Sunday, September 05, 2021

Arabic Pattern Meanings Set 3 أَفْعَل فَعْلَآء فُعْلَىٰ مِفْعَال فِعِّيل

Learn Arabic Patterns' Meaning Shades Set 3. Set 3 covers the patterns: af'al fa'laaa. fu'laa mif'aal fi''eel i.e أَفْعَل فَعْلَآء فُعْلَىٰ مِفْعَال فِعِّيل also sometimes written af3al fa3laaa. fu3laa mif3aal fi33eel. Keep checking Qur'an Concordance - Roots - Patterns - Letters - Word Sets - Word Domains for some other research on Qur'an Concordance and The Post List for some other important posts inshaALLAH!
Arabic Patterns Set 3
فَعْلَآء p.fa'laaa.
فُعْلَىٰ p.fu'laa.
مِفْعَال p.mif'aal.

Post 1st published on : 5th September 2021
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Post's relevant content last edited on : 5th September 2021.

All the credit and all the praises and all the thanks for whatever is good and beneficial in this post and all the other posts, tools, and projects are just for ALLAH, and whatever shortcoming or mistake there is in any of these is due to me, an ordinary slave of ALLAH! and I seek ALLAH's forgiveness and pardon for any shortcomings and mistakes in any of these.

The أَ at the beginning of this pattern appears to indicate : established / confirmed / ingrained / settled / fixed / anchored / rooted : firmly / strongly / soundly / enduringly.

The core meaning shade of أَفْعَل appears to be:
A : being / thing / noun : etc., having:
attained / confirmed : and :
firm / strong / sound / stable / enduring:
presence / existence / establishment / ingraining / settlement / fixing / rooting / anchoring: of :
a : quality / trait / feature : indicated by the root or a word from the same root:
or having : firmly / strongly : established / confirmed / rooted / ingrained / fixed / settled / anchored: and :
stable / steady / unwavering / enduring :
existence / presence : of :
a : quality / trait / feature : indicated by the root or a word from the same root:
and the : being / thing / noun : as : a whole / overall / at the being level : is considered with this : quality / trait / feature:
and the : trait / quality / feature : can be safely and in a : confirmed / corroborated : manner be ascribed to the being / thing / noun.

or a : being / thing / noun : etc.,:
firmly established in being or being firmly established in :
what is indicated by the root or a word from the same root:

Note that the : trait / quality / feature : is firmly established, but depending on the : being / context :, the : quality / strength / concentration / intensity / level / quantity / muchness : of the : trait / quality / feature : can vary from being to being.

For example, we see 2 different leaves which are both firmly established in greenness, but 1 leaf is more firmly established in greenness (it has more green spread, stronger green shade etc.) than the other. 2 persons may be firmly established in knowledge regarding an event, but 1 of them is more firmly established in knowledge by knowing the finer and subtler details of the event etc. as compared to the other.

This : quality / trait / feature : is at its firmly fixed or established state at the time regarding which the reference is made to the thing or being in the statement and could have been firmly fixed or established since the beginning or be firmly fixed or established since some later time and this can continue for ever or till a finite time depending on the context and the being in whom this quality / trait / feature exists (i.e. for a mortal or perishable being, either till death or till the : quality / trait / feature is replaced or removed or ends).

Since this pattern is used for indicating the firmly fixed or established existence of a : quality / trait / feature : and the word alone does not usually deal with its intensity or level etc., so different things or beings can have the same firmly fixed or established : quality / trait / feature, but the level or intensity etc. can vary. So, this pattern in some contextual arrangements (along with other words and in specific grammatical arrangements) can also be used for comparison, e.g., as in the ahadith attributed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) for comparison of whiteness levels or intensity of white, e.g. see these"أبيض+من" and"whiter+than". Note: the more common opinion of many of today's teachers and scholars in this issue is to follow the Basran grammarians' argument that comparison cannot be used for colors, but this opinion contradicts the actual grammar and usage of some ahadith. So in this case, Kufan opinion of allowing comparison for colors also is obviously more logical and correct and can also explain the usage of whiter than and other classical sayings by others. Regardless of the authenticity of the quoted ahadith, the usage is obviously favoring the Kufan grammarians' view in this case. Now this does not mean every opinion of 1 group of grammarians is better than the other, this simply reminds us that every opinion has to be evaluated based on merit and evidences and we may even choose a different opinion if evidences are stronger for the new opinion.

