Thursday, March 31, 2016

Quranic Arabic Corpus and Tafsir App - Word by Word, Syntactic Treebank, I'rab Graphs and Transations - 5 in 1 Navigator

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Using this tool, you can now access these 3 important pages of Quranic Arabic Corpus together for any Quranic Ayat. Enter Surah number and Ayat Number below and click Display button to display the relevant links and embedded pages of Quranic Arabic Corpus Word by Word Quran, Quran Translations and Quran Syntactic Treebank.


Ayat :

For Qur'anic Arabic Corpus roots based quick search and study, see
Arabic Roots Quick Study Tool - Access any root page directly on Arabic Almanac, Qur'anic Arabic Corpus, Baheth and Mawrid Reader

Ayat Word by Word Analysis Link: link comes here
(Note: Word by Word Analysis page may have multiple Ayaat on the same page, so you may have to scroll down to see the searched Ayat on the same loaded page)  

Ayat Translations Link: link comes here . 

Ayat Syntaxtic Treebank Analysis Link: link comes here
(Note: Syntactic Treebank Analysis is not yet available from Surah 9 till Surah 58 on QAC, and it will keep displaying 1:1 on all searches on the unavailable Surah and Ayat numbers)

Ayat Word by Word Analysis Link in Arabic: link comes here
(Note:This is a tool on in Arabic, based on Qur'anic Arabic Corpus but some changes have been made.) Irab Graphs Link: link comes here
(Note: I'rab Graphs Analysis is not yet available from Surah 10 till Surah 58)

Embedded pages for Word by Word English, Translations, Syntactic Treebank & Word by Word Arabic follow below.

Ayat Word by Word Analysis Embedded Page :
Ayat Translations Embedded Page:
Ayat Syntaxtic Treebank Analysis Embedded Page:
Ayat Word by Word Analysis in Arabic Embedded page: