Thursday, April 21, 2016

Qur'an Ayat Navigator 3 with embedded Quick Study Spreadsheet Tool

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Study any Ayat of The Qur’an in various Qur’an translations & some related books using below quick study embedded spreadsheet tool tool
Images of Arabic Text of each Ayat of The Qur'an
Recitation Ayat by Ayat for each Ayat of The Qur'an
Tanzil Navigator Ayat by Ayat with many translations (but each translation has to be chosen 1 by 1)
Tafheem ul Qur'an by Maududi in English Ayat by Ayat
Asad Ali translation and Yusuf Ali translation with footnotes along with 2 other translations
Qur'anic Arabic Corpus: Translation, Word by Word, Syntactic Treebank (partial)
Multiple translations together for each Ayat

Online method to Directly access any Ayat in the Qur'an Ayat Navigator 3
1. Wait till the embedded sheet is loaded. Depending on your internet speed, this may take a minute or more. While the embedded sheet is being loaded, you can check the sequence of columns for each book mentioned in this post i.e. top book is on left most column of sheet and then next one to the right and so on for all listed books or sets.
2. Press ctrl and f keys of keyboard together, this opens search box at the top in the browser.
3. Enter the Ayat you want to study e.g. enter 114.006 in the search box and press Enter key.
4. This takes you to the Ayat in The Qur'an Ayat Navigator 3.
5. Then study the Ayat in The Qur'an Ayat Navigator 3 books by clicking the links given with the Ayat.
6. After reading the Ayat in the books you want to study, search for the next Ayat using the above method.

Qur'an Ayat Navigator 3 PDF Download [31.1 MB]

Below is the embedded quick study spreadsheet tool for Qur'an Ayat Navigator 3

Qur'an Ayat Navigator 2

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Study any Ayah of The Qur’an in various Qur’anic studies books including: 10 Arabic I’rab ul Quran books, 4 English translations, and 2 Urdu books. (1 new English Translation added on 4 May 2016)

The Arabic Books include the following
إعراب القرآن الكريم و ترجمته
معجم إعراب الفاظ القرآن الكريم
نور اليقين معجم وسيط في إعراب القرآن الكريم
إعراب القرآن الكريم - ياقوت
الإعراب المفصّل لكتاب اللّٰه المرّتّل
بلاغة القرآن الكريم في الإعجاز إِعرابًا و تفسيرًا بإِيجاز
التّفصيل في إعراب آيات التّنزيل
إعراب القرآن الكريم - طيّب
إعراب القرآن الكريم و بيانه - درويش
إعراب القرآن الكريم و صرفه و بيانه مع فوائد نحويّة هامّة - صافي

The English Books include the following
A Word for Word Meaning of The Qur'an
The Textual Translation of The Qur'an The Supreme
Word for Word Translation of The Qur'an
5 Volume Tafsir of The Qur'an

The Urdu Books include the following
تفسير قرطبي اردو
انوار البيان فى حل لغات القرآن

Method to Directly access any Ayah in the Qur'an Ayat Navigator 2 PDF
1. Press ctrl and f keys of keyboard together, this opens search box at the top in the browser.
2. Enter the Ayat you want to study e.g. enter 114.006 in the search box and press Enter key.
3. This takes you to the Ayat in The Qur'an Ayat Navigator 2.
4. Then study the Ayat in The Qur'an Ayat Navigator 2 books by clicking the links given with the Ayat. 
5. After reading the Ayat in the books you want to study, search for the next Ayat using the above method.

Qur'an Ayat Navigator 2 2023 edition PDF Download [47.8 MB] with 1 additional book
Qur'an Ayat Navigator 2 PDF Download [46.4 MB]

Qur'an Ayat Navigator 1 with embedded Quick Study Spreadsheet Tool

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Quick Ayat Navigator for Online Arabic Tafasir & i'rab books. It includes:
7 Arabic Tafasir - 1 Arabic I'rab - 1 English tafsir
32 Arabic Tafasir together
3 Arabic I'rab books
Tafsir Durr ul Masoon by Halabiyy
Tafsir Rooh ul Ma'ani
Tafsir Zamakhshari
Tafsir Razi
Tafsir Qurtuby
al Bahrul Muhit
al Lubab fi Ulum il Kitab
Majma'ul Bayan
Al Jadwal fi I'rab al Qur'an

Online method to Directly access any Ayat in the Qur'an Ayat Navigator 1
1. Wait till the embedded sheet is loaded. Depending on your internet speed, this may take a minute or more. While the embedded sheet is being loaded, you can check the sequence of columns for each book mentioned in this post i.e. top book is on left most column of sheet and then next one to the right and so on for all listed books or sets.
2. Press ctrl and f keys of keyboard together, this opens search box at the top in the browser.
3. Enter the Ayat you want to study e.g. enter 114.006 in the search box and press Enter key.
4. This takes you to the Ayat in The Qur'an Ayat Navigator 1.
5. Then study the Ayat in The Qur'an Ayat Navigator 1 books by clicking the links given with the Ayat.
6. After reading the Ayat in the books you want to study, search for the next Ayat using the above method.

