Let's build content iteratively together!
Total entries ready for Particles (Stage 2) = 20.
Total entries ready for Patterns (Stage 1) = 20.
InshaALLAH! the following mechanism is decided for preparing and launching new posts on Revive Arabic Blog:
Posts will inshaALLAH be prepared and unlocked in stages:
S1 = Stage 1 = List possible meanings, for further refinement or filtering in stage 2.
S2 = Stage 2 = Extract out or refine the core meaning shade or shades and also give a translation attempt for the word. Remove S1 content as it is no longer needed after this refinement and filtration.
S3 = Stage 3 = Explain the derivation or meanings in more detail.
S4 = Stage 4 = Give relevant examples from The Qur'an.
S5 = Stage 5 = Prepare infographic / silent video presentation for ease of understanding.
Why iterative process is planned? It minimizes the risk for all parties. I can prepare S1 / S2 content for more posts. Sponsors can get more posts with S1 / S2 content, and only sponsor S3 / S4 / S5 content for posts, in which they are interested to dive deeper or need more explanation and details.
Following is the step-wise process that is to be followed inshaALLAH!:
1. Prepare content for S1 or S2 stage for each post.
2. Mention total hours spent on S1 or S2 stage content for each post on this page and also mention the hours requiring sponsorship.
3. Launch the S1 or S2 content for each post and then wait for sponsorship for the notes already launched.
4. Minimum 10 hours sponsorship or $100 is required from every sponsor.
5. Once the S1 or S2 content for any post is launched, and a sponsor has provided funding for S1 or S2 , start working on S2 or S3 or S4 or S5 depending on the stage the post is currently at, and repeat the above process stage by stage till each post's completion.
Method of sponsoring / Funding:
Direct IBAN transfer, or via Google Pay or Apple Pay, or transfer via Ria, Western Union or MoneyGram, but other methods can also be explored via Email. IBAN and other required details can be provided to interested sponsors, after some discussion with the sponsor for some days or weeks. Email :asimiqbal2nd @ live.com
Below are the posts under construction:
Series - Particles and Related Words
بَلۡ (English meanings of bal in Arabic).
Completed stage = 2.
Time taken so far = 2 hours and 2 minutes.
Sponsorship required = for 1 hour i.e. $10.
Sponsorship received = 0.
Status = Launched.
Link = Learn Meanings of بَلۡ بَلَىٰ أَ هَلۡ هَا bal balaa a hal haa
To initiate Stage 3 = Funding required for Stage 2.
بَلَىٰ (English meanings of balaa in Arabic).
Completed stage = 2.
Time taken so far = 2 hours and 50 minutes.
Sponsorship required = for 1 hour i.e. $10.
Sponsorship received = 0.
Status = Launched.
Link = Learn Meanings of بَلۡ بَلَىٰ أَ هَلۡ هَا bal balaa a hal haa
To initiate Stage 3 = Funding required for Stage 2.
كَ (English meanings of ka in Arabic).
Completed stage = 2.
Time taken so far = 2 hours and 25 minutes.
Sponsorship required = for 1 hour i.e. $10.
Sponsorship received = 0.
Status = Launched.
Link = Learn Meanings of أَنَّىٰ تَ كَ مَعَ عِنۡدَ annaa ta ka ma'a 'inda
To initiate Stage 3 = Funding required for Stage 2.
إِنۡ (English meanings of in in Arabic).
Completed Stage = 2.
Time taken so far = 13 hours and 40 minutes.
Sponsorship required = 6 hours i.e. $60.
Sponsorship received = 0.
Status = Launched.
Link = Learn Meanings of إِنۡ أَنۡ لَـٰكِنۡ لَـٰكِنَّ كَىۡ in an laakin laakinna kay
To initiate Stage 3 = Funding required for Stage 2.
أَنۡ (English meanings of an in Arabic).
Completed Stage = 2.
Time taken so far = 15 hours and 25 minutes.
