Thursday, February 13, 2025

Learn Meanings of أَنَّىٰ تَ كَ مَعَ عِنۡدَ annaa ta ka ma'a 'inda

Learn Meanings Shades for i.e . Keep checking:
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Note that this is only partial research on these words, i.e. Stage 2 of 5. Funding is required for this stage, so that I can initiate and publish research on next stages inshaALLAH! For more details on voluntarily spent hours and hours requiring funding and how much funding is required for each pattern, see:
Iterative Arabic Research Content Development
أَنَّىٰ o.anny. annaa
تَ o.t. ta
كَ o.k. ka
مَعَ ma'a
عِنۡدَ o.end. 'inda

All the credit and all the praises and all the thanks for whatever is good and beneficial in this post and all the other posts, tools, and projects are just for ALLAH, and whatever shortcoming or mistake there is in any of these is due to me, an ordinary slave of ALLAH! and I seek ALLAH's forgiveness and pardon for any shortcomings and mistakes in any of these.

o.anny. annaa
Stage 2 of 5 Notes.
Appears to have been made from أَيۡنَ by augmenting it with ىٰ at the end, and then from أَيۡنَىٰ to أَنۡنَىٰ to أَنَّىٰ. The ىٰ at the end appears to indicate continuity, and from that, the sense of openendedness is apparently derived for this word e.g. where... . It is also in some use cases, used in the skeptical interrogative sense.

Core meaning shade : [ where... ].
Translation attempt : [ where... , whence , on which : place / location, on which base (basis / merit / source / way / method / logic / reasoning) , (how) , (how come) ].

Breaking it down further, following are some use cases depending on the context:
1. Where... ( which place / which location ).
2. Where... ( on which base ( basis / merit / source / way / method / logic / reasoning )), ( how / how come ).

In English, the word whence covers some of its use cases and how can also cover these use cases in many examples. In Urdu, the word کہاں covers some if its use cases.

o.t. ta
Stage 2 of 5 Notes.
What is mentioned in genitive case, i.e. majroor مَجْرُور case after تَ is mentioned or referenced to as a form of swearing by means of تَ ta, for the statement coming after this majroor مَجْرُور word. Usually it is only used with اللّٰه or His Names.

The mention of or reference to ذات or The Being (of ALLAH) as a form of swearing, to strengthen or as evidence to the veracity of the claims made in the next statement OR to further emphasize the : certainty / seriousness / importance : of the next statement.

Core meaning shade : [ Being ]
Translation attempt : [ By (Mentioning or Refering to The Being ) ] Translation attempt for تَٱللّٰهِ : [ By (Mentioning or Refering to The Being ) of ALLAH / Mentioning, Referring to The Being of ALLAH ]

o.k. ka
Stage 2 of 5 Notes.
Appears to be a shortened form for a word or 2 words (for its 2 use cases) from the root ك ف ا
and has the core meaning shade of corresponding to.

Translation attempt for genitive كَ or كاف الجر:
corresponding to / like / { as }.
Translation attempt for كَ of allocution or كاف الخطاب:
corresponding to / facing : (you / addressee / intended target ) / directing to : (you / addressee / intended target ) / with focus on : (you / addressee / intended target ) / you / addressee. ma'a
Stage 2 of 5 Notes.
May have been derived from a word from the root ع م م after transposition between ع and م .

Core meaning shade = [ with (in terms of some : matter / context / stance / action OR from some angle or perspective or frame of reference : etc.) ]
Translation attempt = [ with ]

In other words, a : generic / general / broad-ranging / wide-ranging : with , which can be used in different contexts from different perspectives or angles or frames of reference.

o.end. 'inda
Stage 2 of 5 Notes.
May have been derived from عَنۡ and يَد from the root ى د ى and conversion may have been from عَنۡيَد to عِنۡدَ

The original meaning shade appears to be off hand but since it is not or no longer used in English in the literal sense, we may may say vicinity of hand / proximity of hand or hand side or at hand or on hand.

From this origin, the word apparently started being used to give a unique meaning shade of : closeness / nearness : physically / perceptibly : or : ideally / ideationally / logically / abstractly / conceptually : etc. and is even used with morning which has no hand but some matter can be in its proximity / vicinity : etc.

In some cases : what is present with a : person / thing / being : in any adjacent part or quarter with respect to that : person / thing / being.

Core meaning shade : [ off hand , (hand side, at hand) , perceptible / physical : or : ideal / ideational / logical / abstract / conceptual : proximity / vicinity / presence / nearness : etc. ]

Translation attempt : [ in the : perceptible / physical : or : ideal / ideational / logical / abstract / conceptual : proximity / vicinity / presence / nearness : etc.] , [ with ]

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