Books Required

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Volunteers required to scan the following books in good quality and upload their PDFs

Arabic Books:
المعجم المفهرس الشامل لالفاظ القران الكريم بالرسم العثماني
عبد اللّٰه ابراهيم جلغوم
مركز تفسير للدّراسات القرآنيّة

info @ (PDF in color available and linked up here, but higher quality scan and PDF is required since this work is very important)

معجم حروف المعاني في القران الكريم
محمد حسن الشريف
مؤسسة الرسالة ـ لبنان
(PDF in black & white available and linked up here, but higher quality scan and PDF is required since this work is very important)

معجم الأدوات و الضمائر في القرآن الكريم
تكملة المعجم المفهرس لألفاظ القرآن الكريم
اسماعيل أحمد عماميرة
مؤسسة الرسالة للطباعة والنشر والتوزيع، دار الفرقان للنشر والتوزيع
PDF found and linked up here .

الـمـعـجـم في فـقـه لـغـة الـقـرآن و سـرّ بـلاغـتـه
الأستاذ محمّد واعظ زاده الخراسانيّ
مجمع البحوث الإسلاميّة
كتابخانة ملي ايران
info @

Very Important!, quick study tool to be made inshaALLAH! as soon as all volumes PDFs are found in reasonable quality.

المعجم القرآني دراسة معجمية لأصول ألفاظ القرآن الكريم
حيدر علي نعمة _ أحمد علي نعمة
جامعة العراقية ـ البغداد ٢٠١٣

Very Important!, quick study tool to be made inshaALLAH! as soon as the PDF is found in reasonable quality.

المعجم الفريد لمعاني كلمات القرآن المجيد
١٧٦٤ مادة معجمية تحليل وبيان
كامل محمد الجرار
من علماء الأزهر الشريف
Very Important!, quick study tool to be made inshaALLAH! as soon as PDF is found in reasonable quality.

القطوف من لغة القرآن
معجم ألفاظ وتراكيب لغوية من القرآن الكريم
محمد باسم ميقاتي
محمد زهري معصراني
عبد اللّٰه أحمد الدندشي
مكتبة لبنان ناشرون
(PDF in black & white and 2 pages scanned together format is available and linked up here, but higher quality scan and PDF is required since this work is important)

الوافي في المرفوعات والمنصوبات والمجرورات
PDF in low quality available but higher quality scan is required since this book is important. Original PDF , Cropped Lean PDF and Online @ Archive

سر المقطوع والموصول والتاءات التي بسطت في الرسم القرآني
أبو مسلم ، عبد المجيد العرابلي

سر زيادة وحذف الياء وإبدالها في الرسم القرآني
أبو مسلم ، عبد المجيد العرابلي

أسرار حذف وزيادة الواو وابدالها في الرسم القرآني
أبو مسلم ، عبد المجيد العرابلي
Above are important works by Abu Muslim that can be useful for extending Qur'an Concordance Research further.

المعجم الكبير ـ
مجمع اللغة العربية بالقاهرة ـ
تنفيدا التعليمات الأستاذ الدكتور محمود حافظ ـ رئيس المجمع

الشامل: معجم في علوم اللغة العربية ومصطلحاتها
محمد سعيد أسبر وبلال الجندي
دار العودة ـ بيروت

Arabic Books (most content in Arabic with some notes in English)
A Lexicon of al-Farrā’'s Terminology in his Qur’ān Commentary
With Full Definitions, English Summaries, and Extensive Citations
by Naphtali Kinberg
ISBN : 978-90-04-10421-1
The Lexicon contains about 3,000 terms and compound terms of grammar, lexicography, commentary, hadith and other Islamic sciences. Each term is presented with an English definition, often followed by an English summary. After the English section, extensive quotations from the original text are adduced in Arabic.

المعجم المفهرس لألفاظ الشعر الجاهلي ومعانيه
الدكتور المختار كريّم

English Books:
Planned to be evaluated later inshaALLAH!

English Books required for preparation of posts for this blog (not of much benefit for masses) :

Evaluation of Ibn Maḍāʼ's criticism of the Arab grammarians (1985 PHD Thesis by Naji Abdeljabbar Abdeljaber, University of Michigan)
As per the book preview it seems like a very important book for my planned detailed posts on case theory.
Any volunteer who has access to University of Michigan Library may download from: Link from where 8.5MB PDF can be found (downloadable by University of Michigan users only) or he may buy a lower quality PDF apparently, from this link and then they can email the PDF to me at asimiqbal2nd @

Arabic-English Quranic Lexicon: A Comprehensive Dictionary on Quran by Nasir Uddin Khan.

Books in various languages requested by specific visitors of this blog (not of much benefit for masses) :
Syntax der Arabischen Schriftsprache der Gegenwart Teil I, Band 1 Das Nomen und sein Umfeld (ISBN: 9783895002205) requested by Antonio L Banderas )

Required book scans already sent by volunteers:

Following 5 books' scans sent to me by Antonio L Banderas

Ibn Maḍā' al-Qurṭubī and the Book in Refutation of the Grammarians (1984 PHD Thesis)
InshaALLAH! This book has the potential to be useful for detailed post on Accusative case, and even in some other posts related to Grammar.

Parallels in Semitic Linguistics The Development of Arabic la- and Related Semitic Particles
InshaALLAH! This book has the potential to be useful for improving further an older post on لَ and also a couple of new planned posts.

Studies in Arabic Syntax and Semantics
InshaALLAH! This book has the potential to be useful for improving further an older post on لَ and also a couple of new planned posts.

Arabic Morphology and Phonology - based on the Marah Al-Arwah by Ahmad b. Ali b. Mas'ud

The Complexity of the Irregular Verbal and Nominal Forms & Phonological Changes in Arabic