Sunday, November 03, 2013

Arabic Roots, Patterns & Augmentative Letters 4 - و

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و as Augmentative Letter
The و can be judged to be augmentative in following cases:

When the و is accompanied by 3 or more root letters. There can be other augmentative letters in the word in addition to و

فُعُّول - قُدُّوس - ق د س
فَعُّول - زَقُّوم - ز ق م
فَعْلُون - زَيْتُون - ز ي ت
فَعْلُونَة - زَيْتُونَة - ز ي ت
فَعَلُوت - مَلَكُوت - م ل ك
فَنْعَلُوت - عَنْكَبُوت - ع ك ب
يَفْعُول - يَحْمُوم - ح م م
أُفْعُول - أُخْدُود - خ د د
فَعُول - شَكُور - ش ك ر
فَعُول - طَهُور - ط ه ر
فُعُول - خُرُوج - خ ر ج
فُعُول - خُشُوع - خ ش ع
فَاعُول - فَارُوق - ف ر ق
فَاعُول - قَارُون - ق ر ن
فُعْلُوم - حُلْقُوم - ح ل ق
فُعْلُول - خُرْطُوم - خ ر ط م
فُعْلُون - عُرْجُون - ع ر ج
فَعْوَلَة - قَسْوَرَة - ق س ر
فِعْلَوْل - فِرْدَوْس - ف ر د س
فَوْعَل - كَوْثَر - ك ث ر
مَفْعُول - مَعْرُوف - ع ر ف
مَفْعُولَة - مَعْرُوفَة - ع ر ف

1. The و is not considered augmentative when 1st letter of a word.
2. In following case, و is not augmentative since only 2 other root letters are in the word, and it is 3rd root letter, while 2 augmentative letters come at the end.
فِعْلِيت - عِزْوِيت - ع ز و
3. With only 2 other root letters, it is also root letter and not an augmentative letter.
فَعْل - قَوْل - ق و ل
4. in reduplicated roots in which a 2 letter root is repeated to make a 4 letter root, the و is not augmentative.
فَعْفَع (فَعْلَل) - وَعْوَع - و ع و ع
5. If the و is accompanied by 2 root letters and a أ or م as 1st letter then usually that أ or م is judged to be augmentative while the و is judged to be root letter.
أَفْعَل - أَوْسَط - و س ط
مَفْعِل - مَوْبِق - و ب ق