Sponsorship required = 6 hours i.e. $60.
Sponsorship received = 0.
Status = Launched.
Link = Learn Meanings of إِنۡ أَنۡ لَـٰكِنۡ لَـٰكِنَّ كَىۡ in an laakin laakinna kay
To initiate Stage 3 = Funding required for Stage 2.
سَ (English meanings of sa in Arabic).
Completed Stage = 2.
Time taken so far = 1 hour and 8 minutes.
Sponsorship required = 30 minutes i.e. $5.
Sponsorship received = 0.
Status = Launched.
Link = Learn Meanings of سَ سَوۡفَ إِذۡ إِذَا إِذًا sa sawfa iz izaa izan
To initiate Stage 3 = Funding required for Stage 2.
سَوۡفَ (English meanings of sawfa in Arabic).
Completed Stage = 2.
Time taken so far = 1 hour and 12 minutes.
Sponsorship required = 30 minutes i.e. $5.
Sponsorship received = 0.
Status = Launched.
Link = Learn Meanings of سَ سَوۡفَ إِذۡ إِذَا إِذًا sa sawfa iz izaa izan
To initiate Stage 3 = Funding required for Stage 2.
أَ (English meanings of a in Arabic).
Completed Stage = 2.
Time taken so far = 4 hours and 7 minutes.
Sponsorship required = 2 hours i.e. $20.
Sponsorship received = 0.
Status = Launched.
Link = Learn Meanings of بَلۡ بَلَىٰ أَ هَلۡ هَا bal balaa a hal haa
To initiate Stage 3 = Funding required for Stage 2.
هَلۡ (English meanings of hal in Arabic).
Completed Stage = 2.
Time taken so far = 6 hours and 15 minutes.
Sponsorship required = 3 hours i.e. $30.
Sponsorship received = 0.
Status = Launched.
Link = Learn Meanings of بَلۡ بَلَىٰ أَ هَلۡ هَا bal balaa a hal haa
To initiate Stage 3 = Funding required for Stage 2.
إِذۡ (English meanings of iz in Arabic).
Completed Stage = 2.
Time taken so far = 14 hours and 41 minutes.
Sponsorship required = 7 hours i.e. $70.
Sponsorship received = 0.
Status = Launched.
Link = Learn Meanings of سَ سَوۡفَ إِذۡ إِذَا إِذًا sa sawfa iz izaa izan
To initiate Stage 3 = Funding required for Stage 2.
إِذَا (English meanings of iza in Arabic).
Completed Stage = 2.
Time taken so far = 8 hours and 18 minutes.
Sponsorship required = 4 hours i.e. $40.
Sponsorship received = 0.
Status = Launched.
Link = Learn Meanings of سَ سَوۡفَ إِذۡ إِذَا إِذًا sa sawfa iz izaa izan
To initiate Stage 3 = Funding required for Stage 2.
إِذًا (English meanings of izan in Arabic).
Completed Stage = 2.
Time taken so far = 5 hours and 48 minutes.
Sponsorship required = 2 hours i.e. $20.
Sponsorship received = 0.
Status = Launched.
Link = Learn Meanings of سَ سَوۡفَ إِذۡ إِذَا إِذًا sa sawfa iz izaa izan
To initiate Stage 3 = Funding required for Stage 2.
أَنَّىٰ (English meanings of annaa in Arabic).
Completed Stage = 2.
Time taken so far = 7 hours and 12 minutes.
Sponsorship required = 3 hours i.e. $30.
Sponsorship received = 0.
Status = Launched.
Link = Learn Meanings of أَنَّىٰ تَ كَ مَعَ عِنۡدَ annaa ta ka ma'a 'inda
To initiate Stage 3 = Funding required for Stage 2.
لَـٰكِنۡ (English meanings of lakin in Arabic).
Completed Stage = 2.
Time taken so far = 9 hours and 30 minutes.
Sponsorship required = 4 hours i.e. $40.
Sponsorship received = 0.