Qur'an Ayat Navigator 1 PDF Download [40.6 MB]

Below is the embedded quick study spreadsheet tool for Qur'an Ayat Navigator 1

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Qur'an Ayat Navigator 5 Access Tanzil, Tafeem ul Qur'an, Asad, Yusuf Ali, Qur'anic Arabic Corpus, Qur'an Wikipedia, Ayat by Ayat recitations, and many more translations

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Qur'an Ayat Navigator 5 (New addition on 8-December-2017)
Quickly view any Ayat of The Qur'an and study it in Tanzil Navigator, Tafheem ul Qur'an, Asad Translation, Yusuf Ali Translation, in many translations together, Qur'anic Arabic Corpus, Word for Word Column view, Laleh Bakhtiar translation, Pikthal translation, Qur'an Wikipedia, recitation Ayah by Ayah, Bayan ul Qur'an Ayah by Ayah by Dr Israr Ahmed and more.
Note: If you want any recommended Tafsir or Translation of The Qur'an added and it is available Ayat by Ayat, email me at revivearabic @ to have it included here.
Also check other Qur'an Ayat Navigators, specially Qur'an Ayat Navigator 2 on:

Enter Surah Number

Enter Ayat Number

Recite Qur'an with Tajweed format text link is link comes here

Tanzil Navigator link is link comes here

Tafheem ul Qur'an link is link comes here (Link is dead. When alternate source is found, this note will be removed inshaALLAH!)

Muhammad Asad and Yusuf Ali Translations link is link comes here

Many Translations together link is link comes here

Multiple Translations together link is link comes here

Qur'anic Arabic Corpus Translations link is link comes here

Qur'anic Arabic Corpus Word for Word link is link comes here

Qur'anic Arabic Corpus Syntactic Treebank (only available for Surahs 1 to 8 and 59 onwards) link is link comes here

Qur'anic Morphology, Sub-Word by Sub-Word link is link comes here Irab Graphs (only available for Surahs 1 to 9 and 59 onwards) link is link comes here

IslamAwakened Word for Word column view link is link comes here

Laleh Bakhtiar Translation link is link comes here

Marmaduke Pikthal Translation link is link comes here

Muhammad Asad Translation link is link comes here

Abdullah Yusuf Ali Translation link is link comes here

Muhammad Taqi Uthmani Translation link is link comes here

Muhammad Tahir ul Qadri Translation link is link comes here

Kanz ul Iman Urdu and English Translation link is link comes here

Urdu: Bayan ul Qur'an Ayah by Ayah Audio by Dr Israr Ahmed link is link comes here

Urdu: Amin Ahsan Islahi and Javed Ahmed Ghamidi link is link comes here

Urdu: Mufti Muhammad Saeed Khan Partial Audio Tafsir (Only available till Surah 27) link is link comes here

Qur'an Wikipedia link is link comes here

Tafsir io, scholars embedded videos Ayat link is link comes here

Qur'an Ayat Navigator 4 for accessing 83 Tafsir books + 32 Tafsir books + 8 Tafsir books + 3 I'rab books and Qur'anic I'rab and Studies books together - online quick study tool

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Qur'an Ayat Navigator 4 for navigating any Ayat of The Qur'an in 100+ Tafsir books (atleast 84 unique books) . Study any Ayat of The Qur'an in 83 Quran Tafaasir together from greattafsirs site and 8 Quran tafaasir from Quran ksu site and 32 Quran tafaasir from Mosshaf site and other Qur'anic I'rab and Studies books from Furqan site.

Enter Surah Number

Enter Ayat Number

Many Arabic Tafaasir and Qur'anic I'rab and Studies related books together link is link comes here
(click the book you want to study, a popup will open, after reading, close the popup and click the next book you want to study)

