Thursday, February 13, 2025

Arabic Pattern Meanings Set 4 فَعۡل فُعۡل فِعۡل فَعَل فُعُل

Learn Arabic Patterns Meaning Shades Set 4. Set 4 covers the patterns: fa'l fu'l fi'l fa'al fu'ul i.e فَعۡل فُعۡل فِعۡل فَعَل فُعُل also sometimes written fa3l fu3l fi3l fa3al fu3ul. Keep checking:
Qur'an Concordance - Roots - Patterns - Letters - Word Sets - Word Domains - Usage Context - Ayah Initiation for some other research on Qur'an Concordance and The Post List for some other important posts inshaALLAH!

Note that this is only partial research on these patterns, i.e. Stage 1 of 5. Funding is required for this stage, so that I can initiate and publish research on next stages inshaALLAH! For more details on voluntarily spent hours and hours requiring funding and how much funding is required for each pattern, see:
Iterative Arabic Research Content Development
فَعۡل p.fa'l.
فُعۡل p.fu'l.
فَعَل p.fa'al.
فُعُل p.fu'ul.

All the credit and all the praises and all the thanks for whatever is good and beneficial in this post and all the other posts, tools, and projects are just for ALLAH, and whatever shortcoming or mistake there is in any of these is due to me, an ordinary slave of ALLAH! and I seek ALLAH's forgiveness and pardon for any shortcomings and mistakes in any of these.

Stage 1 of 5 Notes
A : noun / being / thing / material / part / place / location / time / time period / action / doing / conduct / happening / event / saying / statement / sound / matter / collective noun or group / attribute / quality / feature / trait / faculty / feeling / thought / thinking / (status) :
active / functioning / operating / involving / engaged in / existing / being :
having / containing / displaying / utilizing :

what is indicated by the root or a word from the same root.

(No harakah on ع may be to indicate that the word is without primary meaning shade of : doer / done / state / mode : etc.)

In English, suffixes like : ion, ing, ent, ant, ure, age, al, ce, nce, ment, ity, y, ery, ly, ength, ness, ght, tude, ousy, ient, ant, th, t, or, er, en, ive etc. may be used depending on the word and the context in various cases.

In English, abstract nouns may also used in various cases to attempt to convey the meaning shade.

Stage 1 of 5 Notes
A : conceptual / physical : embodiment / form / noun : of / for : what is indicated by the root or a word from the same root.

A : noun / being / thing / part / matter / quality / trait / feature / feeling / action / doing / saying / statement / time / time period / place / collective noun : etc. :
itself / at the self level / at the being level / being / itself being / (as) / for / as a conceptual or physical embodiment for :
what is indicated by the root or a word from the same root.

Stage 1 of 5 Notes
A : label / name / term : or a : referring / categorizing / classifying / defining : word: etc.:
for a : noun / substantive / being / thing / part / place / matter / conduct / stance / behavior / attitude / action / doing / happening / occurrence / set of actions or doings over an extended period for a cause or purpose / feeling / emotion / thought / faculty / feature / trait / quality / measure / extent / statement / saying / time duration / belief / assumption / viewpoint / situation / relation / sign / indication / generic or collective noun : etc. :
in / in a / in an active or applicable :
mode / way / manner / role / function / purpose / scope / status / position / standing / posture / style / angle / character /

state / condition / circumstance / terms of what is / means /
kind / sort / type / variety / classification /
condition or state of a quality, trait, feature, attribute etc. /
measure / value / extent / capacity / grade / level / quantity / quality : in terms of : state / condition / share / allotment / allocation / portion : etc.:
indicated by the root or by a word from the same root.
in terms of / from the perspective of / from the frame of reference of :
what is indicated by the root or by a word from the same root.

Stage 1 of 5 Notes
A : noun / being / thing / part / area / place / time period / time / oath / doing / action / happening / saying / matter / way / path / collective noun / stage / information / thought / desire : etc.:
having done / having become ...ed according to / having become effected or resulting form for / that does (transitive or intransitive) / being i.e. that be-es / being be-er of or having become and being be-er of فَعِلَ (i.e. having reached a state) according to / being be-er of or having become and being be-er of فَعُلَ according to / being do-er of or having become do-er of or having done فَعَلَ according to :
what is indicated by the root or a word or verb from the same root.

Stage 1 of 5 Notes
A : noun / being / thing / part / material / matter / area / section / region / place / time period / condition / situation / age / stage :etc.:
for / apt or suitable or designated for:
being considered or treated or taken or used as or used for / being found or observed or sensed to be / being subjected to or being object for or of / receiving / bearing / being / doing / making use of / being used as interface for / on or at or during which, doing or being subjected to:

what is indicated by the root or a word or verb from the same root.

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