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Note that this is only partial research on these words, i.e. Stage 2 of 5. Funding is required for this stage, so that I can initiate and publish research on next stages inshaALLAH! For more details on voluntarily spent hours and hours requiring funding and how much funding is required for each pattern, see:
Iterative Arabic Research Content Development
بَلۡ o.bl. bal
بَلَىٰ o.bly. balaa
أَ o.a. a
هَلۡ o.ol. hal
هَا o.oa. haa
All the credit and all the praises and all the thanks for whatever is good and beneficial in this post and all the other posts, tools, and projects are just for ALLAH, and whatever shortcoming or mistake there is in any of these is due to me, an ordinary slave of ALLAH! and I seek ALLAH's forgiveness and pardon for any shortcomings and mistakes in any of these.
o.bl. bal
Stage 2 of 5 Notes.
Maybe the particle is made from بِ and لَ with possible conversion from بِلَ to بَلِ to بَلۡ:
with definitely / in fact.
The core meaning shade appears to be : In fact.
Translation attempt : in fact / (but) in fact.
o.bly. balaa
Stage 2 of 5 Notes.
May have been made by adding the augmentative ى after بَلۡ. The, augmentative ى may have been used to hold back the response proposition and give the required sense along with بَلۡ, without any proposition.
The core meaning shade appears to be in fact, contrary to that / in fact, the contrary / in fact, to the contrary.
Translation attempt : in fact, contrary to that / in fact the contrary / in fact, to the contrary / in fact, contrary to the preceding proposition / in fact, at odds to that / in fact, at odds / in fact, at odds to the preceding proposition.
o.a. a
Stage 2 of 5 Notes.
The core role of أَ appears to be : for : corroboration / confirmation / ascertainment : of some : matter / statement : or for : corroboration / confirmation / endorsement / confession : of some : belief / view / deduction or conclusion from a belief or view : of : addressee / asserter / challenged : for simple : corroboration / confirmation / endorsement / confession : or to make him ponder the same from some other angles depending on the context. It has multiple use cases as mentioned in the grammar books, but I differ from them in asserting that these are various use cases and not different types of أَ , as all come under the core role. The response can be positive or negative or I don't know, i.e., either the addressee confirms the statement, or negates the statement, or states his lack of knowledge on it.
Core meaning shade : [ ? ].
Translation attempt : [ ? , { is...? , are...? , did...? , can...? , would ? , will...?, do...? , did...? , (and various other questioning words which are used depending on the context) }].
o.ol. hal
Stage 2 of 5 Notes.
May have been made from أَ and لَ with ه being substituted for أ and then fatha being removed from ل in this new word. In Urdu, with similar questioning statements, the word واقعى is used and in English, the word actually is used.
Core meaning shade : [ actually ... ? ].
Translation attempt : [ actually ... ? , { is ... actually ... ? , are ... actually ... ? , do ... actually ... ? , will ... actually ... ? , can ... actually ? , should ... actually ? , (and various other questioning words which are used depending on the context) }]
o.oa. haa
Stage 2 of 5 Notes.
The main purpose of هَا appears to be : to : bring to atention or notice or concern / premonish / alert / notify : the addressee :
of : something / someone / some matter
to hearken to what the speaker says, lest the speaker's object be missed.
Core meaning shade : [ lo, behold ].
Translation attempt : [ lo! , behold! , attention! , (look! , there! , attend to!) ].
May have been derived from the root ه و ا or ه ى ا
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