Some Arabic Tafaasir together link is link comes here

32 Arabic Tafaasir link is link comes here

3 I'rab ul Qur'an books link is link comes here

الدر المصون/السمين الحلبي link is link comes here

روح المعاني/ الالوسي link is link comes here

البحر المحيط/ ابو حيان link is link comes here

اللباب في علوم الكتاب/ ابن عادل link is link comes here

مجمع البيان في تفسير القرآن/ الطبرسي link is link comes here

الكشاف/ الزمخشري link is link comes here

مفاتيح الغيب ، التفسير الكبير/ الرازي link is link comes here

الجامع لاحكام القرآن/ القرطبي link is link comes here

انوار التنزيل واسرار التأويل/ البيضاوي link is link comes here

تفسير الجلالين/ المحلي و السيوطي link is link comes here

فتح القدير/ الشوكاني link is link comes here

جامع البيان في تفسير القرآن/ الطبري link is link comes here

تفسير القرآن الكريم/ ابن كثير link is link comes here

تفسير القرآن/ الفيروز آبادي link is link comes here

بحر العلوم/ السمرقندي link is link comes here

النكت والعيون/ الماوردي link is link comes here

معالم التنزيل/ البغوي link is link comes here

المحرر الوجيز في تفسير الكتاب العزيز/ ابن عطية link is link comes here

زاد المسير في علم التفسير/ ابن الجوزي link is link comes here

تفسير القرآن/ ابن عبد السلام link is link comes here

مدارك التنزيل وحقائق التأويل/ النسفي link is link comes here

لباب التأويل في معاني التنزيل/ الخازن link is link comes here

التفسير/ ابن عرفة link is link comes here

غرائب القرآن و رغائب الفرقان/القمي النيسابوري link is link comes here

الجواهر الحسان في تفسير القرآن/ الثعالبي link is link comes here

نظم الدرر في تناسب الآيات والسور/ البقاعي link is link comes here

الدر المنثور في التفسير بالمأثور/ السيوطي link is link comes here

إرشاد العقل السليم إلى مزايا الكتاب الكريم/ ابو السعود link is link comes here

مقاتل بن سليمان/ مقاتل بن سليمان link is link comes here

الكشف والبيان / الثعلبي link is link comes here

تفسير القرآن/ التستري link is link comes here

حقائق التفسير/ السلمي link is link comes here

لطائف الإشارات / القشيري link is link comes here

عرائس البيان في حقائق القرآن/ البقلي link is link comes here

تفسير القرآن / ابن عربي link is link comes here

روح البيان في تفسير القرآن/ اسماعيل حقي link is link comes here

البحر المديد في تفسير القرآن المجيد/ ابن عجيبة link is link comes here

تفسير القرآن/ علي بن ابراهيم القمي link is link comes here

التبيان الجامع لعلوم القرآن/ الطوسي link is link comes here

الميزان في تفسير القرآن/ الطبطبائي link is link comes here

الصافي في تفسير كلام الله الوافي/ الفيض الكاشاني link is link comes here

تفسير بيان السعادة في مقامات العبادة/ الجنابذي link is link comes here

تفسير الحبري/ الحبري link is link comes here

تفسير فرات الكوفي/ فرات الكوفي link is link comes here

تفسير الأعقم/ الأعقم link is link comes here

تفسير كتاب الله العزيز/ الهواري link is link comes here

هميان الزاد إلى دار المعاد / اطفيش link is link comes here

تيسير التفسير/ اطفيش link is link comes here

جواهر التفسير/ الخليلي link is link comes here

التحرير والتنوير/ ابن عاشور link is link comes here

أضواء البيان في تفسير القرآن/ الشنقيطي link is link comes here

تفسير صدر المتألهين/ صدر المتألهين الشيرازي link is link comes here

خواطر محمد متولي الشعراوي link is link comes here

الوسيط في تفسير القرآن الكريم/ طنطاوي link is link comes here

تيسير التفسير/ القطان link is link comes here

الوجيز/ الواحدي link is link comes here

المنتخب في تفسير القرآن الكريم / لجنة القرآن و السنة link is link comes here

أيسر التفاسير/ أبو بكر الجزائري link is link comes here

أيسر التفاسير/ د. أسعد حومد link is link comes here

تفسير مجاهد / مجاهد بن جبر المخزومي link is link comes here

التسهيل لعلوم التنزيل / ابن جزي الغرناطي link is link comes here

تفسير آيات الأحكام/ الصابوني link is link comes here

مختصر تفسير ابن كثير/ الصابوني link is link comes here

صفوة التفاسير/ الصابوني link is link comes here

غريب القرآن / زيد بن علي link is link comes here

النهر الماد / الأندلسي link is link comes here

التفسير الكبير / للإمام الطبراني link is link comes here

تفسير الهدايه إلى بلوغ النهايه/ مكي بن أبي طالب link is link comes here

تأويلات أهل السنة/ الماتريدي link is link comes here

تفسير الجيلاني/ الجيلاني link is link comes here

حاشية الصاوي / تفسير الجلالين link is link comes here

التأويلات النجمية في التفسير الإشاري الصوفي/ الإمام أحمد بن عمر link is link comes here

تفسير تيسير الكريم الرحمن في تفسير كلام المنان/ عبد الرحمن بن ناصر بن السعدي link is link comes here

تفسير سفيان الثوري/ عبد الله سفيان بن سعيد بن مسروق الثوري الكوفي link is link comes here

تفسير النسائي/ النسائي link is link comes here

تفسير عبد الرزاق الصنعاني مصور /همام الصنعاني link is link comes here

محاسن التأويل / محمد جمال الدين القاسمي link is link comes here

تفسير المنار / محمد رشيد بن علي رضا link is link comes here

تفسير القرآن العزيز/ ابن أبي زمنين link is link comes here

كتاب نزهة القلوب/ أبى بكر السجستاني link is link comes here

تذكرة الاريب في تفسير الغريب/ الامام ابي الفرج ابن الجوزي link is link comes here

البرهان في تفسير القرآن/ هاشم الحسيني البحراني link is link comes here

رموز الكنوز في تفسير الكتاب العزيز/ عز الدين عبد الرازق الرسعني الحنبلي link is link comes here

Saturday, April 16, 2016

miatu amil sharh miata amil شرح مائة عامل english pdf download free with supplement arabic syntax and online quick study tool

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Sharh of Miatu Amil شرح مائة عامل with harkaat written as شَرْحُ مِائَةِ عَامِل Sharhu Miati Amil but written on most sites as Sharh Miata Amil and so I have also written it in most cases like that. 

Sharh Miata Amil English PDF download black and white

Sharh Miata Amil English PDF download color

Arabic Syntax as supplement to Sharh Miata Amil PDF download

Sharh Miata Amil English Translation Online Quick Study Tool
Sharh Miata Amil Table of contents
Input the page number to open the required topic and press Enter or click Display Topic button:

Miatu Amil topics study link : link comes here
Miatu Amil topics study embedded page
Arabic Syntax Online Quick Study Tool
Arabic Syntax Table of contents
Input the page number to open the required topic and press Enter or click Display Topic button:

Arabic Syntax topics study link : link comes here
Arabic Syntax topics study embedded page

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Arabic Verb Form X (10) اِسْتَفْعَلَ Istaf'ala Istaf3ala

Meaning shades of Arabic Verbal Form X
Also see posts on Other Arabic Verb Forms
This post is on The Meanings of Arabic Verb Form X اِسْتَفْعَلَ . Usually one or multiple (more than one) of the following meaning shades are applicable in a Form X verb and applicable meaning shades may differ from verb to verb.