Example of usage with مِنْ
أَصْغَرُ مِنْ ذَٰلِكَ
Translation attempt : Smaller than that (i.e. " than" is combined translation attempt along with مِنْ or it can also be said that "er" may be a modification in meaning shade due the the context of accompanying مِنْ ).
A more literal translation attempt : (Something) firmly established in : being small / smallness : than / from / (as compared to) : that.

Examples of usage as مضاف in مركب إضافي compounds:
أَسْفَلَ سَافِلينَ
Translation attempt : (something / someone / some place : etc.) firmly established : in being / (in its position or status as) : low / (lower) : of lows (low ones).
OR (something / someone / some place : etc.) firmly established in being / (in its position or status as) : lows' low (on the 1st level of translation, and thus on the 2nd level of interpretation lowest of the lows).

أَكْثَرُ النَّاسِ Translation attempt : Majority or Major : chunk / portion / quantity : of the humans. (Set / collection / group / class : of humans) : firmly established in being / (in forming / in making up) : the majority or major : chunk / quantity / portion : of the humans.

More examples of usage of this pattern follow below:
Translation attempt (for ALLAH) : The One Who is Ever Firmly Established in Being Absolutely High, far Exalted above and Beyond any kind of comparison.

Translation attempt : A being / thing : firmly established in being high / (higher) (usually in some context or with respect to some matter or situation etc.)

Translation attempt (for ALLAH) : One Who is Ever Firmly Established in Being Absolutely Great, far Exalted above and Beyond any kind of comparison.

Translation attempt : (A : being / thing / matter / action : etc.) : firmly established in being : great.

Translation attempt (for ALLAH) : One Who is Ever Firmly Established in Perfectly & Thoroughly Knowing : everything / every matter / all that is knowable etc.

Translation attempt : (A being) firmly established in knowledge or in being knowledgeable (and the scope and extent of this knowledge (of some thing or things or matters or issues etc. and the depth of knowledge) depends on the being and the context).

Translation attempt : Majority. Major chunk or portion or quantity of something or some matter or some group. Set / collection / group / class : of beings / things : or parts or portions of the same thing : firmly established in being : the majority / major chunk / abundant / numerous ( : in terms of their common : trait / feature / stance : etc. in some matter or from some angle etc.)

Translation attempt : (A : being / thing) : firmly established in being together or being considered or taken into account together, in some respect or context or matter or action, along with other beings or things, and all of them together are indicated by the plural word أَجْمَعُون usually with something being applicable on all that are part of this collection or group or class.

Translation attempt : (Something) firmly established : in being white / in whiteness.

Translation attempt : (Something) firmly established : in being black / in blackness.

Translation attempt : (Something) firmly established : in being green / in greenness.

Translation attempt : Blind. (Someone) firmly established in : being blind / blindness.

Translation attempt : Leper. (A person) firmly established in being with leprosy or firmly established in leprosy.

Translation attempt : (Someone) firmly established : in being a loser / in loss.

Translation attempt : (Someone / something) : firmly established in the : mid / middle / center / non-extreme : (sub-range / section / type : etc.) : of a : group / range / distribution / matter / quantity or intensity of a recurrent doing : etc.

Translation attempt : (something / someone / some place : etc.) firmly established in being : low / (lower) (in some context or with respect to some matter or situation etc.)

Translation attempt : (some : being / thing / matter / action : etc. ) firmly established in being : near / close (with respect to someone / something : etc. in some : context / matter / situation / from some angle : etc. Like relatives whose closeness is firmly established to the one they are relatives of.)

Translation attempt : (A : place / location) : firmly established in being : distant / far off / outer / remote : side / corner / edge / periphery / location : from the current point or location of reference for someone or in the current visible range for someone.

Translation attempt : (A : thing / matter / action / conduct / statement : etc. or : quality / trait : itself) : firmly established in being : well : proportionate / symmetrical / balanced / arranged : and : appropriate / fine / neat / beautiful : without : ugliness / disproportion / crudeness / roughness : etc.