Status = Launched.
Link = Learn Meanings of إِنۡ أَنۡ لَـٰكِنۡ لَـٰكِنَّ كَىۡ in an laakin laakinna kay
To initiate Stage 3 = Funding required for Stage 2.
لَـٰكِنَّ (English meanings of lakinna in Arabic).
Completed Stage = 2.
Time taken so far = 10 hours and 8 minutes.
Sponsorship required = 4 hours i.e. $40.
Sponsorship received = 0.
Status = Launched.
Link = Learn Meanings of إِنۡ أَنۡ لَـٰكِنۡ لَـٰكِنَّ كَىۡ in an laakin laakinna kay
To initiate Stage 3 = Funding required for Stage 2.
هَا (English meanings of haa in Arabic).
Completed Stage = 2.
Time taken so far = 2 hours and 59 minutes.
Sponsorship required = 1 hour i.e. $10.
Sponsorship received = 0.
Status = Launched.
Link = Learn Meanings of بَلۡ بَلَىٰ أَ هَلۡ هَا bal balaa a hal haa
To initiate Stage 3 = Funding required for Stage 2.
تَ (English meanings of ta in Arabic).
Completed Stage = 2.
Time taken so far = 2 hours and 0 minutes.
Sponsorship required = 1 hour i.e. $10.
Sponsorship received = 0.
Status = Launched.
Link = Learn Meanings of أَنَّىٰ تَ كَ مَعَ عِنۡدَ annaa ta ka ma'a 'inda
To initiate Stage 3 = Funding required for Stage 2.
كَىۡ (English meanings of kaiy in Arabic).
Completed Stage = 2.
Time taken so far = 7 hours and 0 minutes.
Sponsorship required = 3 hours i.e. $30.
Sponsorship received = 0.
Status = Launched.
Link = Learn Meanings of إِنۡ أَنۡ لَـٰكِنۡ لَـٰكِنَّ كَىۡ in an laakin laakinna kay
To initiate Stage 3 = Funding required for Stage 2.
مَعَ (English meanings of ma'a in Arabic).
Completed Stage = 2.
Time taken so far = 7 hours and 52 minutes.
Sponsorship required = 3 hours i.e. $30.
Sponsorship received = 0.
Status = Launched.
Link = Learn Meanings of أَنَّىٰ تَ كَ مَعَ عِنۡدَ annaa ta ka ma'a 'inda
To initiate Stage 3 = Funding required for Stage 2.
عِنۡدَ (English meanings of 'inda in Arabic).
Completed Stage = 2.
Time taken so far = 4 hours and 32 minutes.
Sponsorship required = 2 hours i.e. $20.
Sponsorship received = 0.
Status = Launched.
Link = Learn Meanings of أَنَّىٰ تَ كَ مَعَ عِنۡدَ annaa ta ka ma'a 'inda
To initiate Stage 3 = Funding required for Stage 2.
إِلَّا إِى كَلَّا أَلَا لَوۡ أَىّ لَدَىٰ لَدُنۡ أَيَّانَ هَيۡتَ هَآؤُم مَّ هَلُمَّ لَعَلَّ لَيۡتَ ذُو إِيَّا وَيۡ أَيۡنَ لَا مَتَىٰ لَنۡ.
Completed Stage = 0.
Time taken so far = 0.
Sponsorship required = ?.
Status = Preparation of Stage 1 and Stage 2 notes for these to be started inshaALLAH, once the already prepared Stage 2 notes are sponsored and unlocked.
Series - Meaning shades of Word Patterns in Arabic.
Note: Label of stage 1 is assigned to the below patterns for now, instead of stage 2, despite having completed the stage 2 requirement: Extract out or refine the core meaning shade or shades and also give a translation attempt for the word. InshaALLAH! stage 2 label will be assigned after doing a recheck on all pattern notes, and doing any revisions if required in the 2nd review, inshaALLAH! once sponsorship is received for stage 1 for a pattern.
