually or not, and if used in classical Arabic dictionaries, study the word using classical Arabic dictionaries only. Repeat this process for remaining words from the pattern till you gain a significant insight on the pattern's meaning shades.

4. Specially useful for the patterns for which only a few Words from that pattern can be found in The Quran, to see some more usage examples before finally concluding the probable meaning shades based on The Quran, but The Quran should be the main source for concluding the meaning shades, as we have to focus on Quranic usage which may even differ from classical Arabic dictionarties usage. e.g. Quranic usage and meaning shades for the word رُوح are unique and different from classical Arabic usage for this word.

i. Learn buckwalter equivalent letters to type Arabic using English Keyboard from the below table:
Buckwalter Equivalent for Arabic Letters
خ ح ج ث ت ب ا
x H j v t b A
ص ش س ز ر ذ د
S $ s z r * d
ق ف غ ع ظ ط ض
q f g E Z T D
ي و ه ن م ل ك
y w h n m l k
ة ى ئ ؤ ء إأ
p Y } & ' < >

ii. Enter pattern using Buckwalter transliteration in the below input box e.g. fElA'

iii. Click below link to see patterns based to your entered Arabic Pattern without harakaat at

link comes here after entering the pattern in the above input box