Last edited on : 14-April-2016
and planned to be edited and improved further.
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1 (n) .  Can be made from the root by prefixing the augmentative letters ست before the ف of root and giving it pattern اِسْتَفْعَلَ .

2 (w) . Can be made from Form I فَعَلَ by prefixing ست before ف due to which it becomes ستفَعَلَ and then the fathah of ف is thrown back upon ت and it becomes ستَفْعَلَ . Then to facilitate its pronunciation اِ is added before it and resulting pattern is اِسْتَفْعَلَ .

3 . (n) The س appears to be basically indicating seeking / requiring. The ت appears to be basically indicating for oneself.

4 (n) . Form X Verb indicates:
The seeking or requiring
for oneself
the act or thing or quality
and then
getting done via someone
the act indicated in the Form I verb or the thing or quality indicated in the word from the same root as the Form X verb
and then
tasking oneself to put striving and efforts in this regard till what is sought or required is obtained or achieved. 

5 (w) . Form X often expresses the taking, procuring, seeking, asking for, demanding for oneself what is meant by the Form I verb.
غَفَرَ (Form I) he pardoned.
اِسْتَغْفَرَ (Form X) he sought and asked for pardon for himself.
سَقَىٰ (Form I) he gave him a drink.
اِسْتَسْقَىٰ (Form X) he procured a drink for himself (by asking for permission for it, or by making payment for it etc.)

6 (h) . Form X often denotes requiring the act, plainly or constructively. Examples :
Asking plainly
اِسْتَكْتَبْتُهُ (Form X) I asked him to write (something for me or something of my interest).
اِسْتَخْرَجَ الْوَتَدَ (Form X) he extracted out the peg. (He sought and required to extract out the peg for for his own interest, and then tasked himself to this by putting efforts and striving in this regard till the peg was successfully extracted out.)

7 (k)(n)(q) . The subject or فَاعِل seeking, requiring, asking, demanding for himself from the object or مَفْعُول the act indicated in the Form I verb or thing or quality indicated in the word from the same root as the Form X verb. This can then be in the real/actual/proper sense حَقِيقِيّ or in the مَجَازِيّ figurative/tropical/metaphorical sense. The real/actual/proper sense can be indicated using words like asking, demanding: for himself. The figurative/tropical/metaphorical sense can be indicated using words like taking, extracting, doing, getting done via someone: for himself. The seeking or requiring is there in both these senses.
اِسْتَطْعَمْتُهُ (Form X) I sought for myself and asked him for طَعَام food.
اِسْتَخْرَجْتُ الذَّهَبَ مِنَ الْمَعْدَنِ (Form X) I sought for myself and extracted out the gold from the mine.

8 (t) . Self tasking or self-assigning oneself to make some one do or make oneself do.

9 (h)(q)(a) . The subject or فَاعِل becoming actually or actually like or metaphorically like the thing indicated in the word from the same root as the Form X verb.
اِسْتَحْجَرَ الطِّينُ (Form X) The clay became or became like حَجَر stone (in hardness). (Actual)
إِنَّ البِغَاثَ بِأَرْضِنَا تَسْتَنْسِرُ (Form X) An Arabic proverb, meaning, verily the بِغَاث ignoble/small bird, in our land becomes like the نَسْر vulture. Can be applied to the low person who becomes of high rank, e.g. the weak in our land becomes strong, or he who makes himself our neighbor becomes mighty, strong, or of high rank by our means, acquiring the might or strength of the vulture, after having being low or mean in condition. (Metaphorical)

10 (k)(a) . The subject or فَاعِل being or becoming requiring or seeking or worthy of the meaning indicated by the root, or thing or quality indicated in the word from the same root as that of the Form X verb.
اِسْتَرْقَعَ الثَّوْبُ (Form X) The garment became requiring or seeking or worthy of a رُقْعَة patch (a piece of cloth, or rag, with which a garment, or the like, is patched or pieced or repaired) .

11 (k)(h) . The subject or فَاعِل finding the object or مَفْعُول to be possessed of the meaning indicated by the root or thing or quality indicated in the word from the same root as that of the Form X verb.
اِسْتَسْمَنْتُهُ (Form X) I found him to be سَمِين fat.

12 (w)(a) . Form X often indicates that a person believes, thinks, estimates or declares that a certain thing possesses, in reference to himself or for his benefit, the quality expressed by the Form I verb.
اِسْتَحَلَّهُ (Form X) he thought, esteemed or deemed it to be lawful or allowed for himself.
اِسْتَوْجَبَهُ (Form X) he made it necessary for himself or he thought it was necessary for himself or he said/declared that it was necessary for himself.

13 (k)(h)(w) . The subject or فَاعِل in reference to himself or for his benefit: believing, assuming, thinking, estimating, or declaring the object or مَفْعُول to be possessed of the meaning indicated by the root or thing or quality indicated in the word from the same root as that of the Form X verb.
اِسْتَحْسَنَهُ (Form X) he assumed or thought or estimated him or it to be حَسَن good/beautiful.

14 (k) . The subject or فَاعِل in reference to himself or for his benefit: making the object or مَفْعُول to become the thing indicated in the word from the same root as that of the Form X verb.
اِسْتَوْطَنَ الْبَلَدَ (Form X) he made the city his abode/residence i.e وَطَن .

15 (q)(n) .  The subject or فَاعِل for his benefit or interest, seeking to be attributed with a quality by others,  pretending to be possessed of the meaning indicated by the root or thing or quality indicated in the word from the same root as that of the Form X verb. In Form X, this pretending is usually done for a likeable or praiseworthy quality.
اِسْتَجْرَأَ (Form X) he seeking for himself to be seen as possessor of جُرْأَة bravery, courage or daringness, pretended to be so.

16 (k)(n) .  The subject or فَاعِل having strength in the quality indicated by the root due to his seeking the quality for himself instead of just possessing the quality.

17 (w) . Form X converts the factitive signification of Form IV into the reflexive or middle.
أَعَدَّهُ (Form IV) he made him or caused him (someone else) to be ready, prepared, equipped.
اِسْتَعَدَّ (Form X) he made himself or caused himself to be ready, prepared, equipped.(Reflexive)
أَخْلَصَ (Form IV) he yielded up (something) wholly (to someone).
اِسْتَخْلَصَ (Form X) he claimed (something) wholly for himself, he took entire possession of it. (Middle)

18 (k) Form X is also in some cases quasi-passive مُطَاوِع of Form IV, 
(a) . مُطَاوِع is a verb whose (grammatical) agent receives the effect of the action of the agent another verb.
(w) . The مُطَاوِع expresses the state into which the object of the action denoted by the verb of which it is مُطَاوِع is brought by that action, as its effect or result.
أَقَمْتُهُ فَاسْتَقَامَ I made him stand upright so he held himself upright. 

19 (w) . In various verbs, Form X has apparently a neuter sense, but in such cases, a more minute examination shows that it was, at least originally, reflexive.
اِسْتَقَامَ (Form X) he held himself upright (reflexive). He stood upright (neuter).  

20 (w) . Form X is denominal/denominative in various verbs, in which case it unites the factitive and reflexive or middle senses.
اِسْتَخْلَفَ (Form X) he appointed himself as خَلِيفَة caliph. 

21 (k) . Introducing new meaning in form X which is not present in form I.

22 (k) . Form X verb can also come for a root in which no Form I verb has come.

23 (w) . Table 1

24 (q) . Table 2

Important Note: 
Best examples for analyzing and verifying the level of applicability or non-applicability of above mentioned meaning shades and for finding additional meaning shades is by studying all occurrences of the Form in The Qur'an and for that you can check relevant examples for this Form in Pattern Wise Concordance PDF by visiting the post:
Pattern wise, Root wise & Letter wise Concordance of The Qur'an
& downloading the concordance documents freely. You can check relevant examples of most of the patterns used in the Qur'an by using concordance documents.

References: When multiple references mentioned for a point, it means material selected from all quoted references more from some and less from others and all quoted references do not necessarily agree on everything. Material is not exactly copied but based on the reference quoted and I have made additions, editions & changes where required :   

h = Howell Arabic Grammar English
w = Wright Arabic Grammar English
t = Arabic notes on tripod site by Hani Deek
k = Aasaan Khaasiyyaat e abwaab Urdu
q = Qawaid Zaban e Qur'an Urdu
n = new indication by me.
a = Derived from other tools like arabic almanac or some other book.

Funding is required to continue patterns research. Stage 1 posts are ready for the following:
فَعۡل فُعۡل فِعۡل فَعَل فُعُل فَعَال فِعَال فَعُل فُعُول فُعَل فِعَل فِعِل

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Sponsored Full Time Islamic Workers Concept

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A necessary requirement for Proper & Fast Islamic Research & Spread in today's complex & confusing time. 
Concept only, no actual working done so far. (Last edited 10-April-2016)

Suggested Rules & Summary:

1. Highly Skilled Paid Manpower spending about 50 hours/week/person. 1 person = 50 hours/week, 10 persons = 500 hours/week. Doing Unbiased Research. Truth is good enough, just do proper unbiased & thorough research with honesty and dedication, spending as much time as is required for properly exploring a topic and studying as many reference books as required in that area.
2. Sponsors Funding the Payment for Highly Skilled Manpower, in return getting advertisements to their Islamic Site, Islamic Organization, Halaal Business, Islamic Books etc.
3. Organizers, managing everything transparently. How much money is given by which Sponsor to which Full Time Islamic Worker for which project for how many hours work.
4. Volunteers, Providing free Islamic Worker services for 5 to 10 hours per week. 

Today’s busy life schedule makes it difficult to spend time on job and Islamic work together. For example, If a person does job of 8 am to 7 pm with travel included for 5 days. It takes out 55 hours from the week. Such a person with family responsibilities if tries very hard can manage about 10 to 14 hours per week for Islamic work. If such a person can be dedicated for Islamic work and spends 50 hours or more per week on Islamic work, that can help him achieve about 5 years work in 1 year. A project can be launched which gathers a team of high potential Islamic workers and good Islamic sponsors :

1. Full Time Islamic Workers - The Work Force :
The Islamic Workers can be selected based on their past volunteer projects, Islamic contributions and skills. These can apply by sharing their skills, examples of their past work, interests etc. Other people who have worked with them in the past on Islamic projects can provide recommendation with brief comments on their performance. Then based on donations or sponsorships available for a project, they can be selected as full time paid workers for a period of 6 months to 1 year on some projects. At least 6 months period is recommended since this person will have to leave his job and become a full time Islamic worker and donations should also be at a suitable level to encourage him to leave his job and join as full time worker. A site can be set up where such potential persons will update monthly a kind of CV or profile and their areas of interest in priority from set of projects decided and listed. These are planned to be the man power or workforce.