Translation attempt : (A : being / thing / matter / doing / happening / noun / collective noun : etc.) firmly established in being : former / prior / earlier / antecedent / 1st : etc. : in some context / for some matter / from some angle : etc.

آخَر also written ءَاخَر
Translation attempt : (A : being / thing / matter / doing / happening / noun / collective noun : etc.) : firmly established in being : latter / other / last / 2nd : etc. : in some context / for some matter / from some angle : etc.

The آء at the end of this pattern appears to indicate : to such a level : (high / deep / much : etc. or : prolonged / extended : etc. or : piled up / again and again / repeatedly : etc.) that what is indicated by the remaining part of the word is : established / anchored / settled / fixed / rooted / held on : firmly / strongly / soundly / enduringly.

The core meaning shade of فَعْلَاء appears to be:
State / condition / situation / circumstance:
or feeling / sentiment / emotion:
or being subjected to / action / doing / conduct / happening:
or quality / trait / feature / color / defect: etc.:
of what is indicated by the part of the word on pattern فَعْل or by the root or word from this root :
to such a level : (high / deep / much : etc. or : prolonged / extended : etc. or : piled up / again and again / repeatedly : etc.)
that : it / its : impact / effects / influence / mark / presence : is : established / anchored / settled / fixed / rooted / held on : firmly / strongly / soundly / enduringly,
and this can be for a specified amount of time or for the time being, or can also be permanent, and this depends on the matter or being and the context.

12.1. State / condition / situation / circumstance.
Translation attempt : Severity : with : toughness / inconvenience / uncomfortability / restriction / straitness / hardship / difficulty / roughness : etc. to such a level that the : condition / state / circumstances / stage of life : is or has become : firmly : established / settled : in being : severe / tough / inconvenient : etc. (and this : condition / state / circumstances / stage of life : for some being or beings indicated by context is referred to by the word بَأْسَآء )

Translation attempt : Harm / hurt / damage / loss / pain / suffering : to such a level that the : condition / state / circumstances / stage of life : is or has become : firmly : established / settled : in being : harmful / damaging / painful / hurtful : etc. OR : harm / loss / damage / hurt / pain / suffering : to such a level that the : damage / loss / harm : etc. or their : effect / impact : is firmly : established / settled : on the being.

Translation attempt : Healthy / sound : condition : with : sufficiency and ampleness of means and : comfort / convenience / ease : to such a level that the : condition / state / circumstances / stage of life : is or has become : firmly : established / settled : in being : healthy / sound / with ampleness and sufficiency of means / easy / convenient / comfortable : etc. (and this : condition / state / circumstances / stage of life : for some being or beings indicated by context is referred to by the word نَعْمَآء )

Translation attempt : Relaxed / natural / calm / pleasant : inner : condition / feelings / state of mind / thoughts : which are : undisturbed / uninterrupted / unpolluted : by : worries / concerns / fears / tensions / threats : etc. to such a level that the : condition / state / circumstances / stage of life : is or has become : firmly : established / settled : in being : relaxed / pleasant / worry-free / tension-free / threat-free : etc. (and this : condition / state / circumstances / stage of life : for some being or beings indicated by context is referred to by the word سَرَّآء )

12.2. Feeling / sentiment / emotion.
Translation attempt : (Feeling / sentiment / emotion : of) : hate / hating : something or someone : to such a level : that the hatred (towards this thing or being) is firmly : established / settled / fixed / anchored : in the beholder (and this firmly : established / settled / fixed / anchored : hatred is called بَغْضَآء )

12.3. Being subjected to / action / doing / conduct / happening.
Translation attempt : (Conduct / doing: etc.) : violating / exceeding / going beyond / breaking : rectitude / morally correct behavior / rightful conduct / proper bounds / norms / proper measure : or : visually normal or approvable appearance : and thus also : repugnant / repulsive / repelling / abominable / abhorrent / unapprovable / unrecognized / unlikable : etc.: to such a level that : its being so or its effects or impact : is / has become : firmly : established / fixed / rooted / anchored.

