Thursday, February 13, 2025

Learn Meanings of إِنۡ أَنۡ لَـٰكِنۡ لَـٰكِنَّ كَىۡ in an laakin laakinna kay

Learn Meanings Shades for in an laakin laakinna kay i.e إِنۡ أَنۡ لَـٰكِنۡ لَـٰكِنَّ كَىۡ . Keep checking:
Qur'an Concordance - Roots - Patterns - Letters - Word Sets - Word Domains - Usage Context - Ayah Initiation for research on Qur'an Concordance and The Post List for some other important related posts inshaALLAH!

Note that this is only partial research on these words, i.e. Stage 2 of 5. Funding is required for this stage, so that I can initiate and publish research on next stages inshaALLAH! For more details on voluntarily spent hours and hours requiring funding and how much funding is required for each pattern, see:
Iterative Arabic Research Content Development
إِنۡ in
أَنۡ an
لَـٰكِنۡ o.lakn. laakin
لَـٰكِنَّ o.laknn. laakinna
كَىۡ kay

All the credit and all the praises and all the thanks for whatever is good and beneficial in this post and all the other posts, tools, and projects are just for ALLAH, and whatever shortcoming or mistake there is in any of these is due to me, an ordinary slave of ALLAH! and I seek ALLAH's forgiveness and pardon for any shortcomings and mistakes in any of these. in
Stage 2 of 5 Notes.
إِنۡ has 3 unique use cases.
1. The so called إِن المخففة من الثقيلة in my opinion is derived from the same root i.e. ا ن ن as إِنَّ but is a similar but different particle with lesser force or emphasis etc., i.e. إِنَّ has a stronger : emphasis / conviction / determination / stress : etc. You can say, إِنۡ is a lighter word, and not a lightened form of the same word, as alleged by most of the standard books, because of obvious differences in the usage, context and style.

The usage appears to be to assert the established : existence / presence / occurrence : of some : thing / action etc.

The core meaning shade appears to be : really / in actuality / in reality / the reality is / the fact is / (in truth).

Translation attempt : really / actually / in actuality / in reality / the reality is / the fact is / (in truth).

For more on ا ن ن and إِنَّ, see this post.

2. The so called إن الشرطية in my opinion appears to have been originally أَإِنۡ i.e. أَ and إِنۡ of the type discussed above and then إِنۡ alone was used to give the meaning shade of أَإِنۡ in this use case.

The meaning derivation appears to be : from really? / in actuality? to if.

The core meaning shade appears to be : if.
Translation attempt : if.

Searching "if meaning" on Google search gives 1st point as:
"(introducing a conditional clause) on the condition or supposition that; in the event that.
"if you have a complaint, write to the director"
Quote ends above.
From : "You : really / actually / in reality : have a complaint?, write to the director" to "if you have a complaint, write to the director".

3. The so called إِن النافية in my opinion appears to have been derived from a word from the root ن ا ى with transposition between ن and ا and dropping the ى and it is also possible that the kasrah on إِ may be to indicate or compensate for the dropped ى.

The meaning shade of ن ا ى appears to be : closed to : interaction or contact or access or reach / have nothing to do with / well removed / cut off / kept off / barred.

The core meaning shade of إِنۡ in this use case, appears to be : in no way / not in any way / by no means / not by any means.
Translation attempt : not / in no way / not in any way / by no means / not by any means / (not at all). an
Stage 2 of 5 Notes.
The core role of أَنۡ appears to be to : disclose / introduce / make perceptible : and : bring to : notice / focus : a word or an entire : clause / statement / sentence : after it, and it may be in various senses e.g. conveyance of information / explanation / detail / something said / something to be done / something that is to be avoided and which should not happen : etc.

To use an entire clause or sentence in the place of a word or like a word, or to put increased focus on a word, أَنۡ is used.

In single words, to give the sense of تحذير or warning (to avoid), some word is used in the accusative case, and with context, it is understood even without any negative particle or word, that the sense is warning from that thing. أَنۡ is also sometimes used to mention something or some matter or statement, and with context, it is easily understood that what is mentioned after أَنۡ is to be avoided and should not happen.

Core meaning shade : [ that ].
Translation attempt : [ that , : , { lest } ].

أَنۡ may have been derived from a word from the root ع ن ى after substituting أ for ع and dropping the ى .