2. Donors & Sponsors - The Funding:

The donor Muslims can make donations to support the selected high potential people as full time paid Islamic workers. They can select the projects in which they want to contribute and how much and how regularly. The sponsors are those donors who want advertisement to their halaal business, institute or their own Islamic site in return for sponsoring. These are planned to be the sponsors/financiers of the project.

3. Volunteers :
The volunteers can be those who will provide their free services in limited time i.e. about 5 to 10 hours average per week (average i.e. overall this rate should be maintained, if 1 week he can only manege 6 hours, he can do 12 hours in next 2 weeks to cover this up or 11 hours in next 4 weeks etc. and maintain average of 10 hours per week) . They will be assigned the most in demand task and these can start working immediately. Most in demand potential is classical Arabic to English Translation.

4. Organizers:
Organizers should be trusted Muslims who transparently manage donations and their distribution to paid Islamic workers. This project should be very transparent, how much donation is being given to which person for which task, and that task if possible should also be uploaded as draft version somewhere or atleast shared with donors to that project, so that they can continue seeing the progress of their interest work. Moreover, donations should also be tracked in a separate sheet, where the amount of donation by a donor used for a project should also be marked and this sheet can be regularly shared with the donors.

5. Potential Areas:

Many potential areas are there e.g.

1. Classical Arabic to English Translation e.g. translation of selected roots from Taaj ul Uroos or Lisaan ul Arab for roots used in The Qur’an starting from last 8 Arabic letters. Translation of The Qur'an with a lot of dedicated time, effort, and skills.This is the most in demand skill and potential!

2. Islamic Research and Sharing of that research in unique areas of interest e.g. Research into Qur’anic Studies selected areas, Sunnah issues.

3. Quick Study Tools development, enhancement and launch
e.g. comprehensive quick study tool which searches an Arabic root in all major classical Arabic Dictionaries and shows all the relevant content on searching together. A comprehensive Tafsir tool that shows all available useful Tafaaseer on any Ayat together. Qur'an Quick Study tools and other important books quick study tools. Due to shortage of time, make study instant and quick by making quick study tools, so that interested people who want to study some area of Islam, can do so immediately. No matter how much time they have, they can study directly and quickly using quick study tools instead of 1st finding the topic and then studying. 

4. Searchable text projects: Conversion of important scanned books to fully searchable books and applications by typing them again in proper formatting.

5. Islamic services: like preparing blogs on an Islamic field e.g. Qur'anic studies, Arabic learning, personal teaching, web designing, and many other areas can be identified.

But the need today is to quicken the Islamic Research and Spread it far and wide. 

Youtube Clip from Siraj Wahhaj’s lecture  :
We Need Full-time Workers For Islam

Interested people can email me at revivearabic to discuss or give suggestions on how to improve the concept further and once fully refined, a version can be prepared which can be shared with popular sites and scholars and launched.

Example: Lane was identified as having high potential and hired as full time paid worker on preparing an Arabic English Lexicon. He was able to focus his energies and time on this project without having to spend time on doing a job and instead of doing this as a hobby or part time volunteer activity, he worked on it in a focused manner and was able to provide due time to it. We should have potential Islamic translators having skill level equal to or higher than Lane. Once the project is launched from a proper platform, the energies of such high potential Muslims can be focused on important Islamic projects instead of being spent on worldly jobs.

Interested workers and donors can email, so that I can add reference to their services on this post, so that they can be contacted by the person who launches the project, whenever the project is launched. The potential workers to prove their skills and potential will have to do some volunteer work of about 10 hours in the most in demand project matching their skills as indicated by the organizer who launches the project, based on which their quality, skill, speed etc. can be evaluated. The potential donors and sponsors should indicate their way of earning to organizer so that only those donors are selected who don’t have any disallowed money (e.g. ribaa) in the earnings.

Interested volunteers can also email me. Currently most in demand project is Classical Arabic to English Translation. Also volunteers can be assigned various smaller tasks from above 5 potential areas. The high potential volunteers who show excellent performance, are most suitable candidates to be chosen as paid Islamic workers in addition to getting my recommendation. The volunteer activities can start immediately by coordinating with me, but think over it before applying, as sometimes I receive a volunteer mail and when I assign him or her a task, the task is not submitted. In volunteer activities I don't want to make any kind of push as this is volunteer activity by its very definition, I can assign target timelines for paid workers and push them with due respect to meet the targets, but not volunteers. Before posting here your interest to volunteer, also note that it is not certain when the paid project will start, and if you can easily manage without harming your current job, then I will recommend you participate. This project may even be limited to volunteer based project for a considerable time till it gains acceptance among high impact Muslims and ALLAH Knows when that can happen, so volunteers should be prepared and willing to continue this as volunteer based project.

