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Qur'an 3:160 |
Islamic Projects live and regularly updated status!
Page updated : 10-July-2018
Page updated : 10-July-2018
Qur'an Concordance - Patterns - Roots - Letters COMPLETE!
Started in 2010, and completed in 2018 MashaALLAH!
All Thanks to ALLAH, the project has been successfully completed in July 2018.Pattern wise, Root wise and Letter wise concordance of The Qur'an. Sometimes even 1 entry requires many hours and consultation of many books. Visit this link to see introduction and to download all the material.
Qur'an Word Set Concordance COMPLETE!
Qur'an Word Set Concordance completed and loaded on this link in July 2018 MashaALLAH!Qur'an Semantic Word Domain Concordance 2014-2018 COMPLETE!
Arabic Almanac & Mawrid Reader 2013 phase 1 COMPLETE!
: 1st Position 2013 Islamic Project of the year with 19 books added in 2013 alone. Useful tool which you can download also and search and quickly study and research relevant concept in all the dictionaries together. See this detailed User Guide to start using this useful tool .Official Site of owner is http://ejtaal.net/2014-2015 phase 2 COMPLETE!
Completed on 14 April 2015
After addition of 11 new books, now total 33 books. 31 unique books on AA and 2 on MR
New books
Mufradaat ul Qur'an by Raghib.
Asaas al Balaaghah by Zamakhshari.
Umdat ul Huffaaz Qur'an Dictionary
Muheet ul Muheet by Butras Bustaani
Tasheeh Lisan ul Arab
Misbaah ul Muneer by Fuyyumi
Al Munjid
Al Mu'jam al Ishtiqaqi l Muassal lil Alfaz il Qur'an il Kareem (added on 14-April-2015)
(Note: Mughni al Labeeb addition to Arabic Almanac idea dropped, as it is better to make it part of another particles specific tool with at least 11 books.)
Dictionary of The Holy Qur'an
Egyptian Arabic to English Dictionary
Ensiklopedia Al-Quran
Phase 3 (started 10-June-2015, Erik is no longer responding to my reminders to continue work on it, Status: Uncertain) : Partially COMPLETE!
Phase 3 books successfully added to http://dev.ejtaal.net/aa , not yet officially launched on http://ejtaal.net/aa3 more books planned to be added in addition to Phase 3 books already added to the dev version.
Indexing of Books for quick study:
Index important books. Create separate index pdf or webpage listing page numbers of a book and then listing Qur'anic Ayat that are covered in the pages (Tafsir works and translations and
Qur'anic studies works), or listing the roots that are covered in the pages. Searching a root or Qur'anic Ayat number to search and get page numbers 1 by 1 for the required Ayat or root.
1. Qur'an Quick Study Tools for accessing any Surah and Ayat or Root and Word quickly 2015/2016 COMPLETE!
Complete! Quick Study Tool Prepared and launched via:
https://revivearabic.blogspot.com/2015/01/quran-quick-study-tools-ayat-surah-root-word.html .
Complete! . Arabic Particles & Related Words Quick Online & Offline Study Tool for Study in 16 Arabic Particles Books including Howell Arabic and Wright Arabic and Miat Amil and Arabic Almanac also linked Howell Arabic & Wright Arabic added, and Arabic Almanac linked on 1-July-2016.
Complete! Arabic Roots Quick Study Tool
2. Fast Topics Locator for Howell Arabic Grammar 2014 COMPLETE!:
To download the fast topics locator, see this post and this online folder . Completed successfully in January 2014.
On 10 March 2015, new version uploaded. Now you can click the topics and study online directly on Archive streaming pages also in addition to the other option of noting down the page number and entering in PDF page box. Table of Contents relevant page can also be directly accessed online on archive streaming pages now. Howell Arabic Grammar Appendix, Glossary and Index of Subjects Navigator also added on 12 March 2015.
Fast Howell Arabic Grammar Notes Navigator added to above folder on 13 March 2015.
Revive Classical Arabic - In depth Posts on Topics of High Impact: PAUSED!
Publishing of in depth and unique posts on important topics in Arabic Grammar and vocabulary.
See Posts List and Services Offered .
Howell Arabic Grammar Scanning : 2013 COMPLETE! :
2nd position 2013 Islamic Project of the Year. On request of the volunteer himself, he has not been named. Howell Arabic Grammar a 4758 page book more than 100 years old came to attention due to Microsoft scanning books 4, 5, 6, 7 and Google scanning book 2. The books 1 and 3 out of 7 were missing, this volunteer found the missing 2 books 1 and 3 which had been scanned by Google but not yet easily searchable, and he made PDFs for these and then shared. Then he bought the complete 7 book set, bought a high quality scanner, un-binded the books and performed scanning of all the 7 books and generated 2 formats, OCR in which English can be searched also, and Snap, in which search facility was not available. All 7 books can be downloaded freely in multiple formats, visit this link to download the PDFs in multiple formats.Use : This link to study Beta version for now : http://dev.ejaal.net/mabhath
Official Page
Test Version
Unofficial Volunteer Page
Scanning Project 2012-2013 COMPLETED!
Urdu books:
1. Done and uploaded (207 pages) Qur'an Majeed kay adbi israar o Ramooz
قرآن مجيد كے ادبي اسرار و رموز
2. Some re-scans. (Done for Almanac next version)
If you have any suggested books for scanning, you can comment here.