Translation attempt : (Some : thing / place) : having been subjected to such : hitting / striking : or : blows / strikes : that damage or destroy the internal : connections / interlocking / cohesion / adhesion : holding the thing : upright / standing / elevated over its surroundings : or : that damage or destroy the internal : connections / interlocking / cohesion / adhesion : of its areas elevated above the level of its base : to such a level : that the : impact / effect / influence : of this is : firmly : established / fixed / settled / anchored : on the thing and the thing : is / has become : permanently and completely rendered : level to the base or level with its surroundings or broken apart and collapsed to the ground or base.

12.4. Quality / trait / feature / color / defect.
Translation attempt : (Something) being white to such a level that this whiteness is firmly established / settled : on it (e.g. by it being : totally white without a blemish / brilliantly white / with white color firmly established over it : etc.)

The فُ at the beginning of the pattern or dammah on 1st letter of the root in a pattern, apparently directs the focus to the : being / thing / noun : itself.
As can be seen in the case of verbs, the passive verb starts with فُ and the focus shifts to the being.
Translation attempt : He killed (someone). (Killing is indicated by the root, and the focus here is on the act of killing by the killer.)
Translation attempt : He was killed. (Killing is indicated by the root, and the focus is on the person himself ending up being killed, without any focus on the one who killed him).

Now let's also see a sample example from nouns:
Translation attempt : A single act of taking out water with the hand.
Translation attempt : body / quantity / amount : of water that is taken out with the hand, as much thereof as fills the hand. (Focus directed to being / material / thing : itself, in the this case the body of water that was collected in the hand).
غِرْفَة A mode / manner / way : of taking out water with the hand.

i.e. for the same issue, the 3 words above show 3 different angles of looking at it.

ىٰ positioned in this pattern after فُعْلَ is apparently for indicating : continuing / keeping on (or keeping on being) / lasting / remaining / extending on in time or for a time ( / adhering / ongoing / holding on): etc.

The core meaning shade of فُعْلَىٰ appears to be:
A : being / thing / noun / substantive / matter / action / doing / quality / epithet / trait / feature / (conduct / position / status / condition) : etc.:
itself being:
what is indicated by or related to : the root, or a noun or a verb from the same root:
and continuing / keeping on (or keeping on being) / lasting / remaining / extending on in time or for a time (/ adhering / ongoing / holding on): etc. being so
OR what is indicated by or related to : the root, or a noun or a verb from the same root: itself directly being (e.g. the thing called suitability itself, the thing called greatness itself):
and continuing / keeping on (or keeping on being) / lasting / remaining / extending on in time or for a time (/ adhering / ongoing / holding on): etc. being so.

Translation attempt : Continuing / lasting / ongoing / adhering / (regular) : consultation itself (presenting or extracting : opinions / views / ideas / concerns : etc. on matters etc. and then : gathering / shortlisting / refining / combining : them : and choosing the crux or suitable way forward after combining or refining the best of them with sufficient agreement).

Translation attempt : (something) : continuing / lasting / remaining / holding out : to be : unbreakable / unshakable : and thus unfailingly : strong / firm / fixed / established : etc.

Translation attempt : (something e.g. a specific Salaah) : continuing / remaining : to be : central / middle / in the middle or center.
(Most probably, it is فجر as
1. Islamic date starts at مغرب making the Salaah of فجر the central.
2. We find some examples and cases of combination of ظهر and عصر together and combination of مغرب and عشاء together but فجر is not combined with any other Salaah.
3. The call to prayer, regardless of whether this extra statement is traceable to earliest times or not, in many masaajid has this extra defensive statement for فجر i.e. الصلاة خير من النوم )

Translation attempt : Continuing / lasting / ongoing / (dedicated) : drinking (focus is on the thing called drinking itself (with all that is involved in fulfilling this, e.g. quantity of drinking, actions of drinking, reservation of drinking, days or time-slots for drinking etc.))

Translation attempt : Continuing / lasting / adhering : difficulty / hardness / (harshness / constraint / limitation / restriction) : etc.

Translation attempt : Continuing / lasting / adhering : ease / easiness / (convenience / facility / without constraint, restraint, limitation) : etc.

Translation attempt : (Something / some matter : etc.) : continuing to be / remaining : low.

Translation attempt : (Something / some matter : etc.) : continuing to be / remaining : high.