Saturday, April 09, 2016

Arabic Verb Form VIII (8) اِفْتَعَلَ Ifta'ala Ifta3ala

Arabic Verb Form VIII (8) اِفْتَعَلَ Ifta'ala Ifta3ala

Meaning shades of Arabic Verbal Form VIII

Also see posts on Other Arabic Verb Forms
This post is on The Meanings of Arabic Verb Form VIII اِفْتَعَلَ . Usually one or multiple (more than one) of the following meaning shades are applicable in a Form VIII verb and applicable meaning shades may differ from verb to verb.

Last edited on : 11-April-2016
and planned to be edited and improved further.
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1 . (w) Can be made from root by infixing augmentative letter ت after the ف of root and giving it pattern اِفْتَعَلَ . Can be made from Form I فَعَلَ by inserting تَ between ف and ع , due to which it becomes فْتَعَلَ because ف looses its vowel after insertion of this تَ . Then to facilitate its pronunciation اِ is added before it and resulting pattern is اِفْتَعَلَ .

2 . (t) The ت  here basically indicates "himself". Form V and Form VI and Form X also have a ت before the ف of root , while Form VIII has this ت after the ف of root.

3 . (n) This form usually indicates someone 
making himself
do something
by himself for himself
with intent + effort/striving + concern/carefulness
(Note: Some or all of the above mentioned qualities may hold and that can change from verb to verb and also depends on context)

4 . (k) Usually has the meaning shade of doing for oneself and doing with effort (and concern / carefulness.)
اِكْتَسَبَ الْمَالَ he acquired the wealth for himself with effort 
اِكْتَالَ لَبَنًا he carefully weighed milk for himself.

5 . (k) Form VIII can also indicate getting something done for oneself via someone.
اِكْتَتَبَ كِتَابًا he got a book transcribed or written for himself.

6 . (t) This form is reflexive of form I. Like form VII, this form has two sub-meanings for the reflexive, the simple reflexive and the reflexive causative. However, contrary to form VII, this form will mostly have the reflexive causative meaning, and unlike form VII, this meaning here won't be related only to intransitive form I verbs.
Simple Reflexive : he did himself
Reflexive Causative: he made himself do

7 . (t) Unlike the ن affix, the ت affix in formal Arabic indicates a powerful reflexive action and cannot be reduced to a passive meaning "he was/became done." Although both share a related meaning that indicates an action directed towards the subject of the verb, the ت affix indicates a stronger role of the subject as a performer of the action, or it indicates more effort performed by the agent. This strong role of the subject further extends itself and turns into a reflexive causative meaning in many form VIII verbs. This happens especially with verbs that also have form VII versions.
فَعَلَ (Form I) he did
اِنْفَعَلَ (Form VII) he was or became done / he did himself
اِفْتَعَلَ (Form VIII) he made himself do (for himself with effort and intent and concern) / he did himself.
Both verbs originally had reflexive meanings, but in one of them i.e. Form VII it was too weak so it was almost reduced to a passive meaning, whereas in the other i.e. Form VIII it was too strong so it evolved into a reflexive causative meaning.

8 . (t) The simple reflexive meaning shade of form VII is usually used for roots denoting simple or basic actions like opening, closing, lowering, raising, cutting, breaking, writing, reading, understanding, knowing, etc. Whereas, in form VIII, it is used for basic actions as well as complicated ones.
When a reflexive form VIII is denoting a simple action like the ones denoted by form VII, it will have a meaning similar to form VII.
When a reflexive form VIII is denoting a complex action that cannot be expressed by form VII,  it usually carries a meaning shade that indicates a strong role of the subject as a performer, or a meaning that indicates more effort of the subject.

9 . (w) The reflex object is either:
a. The direct object or accusative
فَرَقَ (Form I) he divided or made a separation or distinction (between things)
اِفْتَرَقَ (Form VIII) it divided, parted, separated.
b. The indirect object or dative, implying for oneself, for one's own advantage.
لَمَسَ (Form I) he touched
اِلْتَمَسَ (Form VIII) he felt for or sought for (a thing).

10 . (h)(t)(w) Form VIII اِفْتَعَلَ is also in some cases (simple actions OR non-physical actions OR in cases which don't have a form VII) quasi-passive مُطَاوِع of Form I, but this is mainly the quality of Form VII and is not so common in form VIII.
(a) . مُطَاوِع is a verb whose (grammatical) agent receives the effect of the action of the agent another verb.
(w) . The مُطَاوِع expresses the state into which the object of the action denoted by the verb of which it is مُطَاوِع is brought by that action, as its effect or result.
شَوَيْتُهُ فَاشْتَوَىٰ I roasted it so it became roasted. (1st verb is Form I and 2nd verb is Form VIII)
غَمَمْتُهُ فَاغْتَمَّ I grieved him so he became grieved. (1st verb is Form I and 2nd verb is Form VIII)

11 (h) . More explanation on cases which don't have a Form VII mentioned in above point.
For these cases original Form VIII meaning may hold or it may be used instead of Form VII having a similar meaning shade to Form VII.
For verbs in which the ف of root is ر or ل or م or ن or و ( or ي ) often in such cases, instead of using Form VII, Form VIII may be used. Now this Form VIII can then have its own meaning shade i.e. originally Form VIII or it may have meaning shade like Form VII i.e. used instead of Form VII, because these are the letters that the quiescent ن becomes incorporated into i.e. the ن also converts to the letter and then both the letters are joined together with shaddah . The ن of اِنْفَعَلَ is the sign of quasi-passivity, so its obliteration is disliked. So to avoid its obliteration, Form VIII may be used instead of form VII.
نَفَيْتُهُ فَانْتَفَىٰ (1st verb is Form I and 2nd verb is Form VIII) I removed it so it was removed. 