Note: in 1st stage only books related to Qur'an and Arabic Vocabulary and Grammar are being targeted.
1. High Priority List
1. Urdu translation of Mufradat al-Qur'an by Imam Raghib Asfahani old print in 2 volumes by Sheikh Muhammad Abduh Firozpuri
2. Urdu translation of Mufradat al-Qur'an by Imam Raghib Asfahani new print in 2 volumes by Sheikh Muhammad Abduh Firozpuri
3. Lughat ul Qur'an 6 volumes by Abd ur Rasheed Naumani
4. Mutaraadifaatul Quran in Urdu by Abdur Rahman Kilani
5. Anwar ul Bayan fi Hal e Lughat ul Qur’an , by Ali Muhammad, Maktabah Syed Ahmad Shaheed
6. Mukhtar us Sihah by Razi - Urdu Translation
2. Lower priority list:
7. Qawaid Zaban e Qur'an 2 volumes new editions (recently released November 2011 handwritten revised editions)
8. Urdu Translation of Awdah al-Tasheel li Sharh Ibn Aqeel (2 Vol set)
9. Arbi Ka Mualim Aur Kolidain (8 Book Set)
10. Masaail un Nahw wal Sarf by Maulana Mahmood Noor Hussain Qasmi
11. Alfaaz e Mutaraadifa kay darmayaan farq by Maulana Noor Hussain Qasmi
12. Mu'allim ul Inshaa 3 volume set
13. Qamoos alfaaz al Qur'an al Kareem by Abdullah Abbas Nadwi/Professor Abdur Razzaq
14. Qamoos ul Qur'an by Qazi Zain ul Abideen
15. Al Munjid
16. Misbaah ul Lughaat
17. Lisaan ul Qur'an 3 volume set + keys 3 volume set
18. Qaamoos Alfaaz of Istilaahaat e Qur'an by Amin Ahsan Islahi
19. Qur'an Majeed kay adby israar o Ramooz
1. High Priority List
1. A Word for Word Meaning of the Qur'an 3 volume set by Muhammad Mohar Ali, one of the most important works in English.
1.ii. Re Scan of A Word for Word meaning of The Qur'an 3 volume set by Muhammad Mohar Ali in HQ and VHQ formats. (2013 target)
2. Vocabulary of the Holy Qur'an by Dr. Abdullah Abbas Nadwi
3. Grammar of the Classical Arabic Language : Translated and Compiled from the Works of the Most Approved Native or Naturalized authorities 4758 pages (4 Vols. in 7 books) by Mortimer Sloper Howell. See below post for more details. (2013 target)
2 Lower priority list:
4. A Grammar of Classical Arabic by Wolfdietrich Fischer, Jonathan Rodgers (352 pages)
5. Qur'anic Keywords : A Reference Guide (Abdur Rashid Siddiqui) (296 pages)
6. Lisaan ul Qur'an 3 volume set + keys 3 volume set
7. Learn The Language of the Holy Qur'an by Dr. Abdullah Abbas Nadwi
8. Learning Arabic Language of The Qur'an by Izzath Uroosa
9. Arabic English Dictionary: The Hans Wehr Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic 4th edition edited by J M Cowan (1301 pages)
10. The Quran (The book free of doubt) - explanatory essays into I'jaz al Qur'an and other topics by Syed Munir Wasti
Books on other subjects:
11. The Seal of Prophethood by Syed Anwer Ali
Mega Qur'anic Dictionary in Arabic PAUSED! :
الـمـعـجـم في فـقـه لـغـة الـقـرآن و سـرّ بـلاغـتـه
Hunt for PDF files for remaining volumes is on, so far only 11 volumes found and uploaded on this folder from which you can download, if you find any other volume email me.
Note : 2 more volumes were found and uploaded on 31-March-2015 making total PDFs found=11
24 volumes found in another format and added on 16-June-2016
Sponsorship + skilled paid manpower is required for below project :
Full Time Islamic Workers and Sponsors : OFF Project to utilize the skill of high potential Muslims full time.
Any one can use.
1. Qur'anic Tafaaseer and studies tool IDEA! :
Similar to Arabic Almanac.
1. Containing page images for all books
2. With index named according to last Ayat being covered on each page image. Named like 001.001 meaning Surah 1, Ayat 1.
3. Search like 001.002, 104.001, 002.200 etc. and all books to be added in images format like Arabic Almanac.
4. Each Ayat can then be linked directly from Qur'anic Arabic Corpus and other study sites.
1. Arabic to Arabic only tool:
An Arabic Tool having all important books dealing with Qur'anic Morphology, Qur'anic Syntax, Qur'an Tafsir and other Qur'anic Studies areas, all of which can be studied instantly and together just by inputting Surah number and Ayat number and as a result displaying the relevant pages from all these books together for that, like Arabic Almanac.
2. Other languages tool:
i. A Word for Word Meanining of The Qur'an by Muhammad Mohar Ali
ii. Urdu: Anwar ul Bayan fi Hal Lughat ul Qur'an by Ali Muhammad
iii. Tafsir al Qurtuby Urdu Translation
iv. In the shade of The Qur'an by Sayyid Qutb
v. Tafheem ul Qur'an English by Maududi
vi. Maariful Qur'an
vii. Tafsir ibn e Kathir
Some progress already made and 5 Qur'an Ayat Navigators already launched. See