Translation attempt : Dream. Extended (in time / for some duration of time) : seeing / viewing (during sleep). A : viewing / seeing : that : continues / lasts / remains / adheres : for some time during sleep. (The whole extended : vision / sighting : of the dream is included).

Translation attempt : Lasting / adhering / (permanent, and thus final) : return. Return that lasts / adheres / continues / remains / (is permanent) : etc. (Another lesser probable translation attempt can be, continuing return (i.e. with every moment, the eventual return is progressing further)).

Translation attempt : Lasting / adhering : end / ending / final or last part or phase or stage (which is not followed by any other : part / stage / phase).

Translation attempt : (Being : or : quality / trait / (relation) : itself of) : continuing / remaining / lasting : to be : near / close. (Like relation itself or relatives whose closeness lasts and continues).

Translation attempt : Lasting / (remaining / continuing) : approachability / (reachability / nearness) : etc.

Translation attempt : (A : thing / matter) : continuing to be : near / close / (current) : enough or within close enough range or (low enough reach) : for : immediate / direct : access / contact / attainment / reach / approach / close visibility : etc. ((Current) world).

Translation attempt : (A : place / location) : continuing to be a : distant / far off / outer / remote : side / corner / edge / periphery : from the current point or location of reference for someone or in the current visible range for someone.

Translation attempt : (A : thing / matter / action / conduct / statement / word / name : etc. or : quality / trait : itself of) : being : well : proportionate / symmetrical / balanced / arranged : and : appropriate / fine / neat / beautiful : without : ugliness / disproportion / crudeness / roughness : etc. : and : continuing / remaining : to be so.

Translation attempt : (A : bring / thing / matter / doing / happening / noun / collective noun : etc.) being : former / prior / earlier / antecedent / 1st : etc. and : continuing / remaining : to be so : in some context / for some matter / from some angle : etc.

Translation attempt : (A : bring / thing / matter / doing / happening / noun / collective noun : etc.) : being : latter / other / last / 2nd : etc. and : continuing / remaining : to be so : in some context / for some matter / from some angle : etc.

Translation attempt : Lasting / continuing : suitability : which is : suitable / desirable / pleasant / wanted / acceptable / agreeable / with willingness:, without : impurity / dirtiness / uncleanliness / filthiness : external / internal : or compulsion against will or law or reason etc. or constraint or anger or dislike etc.

Translation attempt : (A : thing / matter / action / sign : etc. itself) : being : great / big : and : continuing / remaining / keeping on : being so.

Translation attempt : Female / feminine. (A being :) (inherently) being : soft / mild / delicate / feminine / female : and : continuing / remaining / holding on / keeping on : being so.

The م at the beginning of this pattern is apparently for : referring / pinpointing / indicating / focusing / marking : etc. and from this arises additional sense of affirmation etc., depending on the context and the case in question.
e.g. : referring / pinpointing / indicating / focusing / marking : a : what / who / noun / being / thing / place / location / position / point / interface / time / action / doing / conduct / mode / role / function / way / status / mode / state / condition / feeling / measure / tool / (quality / feature / attribute / trait) : etc.

The effect of kasrah on 1st letter of the pattern will be investigated in more detail inshaALLAH in the post on pattern فِعْل but for this post, following observations are made based on my initial research which is not yet conclusive and may change when post is finalized on pattern فِعْل and moreover, the applicable shades vary from pattern to pattern and these observations should only be taken as hint and possible shades only.

To understand kasrah on 1st letter of a pattern, 1st we go to some common usage, e.g. verbal noun patterns e.g. form III فِعَال which is originally فِيعَال and Form IV إِفْعَال and Form VII اِنْفِعَال and Form VIII اِفْتِعَال and Form X اِسْتِفْعَال etc., even very commonly used words like فِعْل and اِسْم etc. What we notice in many such cases is that it refers to the : concept / label / class / category / type / kind / name / referring word / word for a category or type under which it can be classed etc. Or it refers to a specific instance or example, which can be : conceptualized / labeled / classed / categorized / referred to : etc. under this label or referring word or this word for a category or type under which it can be classed etc.

Coming back to general discussion on kasrah on 1st letter in pattern for various possible shades, which may vary from pattern to pattern, word to word, and context to context etc. Note that more research is required and this is not final yet, as mentioned earlier also.