فَعۡل fa'l.
Completed Stage = 1.
Time taken so far = 41 hours and 19 minutes.
Sponsorship required = 10 hours i.e. $100.
Sponsorship received = 0.
Status = Launched.
Link = Arabic Pattern Meanings Set 4 فَعۡل فُعۡل فِعۡل فَعَل فُعُل
To initiate Stage 2 = Funding required for Stage 1.
فُعۡل fu'l.
Completed Stage = 1.
Time taken so far = 16 hours and 19 minutes.
Sponsorship required = 8 hours i.e. $80.
Sponsorship received = 0.
Status = Launched.
Link = Arabic Pattern Meanings Set 4 فَعۡل فُعۡل فِعۡل فَعَل فُعُل
To initiate Stage 2 = Funding required for Stage 1.
فِعۡل fi'l.
Completed Stage = 1.
Time taken so far = 8 hours and 4 minutes.
Sponsorship required = 4 hours i.e. $40.
Sponsorship received = 0.
Status = Launched.
Link = Arabic Pattern Meanings Set 4 فَعۡل فُعۡل فِعۡل فَعَل فُعُل
To initiate Stage 2 = Funding required for Stage 1.
فَعَل fa'al.
Completed Stage = 1.
Time taken so far = 11 hours and 21 minutes.
Sponsorship required = 5 hours i.e. $50.
Sponsorship received = 0.
Status = Launched.
Link = Arabic Pattern Meanings Set 4 فَعۡل فُعۡل فِعۡل فَعَل فُعُل
To initiate Stage 2 = Funding required for Stage 1.
فُعُل fu'ul.
Completed Stage = 1.
Time taken so far = 10 hours and 24 minutes.
Sponsorship required = 5 hours i.e. $50.
Sponsorship received = 0.
Status = Launched.
Link = Arabic Pattern Meanings Set 4 فَعۡل فُعۡل فِعۡل فَعَل فُعُل
To initiate Stage 2 = Funding required for Stage 1.
فَعَال fa'aal.
Completed Stage = 1.
Time taken so far = 7 hours and 38 minutes.
Sponsorship required = 3 hours i.e. $30.
Sponsorship received = 0.
Status = Launched.
Link = Arabic Pattern Meanings Set 5 فَعَال فِعَال فَعُل فُعُول فُعَل
To initiate Stage 2 = Funding required for Stage 1.
فِعَال fi'aal.
Completed Stage = 1.
Time taken so far = 8 hours and 30 minutes.
Sponsorship required = 4 hours i.e. $40.
Sponsorship received = 0.
Status = Launched.
Link = Arabic Pattern Meanings Set 5 فَعَال فِعَال فَعُل فُعُول فُعَل
To initiate Stage 2 = Funding required for Stage 1.
فَعُل fa'ul.
Completed Stage = 1.
Time taken so far = 3 hours and 4 minutes.
Sponsorship required = 1 hour i.e. $10.
Sponsorship received = 0.
Status = Launched.
Link = Arabic Pattern Meanings Set 5 فَعَال فِعَال فَعُل فُعُول فُعَل
To initiate Stage 2 = Funding required for Stage 1.
فُعُول fu'ool.
Completed Stage = 1.
Time taken so far = 2 hours and 3 minutes.
Sponsorship required = 1 hour i.e. $10.
Sponsorship received = 0.
Status = Launched.
Link = Arabic Pattern Meanings Set 5 فَعَال فِعَال فَعُل فُعُول فُعَل
To initiate Stage 2 = Funding required for Stage 1.
فُعَل fu'al.
Completed Stage = 1.
Time taken so far = 1 hour and 52 minutes.
Sponsorship required = 1 hour i.e. $10.
Sponsorship received = 0.
Status = Launched.
Link = Arabic Pattern Meanings Set 5 فَعَال فِعَال فَعُل فُعُول فُعَل
To initiate Stage 2 = Funding required for Stage 1.
