Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Arabic Roots, Patterns & Augmentative Letters 7 - ت

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The ت as Augmentative Letter
The ت can be judged to be augmentative in following cases:

1. The augmentative ت comes as 1st letter of a word. There can be other augmentative letters in the word in addition to ت .

تِفْعَال - تِبْيَان - ب ي ن
تَفْعِيل - تَبْدِيل - ب د ل
تَفَعُّل - تَحَصُّن - ح ص ن
تَفَاعُل - تَكَاثُر - ك ث ر
تَفْعَئِلُّ - تَقْشَعِرُّ - ق ش ر
with ع substituted for augmentative أ
تَفْعِلُ - تَحْلِقُ - ح ل ق
تَفْعُلُ - تَحْرُثُ - ح ر ث
تَفْعَلُ - تَسْرَحُ - س ر ح
تُفَعِّلُ - تُصَعِّرُ - ص ع ر
تُفَاعِلُ - تُخَالِطُ - خ ل ط
تُفْعِلُ - تُصْعِدُ - ص ع د
تَفَعَّلُ - تَجَسَّسُ - ج س س
تَفَاعَلَ - تَبَارَكَ - ب ر ك
تَفَعَّلَ - تَقَبَّلَ - ق ب ل
تَفَعْلُل - تَدَحْرُج - د ح ر ج
تَفَعْلَلَ - تَدَحْرَجَ - د ح ر ج

2. The augmentative ت comes as 1st letter and 2nd letter of a word. There can be other augmentative letters in the word in addition to ت .

تَتَفَعَّلُ - تَتَقَلَّبُ - ق ل ب
تَتَفَاعَلُ - تَتَجَاوَزُ - ج و ز

3. The augmentative ت comes as one of the middle letters of a word. There can be other augmentative letters in the word in addition to ت .

ٱسْتِفْعَال - ٱسْتِغْفَار - غ ف ر
ٱفْتِعَال - ٱنْتِقَام - ن ق م

4. The augmentative ت comes as last letter of a word. There can be other augmentative letters in the word in addition to ت .

فَعَّالَة - نَضَّاخَة - ن ض خ
فَعَلَات - عَرَفَات - ع ر ف
فَعَلُوت - مَلَكُوت - م ل ك
فِعْلِيت - عِفْرِيت - ع ف ر
فَعَالَة - شَهَادَة - ش ه د
فِعَالَة - رِسَالَة - ر س ل
فَعِيلَة - خَبِيثَة - خ ب ث
فَعِيلَات - خَبِيثَات - خ ب ث
فَعْلَة - خَيْرَة - خ ي ر
فَعْلَات - خَيْرَات - خ ي ر
فَاعِلَة - قَاصِرَة - ق ص ر
مَفْعُولَة - مَقْصُورَة - ق ص ر
فَنْعَلُوت - عَنْكَبُوت - ع ك ب
فَعَلْتَ - ضَرَبْتَ - ض ر ب
فَعَلَتْ - ضَرَبَتْ - ض ر ب
فُعِلَتْ - ضُرِبَتْ - ض ر ب

5. The augmentative ت comes as 1st letter and also as one of the middle letters of a word.

تَفْتَعِلُ - تَغْتَسِلُ - غ س ل
تَسْتَفْعِلُ - تَسْتَضْرِعُ - ض ر ع

6. The augmentative ت comes as 1st letter and also as last letter of a word.

تَفْعُلَة - تَهْلُكَة - ه ل ك
تَفْعِلَة - تَبْصِرَة - ب ص ر