A : label / name / term : or a : referring / categorizing / classifying / defining : word : etc.:
for a : noun / substantive / being / thing / place / matter / conduct / stance / behavior / attitude / action / doing / set of actions or doings over an extended period for a cause or purpose / feeling / emotion / faculty / feature / trait / quality / measure / extent : etc. :
in a / in an active or applicable :
mode / way / manner / role / function / purpose / scope / status / position / standing / posture / style / angle / character /
state / condition / circumstance / terms / means /
kind / sort / type / variety / classification /
condition or state of a quality, trait, feature, attribute etc. /
measure / value / extent / capacity / grade / level / quantity / quality : in terms of : state / condition / share / allotment / allocation / portion / trait / feature: etc.
indicated by the root or by a word from the same root.

The ا positioned in this pattern after عَ appears to indicate : maturity / completeness / attainment / wholeness : etc.
In other words, in a : mature / complete / attaining / whole : way.
To understand this maturity / completeness / attainment / wholeness better, also see the following words which have ا in this position
تَمَام or complete etc. (Quick translation attempt)
بَلَاغ or : wholly / fully : attaining / reaching : conveyance etc. (Quick translation attempt)

عَا coming after kasrah on 1st letter of the pattern is also used in various verbal noun patterns e.g. form III فِعَال which is originally فِيعَال and Form IV إِفْعَال and Form VII اِنْفِعَال and Form VIII اِفْتِعَال and Form X اِسْتِفْعَال etc. Some other nouns also have kasrah on 1st letter followed by عَا in the pattern.

With verbal nouns or nouns on actions or doings etc., patterns starting with kasrah on 1st letter of the pattern followed by عَا in the pattern, appear to be to indicate a : name / label / term : for a : type / kind / category : of action or doing, often without any targeting or referring to the actual instance of the action or essence of the action or action itself. When some specific instance or being is to be referred, a pronoun or some kind of additional word is used. It may also be used to refer to an instance or example : action or doing : as belonging to / being as / having a role or function etc. as : being of a : type / kind / category : indicated with a : name / label / term.

Apparently, where the عَ is used in verbs, we can notice some use cases and examples where عَا is used in nouns. Similarly, we may notice some examples where عَ is used in : doing / action / becoming / having become / having been made / outcome / displaying some trait or feature or quality (being) : type nouns or attaining a : state / condition / feature / action (doer of / object of / capable of ) : etc. type nouns etc. while عَا is used in : whole / complete : being / thing / substantive : type nouns etc. or nouns for some : function / doing / purpose / usage : etc. or nouns referring to : action / doing / activity : as a whole / as an integrated unit : etc. or at a mature or completed stage with regards to what was to be achieved and not with regards to completion of 1 doing of the action e.g. for transmission, completion of entire transmission عَا even it involves multiple actions of transmission vs completion of 1 instance or action of transmission عَ and sometimes 1 instance also completes the job for which عَ may also be used.
More comprehensive meaning shades of عَ can inshaALLAH be covered in a separate post on the pattern فَعَل but for this post, some observations have been made.
We may also say that a noun is a complete or whole or concrete or solid or complete thing etc. or whole action with all that is part of that action referred to as a whole

The core meaning shade of مِفْعَال appears to be:
A : focused / pinpointed / indicated / referred / marked / (specified) :
whole / complete:
noun / substantive / being / thing / matter / material / conduct / deed / doing / action / control / statement / commitment / appointment / place / location / path / measure / extent : etc.:
in a : mode / function / role / scope / purpose / manner / way / measure / extent / level / status / position / standing / (state / condition):
or involving : measure / value / measuring : etc.:
indicated by the root or by a word from the same root.

Examples follow. Qur'anic context and usage is the focus and usage of this pattern as noun of instrument is evaluated strictly on merit.

Translation attempt : What is a : manner / way / procedure / method / program / instruction / guideline : of : conduct / proceeding ahead / dos and don'ts : traced out / charted out / marked out / defined : for : open / broad / default / common / widespread / extensive / frequent : etc.: use (by the being or class of beings for which it is : traced out / charted out / marked out / defined).