Selectively quoting from Lane's Lexicon:"
عَنَيۡتُ الشَّىۡءَ I made the thing apparent, or showed it.
عَنَتِ الأَرۡضُ بِالنَّبَاتِ The land made apparent, or showed, [or put forth, or produced,] its plants, or herbage;
Anything that serves as an indication of another thing is called its عُنۡوَان ."

o.lakn. laakin
Stage 2 of 5 Notes.
Appears to have been made from لَا and كَ and إِنۡ i.e. from لَاكَإِنۡ to لَـٰكَإِنۡ to لَـٰكِنۡ.

Core meaning shade : [ unlike (/ non-correspondingly to) ( : something / some matter / some aspect / something regarding or related to something or some matter in some way or aspect : of the preceding statement or of the context),: actually], [but actually].
Translation attempt : [but actually].

o.laknn. laakinna
Stage 2 of 5 Notes.
Appears to have been made from لَا and كَ and إِنَّ i.e. from لَاكَإِنَّ to لَـٰكَإِنَّ to لَـٰكِنَّ.

Core meaning shade : [ unlike (/ non-correspondingly to) ( : something / some matter / some aspect / something regarding or related to something or some matter in some way or aspect : of the preceding statement or of the context),: indeed], [but indeed].
Translation attempt : [but indeed]. kay
Stage 2 of 5 Notes.
May have been derived from the root ك و ى as claimed in المعجم الاشتقاقي المؤصل

Core meaning shade : [ consequently , resultingly, as : impact / effect ]
Translation attempt (due to context in which it is usually used, that can be added to the translation attempt in most cases, specially to give the required sense in English) : [ that consequently , that resultingly, that as : impact / effect , that ]
Translation attempt for لِكَىۡ : [ so that consequently , so that resultingly, so that as : impact / effect , that , so that , in order that ]

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Learn Meanings of سَ سَوۡفَ إِذۡ إِذَا إِذًا sa sawfa iz izaa izan

Learn Meanings Shades for sa sawfa iz izaa izan i.e سَ سَوۡفَ إِذۡ إِذَا إِذًا . Keep checking:
Qur'an Concordance - Roots - Patterns - Letters - Word Sets - Word Domains - Usage Context - Ayah Initiation for research on Qur'an Concordance and The Post List for some other important related posts inshaALLAH!

Note that this is only partial research on these words, i.e. Stage 2 of 5. Funding is required for this stage, so that I can initiate and publish research on next stages inshaALLAH! For more details on voluntarily spent hours and hours requiring funding and how much funding is required for each pattern, see:
Iterative Arabic Research Content Development
سَ o.s. sa
سَوۡفَ o.swf. sawfa
إِذۡ iz
إِذَا o.aza. izaa
إِذًا o.aza.n izan

All the credit and all the praises and all the thanks for whatever is good and beneficial in this post and all the other posts, tools, and projects are just for ALLAH, and whatever shortcoming or mistake there is in any of these is due to me, an ordinary slave of ALLAH! and I seek ALLAH's forgiveness and pardon for any shortcomings and mistakes in any of these.

o.s. sa
Stage 2 of 5 Notes.
Core meaning shade : [ inevitably ].
Translation attempt : [ inevitably ].

o.swf. sawfa
Stage 2 of 5 Notes.
سَوۡفَ appears to have been derived from the root س و ف. Its core meaning shade apparently includes the sense of delay + conclusion.
Core meaning shade : [ eventually ].
Translation attempt : [ eventually , ((ultimately) , (soon enough) , (in due course of time) , (in the end)) ]. iz
Stage 2 of 5 Notes.
May have been derived from the root ا ذ ذ in the core meaning shade of a cut off or detached : part / portion / section / division / segment / slice / piece / bit etc.

The core role of إِذۡ appears to be as a : pointer / indicator / referer : to a : specific : time / time slot / time section / part of life / section of life / context / situation / circumstance : etc. that fulfills the descriptive statement that usually follows إِذۡ . It is not specific for the past only and can also be used for the future also as is proven by usage in The Qur'an. Sometimes, it can also refer to a time, when some deed or action not done during that time, but already done in the past holds or its effect or consequence remains valid to the time being referred to at this stage.

Translation attempt : [ when ].

In this word and similar such words, إِذٍ is used, and the tanween is used to give the required meaning shade and sense, instead of mentioning the descriptive statement after it, since it is already clear from the preceding context and usage of tanween.