12 . (n) Sometimes Form VIII is also used for mutual action or reciprocal signification. On a deeper analysis, one can understand that this does not make the meaning shade equal to Form VI, but is a different meaning shade retaining the qualities of form VIII also. When the action is such that it is done by more than 1 persons and is such an action that naturally involves participation by multiple persons, a shade of reciprocal signification or mutual action is natural. 
اِقْتَتَلَ النَّاسُ (Form VIII) the people killed one another. (Note the context is such that the doers and recipients of the action are the people. In this group of people there are different persons each making himself kill some other persons for himself (to not get killed himself or to kill his enemies) and striving in this action with concern . )

13 (k) . The subject or فَاعِل making the thing indicated by the word from the same root, for himself.
اِجْتَحَرَ (Form VIII) he made a جُحْر hole for himself. 

14 (k) . The subject or فَاعِل acquiring or taking the thing indicated by the word from the same root, for himself.
اِحْتَرَزَ (Form VIII) he took a حِرْز place of refuge/protection for himself. 

15 (k) . The subject or فَاعِل making the object or مَفْعُول to become the thing indicated in the word from the same root, for himself.
اِغْتَذَىٰ سَعِيدٌ الشَّاةَ (Form VIII) Saeed made the sheep غِذَآء nutriment/nourishment for himself.  

16 (k) . The subject or فَاعِل taking the object or مَفْعُول in the thing indicated in the word from the same root, for himself.
اِعْتَضَدَ نَدِيمٌ الْكِتَابَ (Form VIII) Nadeem placed the book under his عَضُد upper arm.

17 (k) . The subject or فَاعِل showing or disclosing or presenting the thing indicated in the word from the same root in front of someone, for himself.
اِعْتَذَرَ (Form VIII) he presented an عُذْر excuse (for himself) .

18 (k)(q) . Introducing new meaning in form VIII which is not present in form I.
root = خ ل ف
Form I = خَلَفَ he came or remained after.
Form VIII = اِخْتَلَفَ he differed.

19  (k) . Form VIII verb can also come for a root in which no Form I verb has come.

20 (k) . In few cases, Form VIII may also serve as مُطَاوِع of Form II.

21 . Conversion of ف of root or of the augmentative ت in Form VIII verbs usually occurs according to following rules (Note, for simplicity and ease of understanding I am giving hypothetical root just changing the ف of ف ع ل to explain the conversions) :

If ف of root is و or ي then ف of root is also converted to ت and then both ت joined together with shaddah.
اِوْتَعَلَ to اِتْتَعَلَ to اِتَّعَلَ .

If ف of root is ث then the augmentative ت of Form VIII is also converted to ث and then both ث joined together with shaddah.
اِثْتَعَلَ to اِثْثَعَلَ to اِثَّعَلَ .

If ف of root is د then the augmentative ت of Form VIII is converted to د and then both د joined together with shaddah.
اِدْتَعَلَ to اِدْدَعَلَ to اِدَّعَلَ .

If ف of root is ز then the augmentative ت of Form VIII is converted to د .
اِزْتَعَلَ to اِزْدَعَلَ .

If ف of root is ذ then the augmentative ت of Form VIII is converted to د and ف of root is also converted to د and then both د joined together with shaddah.
اِذْتَعَلَ to اِدْدَعَلَ to اِدَّعَلَ .

If ف of root is ط then the augmentative ط of Form VIII is converted to ط and then both ط joined together with shaddah.
اِطْتَعَلَ to اِطْطَعَلَ to اِطَّعَلَ

If ف of root is ظ then the augmentative ظ of Form VIII is converted to ظ and then both ظ joined together with shaddah. 
اِظْتَعَلَ to اِظْظَعَلَ to اِظَّعَلَ

22 (w) . Table 1

23 (q) . Table 2

Important Note: 
Best examples for analyzing and verifying the level of applicability or non-applicability of above mentioned meaning shades and for finding additional meaning shades is by studying all occurrences of the Form in The Qur'an and for that you can check relevant examples for this Form in Pattern Wise Concordance PDF by visiting the post:
Pattern wise, Root wise & Letter wise Concordance of The Qur'an
& downloading the concordance documents freely. You can check relevant examples of most of the patterns used in the Qur'an by using concordance documents.

References: When multiple references mentioned for a point, it means material selected from all quoted references more from some and less from others and all quoted references do not necessarily agree on everything. Material is not exactly copied but based on the reference quoted and I have made additions, editions & changes where required :   

h = Howell Arabic Grammar English
w = Wright Arabic Grammar English
t = Arabic notes on tripod site by Hani Deek
k = Aasaan Khaasiyyaat e abwaab Urdu
q = Qawaid Zaban e Qur'an Urdu
n = new indication by me.
a = Derived from other tools like arabic almanac or some other book.

Funding is required to continue patterns research. Stage 1 posts are ready for the following:
فَعۡل فُعۡل فِعۡل فَعَل فُعُل فَعَال فِعَال فَعُل فُعُول فُعَل فِعَل فِعِل