Translation attempt : The root appears to be ر ح ب and not ح ر ب and the word appears to have become from مِرْحَاب to مِحْرَاب after transposition.
What is (a : place / room / chamber : etc.) in an : amply : roomy / spacious / vacant : status / position / scope / role / purpose / type : etc.

Translation attempt : What is (a : control / thing / location : etc.) in a : role / scope / purpose : of : keeping / retaining : in : hold / containment / confinement / custody / possession : locked and secure condition / inaccessible : with : controlled access / extraction / utilization : on authorization from the controlling or commanding authority only.

Translation attempt : What is (a thing) in a : role / purpose / function : of : being / radiating : a : shining light / illuminating brightness / luminous color : in the midst of / cutting through : darkness / non bright or dark area : and illuminating its : adjoining / adjacent : surrounding.

Translation attempt : What is (a : thing / material / matter : ) in a mode / manner / way / style : of : flowing / pouring / streaming : without interruption / consecutively / simultaneously : and thus : profusely / copiously / abundantly.

Translation attempt : What is (a : being / thing : ) in the : position /status : of being : OR What is the : position / status :of being:
ready / prepared : and : alert / watchful / monitoring : with direct access to the object or access to a part of the : route / path / course : to be taken by the object, to take : planned / intended / decided : action on the object at the right time or at the time of choosing or chosen time.

Translation attempt : What is (a : matter / undertaking / event / meeting / thing : etc.) in a : way / manner / status : of being at an : appointed / set : time or for an : appointed / set : duration of time.

Translation attempt : What is (a : commitment / agreement / contract / undertaking / statement : etc.) in a : mode / manner / status : of being : not to be : broken / revoked / altered / violated : etc. and thus firmly : binding / fixed / established : etc.

Translation attempt : What is a: level / extent : of being a 10th or 1/10th (of some : thing / matter / progress : etc.).

Translation attempt : What : involves / relates to : measure / value / measuring / calculation : of : volume (of some : thing / material / share / allocation : etc.).

Translation attempt : What : involves / relates to : measure / value / measuring / calculation : of weight. It can be various things, e.g. a : tool /instrument : for measuring weight, an action of measuring weight, measure / value : of weight of a : thing / matter / deed / conduct / action : etc.

Translation attempt : What is a : measure / value : of heaviness.

Translation attempt : What is a measure of : value / valuation / worth / capability / capacity / power / size / length / duration : etc.

The core meaning shade of فِعِّيل appears to be:
A : being / thing / noun : etc.:
(being) in a : mode / character / manner / status / way / function / role : etc.:
in a : strong / firm / reinforced / (intense / severe) / : and : adhering / enduring / lasting / continuing : manner / way:
for the meaning indicated by the root or a word from the root.
A : strong / firm / reinforced:
and enduring / lasting / continuing:
adhesion / adherence:
of being / thing / noun to : a mode / character / manner / status / way / function / role: etc.:
for the meaning indicated by the root or a word from the root.

Unlike some other patterns, here it is not easy to separate role of the sub-parts of the pattern as the meaning shade apears to be achieved by merging the effects together. We may say that in this pattern عِّ mainly gives the effect of : strong / firm / reinforced : and ى mainly gives the effect of : adhering / enduring / lasting / continuing : etc. and kasrah specially the one at the beginning mainly gives the effect of : mode / character / manner / status / way / function / role : etc.

Translation attempt : A : being in a : mode / character / manner / status / way:
of صِدْق or of being : in accordance with / fitting with : firmly grounded in : truth / reality / fact / soundness / health / correctness / robustness : etc. and having consistency / agreement : between inside (intention, belief, what is conceived in the mind) and outside (speech, actions, conduct) and reality (what is the fact of the matter or what is actually the case or what befitting conduct or action or speech is) and between : understanding / evaluation / interpretation / estimate : and : actual reality or essence or materialization of some matter (e.g. dream):
in a : strong / firm / reinforced : and :
adhering / enduring / lasting / continuing : manner / way.

Translation attempt : A : being in a : mode / character / manner / status / way:
of being a : researcher / explorer / seeker / prober / pursuer : of the : root / crux / underlying core / essence / conclusion / depths : or : intricacies / particulars / fine or minute or subtle or relevant details : (of a matter or matters related to a particular field or religion etc.) :
in a : strong / firm / reinforced : and :
adhering / enduring / lasting / continuing : manner / way.

