Thursday, February 13, 2025

Learn Meanings of سَ سَوۡفَ إِذۡ إِذَا إِذًا sa sawfa iz izaa izan

Learn Meanings Shades for sa sawfa iz izaa izan i.e سَ سَوۡفَ إِذۡ إِذَا إِذًا . Keep checking:
Qur'an Concordance - Roots - Patterns - Letters - Word Sets - Word Domains - Usage Context - Ayah Initiation for research on Qur'an Concordance and The Post List for some other important related posts inshaALLAH!

Note that this is only partial research on these words, i.e. Stage 2 of 5. Funding is required for this stage, so that I can initiate and publish research on next stages inshaALLAH! For more details on voluntarily spent hours and hours requiring funding and how much funding is required for each pattern, see:
Iterative Arabic Research Content Development
سَ o.s. sa
سَوۡفَ o.swf. sawfa
إِذۡ iz
إِذَا o.aza. izaa
إِذًا o.aza.n izan

All the credit and all the praises and all the thanks for whatever is good and beneficial in this post and all the other posts, tools, and projects are just for ALLAH, and whatever shortcoming or mistake there is in any of these is due to me, an ordinary slave of ALLAH! and I seek ALLAH's forgiveness and pardon for any shortcomings and mistakes in any of these.

o.s. sa
Stage 2 of 5 Notes.
Core meaning shade : [ inevitably ].
Translation attempt : [ inevitably ].

o.swf. sawfa
Stage 2 of 5 Notes.
سَوۡفَ appears to have been derived from the root س و ف. Its core meaning shade apparently includes the sense of delay + conclusion.
Core meaning shade : [ eventually ].
Translation attempt : [ eventually , ((ultimately) , (soon enough) , (in due course of time) , (in the end)) ]. iz
Stage 2 of 5 Notes.
May have been derived from the root ا ذ ذ in the core meaning shade of a cut off or detached : part / portion / section / division / segment / slice / piece / bit etc.

The core role of إِذۡ appears to be as a : pointer / indicator / referer : to a : specific : time / time slot / time section / part of life / section of life / context / situation / circumstance : etc. that fulfills the descriptive statement that usually follows إِذۡ . It is not specific for the past only and can also be used for the future also as is proven by usage in The Qur'an. Sometimes, it can also refer to a time, when some deed or action not done during that time, but already done in the past holds or its effect or consequence remains valid to the time being referred to at this stage.

Translation attempt : [ when ].

In this word and similar such words, إِذٍ is used, and the tanween is used to give the required meaning shade and sense, instead of mentioning the descriptive statement after it, since it is already clear from the preceding context and usage of tanween.

Translation attempt : [ day when : such / so : is the case , day when that is : the case / so / such , (such day) , (that day) ].

o.aza. izaa
Stage 2 of 5 Notes.
Appears to have been derived from إِذۡ by adding ا after it, and the core role of this augmentation appears to be to indicate : attainment / reaching / completion / maturity : etc. and perhaps that is why this is the form that is used in conditional phrases. When the time or moment for some matter is or was or will be attained or reached.
إِذَا is not only used for the future, but is also used for the past, since it is not about past or future or present, it is about the additional indication of attainment or reaching of a time or moment and we may translate such past cases as at the time when , at the moment when etc. as these translation attempts attempt to give the additional indication of attainment or reaching of a time or moment.

Translation attempt : [ then , at the time when , at the moment when, at the time then , at that time ]
It is also used for sudden or unexpected happening of something and is called إِذَا للمفاجأة
إِذَا للمفاجأة
Translation attempt : [ then , at the time then , at that time ]
Translation attempt : [ then(followup), then(reaching of due time) , and then(followup), then(reaching of due time) , and then(followup) at that time, and then(followup), at the time then(reaching of due time) ].

o.aza.n. izan
Stage 2 of 5 Notes.
Appears to have been made by adding tanween to إِذَا and the tanween is used to give the required meaning shade and sense, instead of mentioning the statement after it, since it is already clear from the preceding context and the usage of tanween. It is often used to mention a hypothetical situation in which a statement is mentioned in the preceding context, often mentioning or giving a hint of what could have been or could be, followed by إِذًا giving the sense of when : such / so / that : (i.e. the statement preceding it or a part of it or the danger indicated by it) : were / were to be / were to have been / would be / would have been : the case , followed by the consequence or consequences.

Translation attempt : [ then , when : such / so / that : were / were to be / were to have been / would be / would have been : the case ].

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