فِعَل fi'al.
Completed Stage = 1.
Time taken so far = 1 hour and 55 minutes.
Sponsorship required = 1 hour i.e. $10.
Sponsorship received = 0.
Status = Launched.
Link = Arabic Pattern Meanings Set 6 فِعَل فِعِل إِفۡعِيل مِفۡعِيل مِفۡعَل
To initiate Stage 2 = Funding required for Stage 1.
فِعِل fi'il.
Completed Stage = 1.
Time taken so far = 1 hour and 17 minutes.
Sponsorship required = 30 minutes i.e. $5.
Sponsorship received = 0.
Status = Launched.
Link = Arabic Pattern Meanings Set 6 فِعَل فِعِل إِفۡعِيل مِفۡعِيل مِفۡعَل
To initiate Stage 2 = Funding required for Stage 1.
إِفۡعِيل if'eel.
Completed Stage = 1.
Time taken so far = 1 hour and 24 minutes.
Sponsorship required = 30 minutes i.e. $5.
Sponsorship received = 0.
Status = Launched.
Link = Arabic Pattern Meanings Set 6 فِعَل فِعِل إِفۡعِيل مِفۡعِيل مِفۡعَل
To initiate Stage 2 = Funding required for Stage 1.
مِفۡعِيل mif'eel.
Completed Stage = 1.
Time taken so far = 59 minutes.
Sponsorship required = 30 minutes i.e. $5.
Sponsorship received = 0.
Status = Launched.
Link = Arabic Pattern Meanings Set 6 فِعَل فِعِل إِفۡعِيل مِفۡعِيل مِفۡعَل
To initiate Stage 2 = Funding required for Stage 1.
مِفۡعَل mif'al.
Completed Stage = 1.
Time taken so far = 14 minutes.
Sponsorship required = 0 minutes i.e. $0 (inshaALLAH! to be unlocked for free with 1st batch unlocked via funding).
Sponsorship received = 0.
Status = Launched.
Link = Arabic Pattern Meanings Set 6 فِعَل فِعِل إِفۡعِيل مِفۡعِيل مِفۡعَل
To initiate Stage 2 = Funding required for Stage 1.
مَفۡعَل maf'al.
Completed Stage = 1.
Time taken so far = 3 hours and 29 minutes.
Sponsorship required = 1 hour and 30 minutes i.e. $15.
Sponsorship received = 0.
Status = Launched.
Link = Arabic Pattern Meanings Set 7 مَفۡعَل مَفۡعِل تِفۡعَال تَفۡعِيل تَفۡعِلَة
To initiate Stage 2 = Funding required for Stage 1.
مَفۡعِل maf'il.
Completed Stage = 1.
Time taken so far = 2 hours and 48 minutes.
Sponsorship required = 1 hour i.e. $10.
Sponsorship received = 0.
Status = Launched.
Link = Arabic Pattern Meanings Set 7 مَفۡعَل مَفۡعِل تِفۡعَال تَفۡعِيل تَفۡعِلَة
To initiate Stage 2 = Funding required for Stage 1.
تِفۡعَال tif'aal.
Completed Stage = 1.
Time taken so far = 4 hours and 5 minutes.
Sponsorship required = 1 hour and 30 minutes i.e. $15.
Sponsorship received = 0.
Status = Launched.
Link = Arabic Pattern Meanings Set 7 مَفۡعَل مَفۡعِل تِفۡعَال تَفۡعِيل تَفۡعِلَة
To initiate Stage 2 = Funding required for Stage 1.
تَفۡعِيل taf'eel.
Completed Stage = 1.
Time taken so far = 5 hours and 27 minutes.
Sponsorship required = 2 hours i.e. $20.
Sponsorship received = 0.
Status = Launched.
Link = Arabic Pattern Meanings Set 7 مَفۡعَل مَفۡعِل تِفۡعَال تَفۡعِيل تَفۡعِلَة
To initiate Stage 2 = Funding required for Stage 1.
