Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Arabic Roots, Patterns & Augmentative Letters 9 - Final

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Both ه and ل have very limited examples in which some consider them as augmentative letters.

1. Examples of ه include the following according to the scholars who consider it augmentative in them. These are not agreed upon since differing opinions of scholars exist on them.
فُعْلَهَات - أُمَّهَات - أ م م
فَهْعَال - أَهْرَاق - أ ر ق
هِفْعَالَة - هِلْقَامَة - ل ق م
فَعْهَل - سَلْهَب - س ل ب

2. Examples of ل include the following according to the scholars who consider it augmentative in them. These are not agreed upon since differing opinions of scholars exist on them.
فَعْلَل - طَيْسَل - ط ي س
فَعْلَل - هَيْقَل - ه ي ق

Further study:
The interested readers can study more on:
Roots and Patterns in Pattern wise, Root wise and Letter wise Concordance of The Qur'an .
Augmentativeness in Howell's Arabic Grammar , Book 6, Chapter VIII, The Augmentativeness of Letters, pages 1091 to 1181.