Translation attempt : A material (probably lava) in a : mode / character / manner / status / way:
of being : filled up / gathered / collected / amassed / accumulated : together : cohesively / adhesively / compactly / sticking together / like a unit : ready for / capable of : unfolding / unrolling / spreading out / emitting / effusing / diffusing / pouring out / gushing out / dispersing: etc.
and this : mode / character / manner / status / way: being:
in a : strong / firm / reinforced : and :
adhering / enduring / lasting / continuing : manner / way.

Note that حِجَارَةٌ مِنْ سِجِّيل Translation attempt : stones / rocks : from / of / (composed from / caused from) : Sijjeel.
These may be directly striking : rocks / stones / boulders : composed from lava itself, hardened before making the final impact, or may be hardened to some extent or hardened and yet very hot with molten material also while making impact, i.e. hard + very hot (specially when molten from the inside). These can also be what we call lava rocks i.e. rocks formed from lava and these are of various sorts. Some types include more melted crust as compared to others and composition varies. These can also be stones or rocks or hardened clay or even heated and exploded crust material thrown with the volcanic eruption in the form of stones or rocks or solidified clay which are thrown far and wide with the volcanic eruption and in this specific case مِنْ is used in the sense of causal point i.e. (caused) from lava.

Also study material online on : volcanic bomb / lava bomb and volcanic / lava rocks in English.

Translation attempt : A : book / record : probably named after a place which is:
a place in a : mode / character / manner / status / way:
of being a : jail / prison / confinement / detention : etc.
in a : strong / firm / reinforced : and :
adhering / enduring / lasting / continuing : manner / way.

Translation attempt : A : book / record : maybe named after places (plural perhaps due to being regarded separately for each individual human and jinn) which are :
places in a : mode / character / manner / status / way:
of being : high / elevated : etc.
in a : strong / firm / reinforced : and :
adhering / enduring / lasting / continuing : manner / way.

Or it may also be named after beings themselves. In this case, the translation attempt follows:
Translation attempt : A : book / record : maybe named after beings (plural perhaps due to being regarded separately for each individual human and jinn) which are :
beings in a : mode / character / manner / status / way:
of being : high / elevated : etc.
in a : strong / firm / reinforced : and :
adhering / enduring / lasting / continuing : manner / way.

Qur'an Concordance Research specially Qur'an Patterns Concordance PDF (and within it, specially a look at the usage of all the words from the chosen pattern and its embedded links to the relevant pages on QAC) and Qur'an Roots Linker PDF (mainly for researching basic meanings of the roots, and within it, specially the book TQ, and then the book MI, and then the books ULQ, UMR and LL included in AA and on some roots, even more books from Qur'an Roots Linker and AA were consulted and for some roots Qur'an Ayat Navigator 2 PDF was also consulted along with various Tafaaseer when required.)
In addition to the above, Patterns research by others section books available via the above link were also studied, along with some other research papers and material from the internet. The aim was to make an attempt to derive meaning shades based on the actual Qur'anic usage as much as possible and to try to avoid words from these patterns which were not used in The Qur'an. Some posts in this series may require consulting some non-Qur'anic words also i.e. the patterns for which very few words from a pattern have been used in The Qur'an.

Arabic has been typed using the free and detailed Arabic keyboard, latest live version of which is available at:
Online Arabic Keyboard to Type Arabic Directly using English Keyboard with 7 Arabic Web Fonts .

Background for this post: 

Manpower = 1 (Asim Iqbal)
Time taken on this post = 310+ hours.
Started on = 28th October 2020.
1st published on = 5th September 2021.
Sponsorship required for this post = 50 hours @ $10 per hour.
Sponsorship received = $500.
Sponsor = Sponsor 01.
Voluntarily spent hours without any sponsorship requirement = 260+ hours.
Time tracked with a separate tracker for each pattern using = atimelogger mobile app.

Funding is required to continue patterns research. Stage 1 posts are also ready for the following:
فَعۡل فُعۡل فِعۡل فَعَل فُعُل فَعَال فِعَال فَعُل فُعُول فُعَل فِعَل فِعِل