تَفۡعِلَة taf'ilat.
Completed Stage = 1.
Time taken so far = 3 hours and 25 minutes.
Sponsorship required = 1 hour and 30 minutes i.e. $15.
Sponsorship received = 0.
Status = Launched.
Link = Arabic Pattern Meanings Set 7 مَفۡعَل مَفۡعِل تِفۡعَال تَفۡعِيل تَفۡعِلَة
To initiate Stage 2 = Funding required for Stage 1.
ة فِعِلّ فُعُلّ فِعَّال فُعَّال فُعَّل تَفۡعُلَة تَفَاعُل تَفَعُّل أُفۡعُولَة فَاعَل فَاعُول أَفۡعُل.
Completed Stage = 0.
Time taken so far = 0.
Sponsorship required = ?.
Status = Preparation of Stage 1 notes for these to be started inshaALLAH, once the already prepared Stage 1 notes are sponsored and unlocked.
Series - Vocabulary and Important Words and Roots
Set 1: (The roots are displayed below in pairs, not due to any connection between the roots, but just for ease of reading on all devices without any breaking of root letters onto next line)
ا م ر ـ ر و ح
ك ت ب ـ ن ف س
ف ا د ـ ق ل ب
ح ك م ـ ق ف و
ب د ل ـ و ف ى
غ ى ر ـ ب ت ك
ح س ن ـ ق د ر
ص و ر ـ ف ط ر
ب غ ى ـ ف و ت
Completed Stage = 0.
Time taken so far = 0.
Sponsorship required = ?.
Status = Preparation of Stage 1 and Stage 2 notes for these to be started inshaALLAH, once some of the already prepared notes in the other series are sponsored.
Series - Case Theory Unique Research - Common meaning shades, range of meaning shades, use cases etc. for cases in Arabic:
Deep exploration of all the use cases of cases, to identify core and common meaning shades, range of meanings, and also the use cases and other important factors, instead of just mentioning the types of words that come under each case, as is done conventionally. Unconventional deep research with focus on Quranic usage to attempt to extract core meaning shades and range of meaning shades inshaALLAH!
1. Usage and use cases of نصب in Arabic, inshaALLAH! with a special focus to observe Quranic Usage for the use cases, and attempt to extract the core meaning shades and the range of meaning shades.
2. Usage and use cases of رفع in Arabic, inshaALLAH! with a special focus to observe Quranic Usage for the use cases, and attempt to extract the core meaning shades and the range of meaning shades.
3. Usage and use cases of جرّ in Arabic, inshaALLAH! with a special focus to observe Quranic Usage for the use cases, and attempt to extract the core meaning shades and the range of meaning shades.
4. Usage and use cases of جزم in Arabic, inshaALLAH! with a special focus to observe Quranic Usage for the use cases, and attempt to extract the core meaning shades and the range of meaning shades.
Completed Stage = 0.
Time taken so far = 0.
Sponsorship required = ?.
Status = Preparation of Stage 1 and Stage 2 notes for these to be started inshaALLAH, once some of the already prepared notes in the other series are sponsored.
Note that this is a very important and much needed area of research. The need for deep research on case theory, patterns research etc. can be understood better by visiting Arabic Studies - Reform Ideas. With all due respect to the scholars of the past. They did their work, water must keep flowing like a stream and not become stagnant like a lake. They did not have the tools and the head start we can get today by consulting books by multiple scholars together and also use various Quran Concordance Techniques to use the Quran as the Criterion and Judge. Who can say no more guidance or new insight can be derived from The Quran anymore, and past scholars derived all the possible guidance and insights? Work must never stop! If you are not comfortable funding me due to any reason, you can convince scholars you like to initiate this research. If they are not willing to do this time consuming research that is way beyond the comfort zone for any student or scholar, you may come back to me, but no one can guarantee the future. So it is better to come to me now, instead of having any thoughts when I am gone or you are no longer able to support my work. No one can come back in time.