Translation attempt : [ day when : such / so : is the case , day when that is : the case / so / such , (such day) , (that day) ].

o.aza. izaa
Stage 2 of 5 Notes.
Appears to have been derived from إِذۡ by adding ا after it, and the core role of this augmentation appears to be to indicate : attainment / reaching / completion / maturity : etc. and perhaps that is why this is the form that is used in conditional phrases. When the time or moment for some matter is or was or will be attained or reached.
إِذَا is not only used for the future, but is also used for the past, since it is not about past or future or present, it is about the additional indication of attainment or reaching of a time or moment and we may translate such past cases as at the time when , at the moment when etc. as these translation attempts attempt to give the additional indication of attainment or reaching of a time or moment.

Translation attempt : [ then , at the time when , at the moment when, at the time then , at that time ]
It is also used for sudden or unexpected happening of something and is called إِذَا للمفاجأة
إِذَا للمفاجأة
Translation attempt : [ then , at the time then , at that time ]
Translation attempt : [ then(followup), then(reaching of due time) , and then(followup), then(reaching of due time) , and then(followup) at that time, and then(followup), at the time then(reaching of due time) ].

o.aza.n. izan
Stage 2 of 5 Notes.
Appears to have been made by adding tanween to إِذَا and the tanween is used to give the required meaning shade and sense, instead of mentioning the statement after it, since it is already clear from the preceding context and the usage of tanween. It is often used to mention a hypothetical situation in which a statement is mentioned in the preceding context, often mentioning or giving a hint of what could have been or could be, followed by إِذًا giving the sense of when : such / so / that : (i.e. the statement preceding it or a part of it or the danger indicated by it) : were / were to be / were to have been / would be / would have been : the case , followed by the consequence or consequences.

Translation attempt : [ then , when : such / so / that : were / were to be / were to have been / would be / would have been : the case ].

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Learn Meanings of بَلۡ بَلَىٰ أَ هَلۡ هَا bal balaa a hal haa

Learn Meanings Shades for bal balaa a hal haa i.e بَلۡ بَلَىٰ أَ هَلۡ هَا . Keep checking:
Qur'an Concordance - Roots - Patterns - Letters - Word Sets - Word Domains - Usage Context - Ayah Initiation for research on Qur'an Concordance and The Post List for some other important related posts inshaALLAH!

Note that this is only partial research on these words, i.e. Stage 2 of 5. Funding is required for this stage, so that I can initiate and publish research on next stages inshaALLAH! For more details on voluntarily spent hours and hours requiring funding and how much funding is required for each pattern, see:
Iterative Arabic Research Content Development
بَلۡ bal
بَلَىٰ o.bly. balaa
أَ o.a. a
هَلۡ o.ol. hal
هَا o.oa. haa

All the credit and all the praises and all the thanks for whatever is good and beneficial in this post and all the other posts, tools, and projects are just for ALLAH, and whatever shortcoming or mistake there is in any of these is due to me, an ordinary slave of ALLAH! and I seek ALLAH's forgiveness and pardon for any shortcomings and mistakes in any of these. bal
Stage 2 of 5 Notes.
Maybe the particle is made from بِ and لَ with possible conversion from بِلَ to بَلِ to بَلۡ:
with definitely / in fact.
The core meaning shade appears to be : In fact.
Translation attempt : in fact / (but) in fact.

o.bly. balaa
Stage 2 of 5 Notes.
May have been made by adding the augmentative ى after بَلۡ. The, augmentative ى may have been used to hold back the response proposition and give the required sense along with بَلۡ, without any proposition.
The core meaning shade appears to be in fact, contrary to that / in fact, the contrary / in fact, to the contrary.
Translation attempt : in fact, contrary to that / in fact the contrary / in fact, to the contrary / in fact, contrary to the preceding proposition / in fact, at odds to that / in fact, at odds / in fact, at odds to the preceding proposition.

o.a. a
Stage 2 of 5 Notes.
The core role of أَ appears to be : for : corroboration / confirmation / ascertainment : of some : matter / statement : or for : corroboration / confirmation / endorsement / confession : of some : belief / view / deduction or conclusion from a belief or view : of : addressee / asserter / challenged : for simple : corroboration / confirmation / endorsement / confession : or to make him ponder the same from some other angles depending on the context. It has multiple use cases as mentioned in the grammar books, but I differ from them in asserting that these are various use cases and not different types of أَ , as all come under the core role. The response can be positive or negative or I don't know, i.e., either the addressee confirms the statement, or negates the statement, or states his lack of knowledge on it.

Core meaning shade : [ ? ].
Translation attempt : [ ? , { is...? , are...? , did...? , can...? , would ? , will...?, do...? , did...? , (and various other questioning words which are used depending on the context) }].

o.ol. hal
Stage 2 of 5 Notes.
May have been made from أَ and لَ with ه being substituted for أ and then fatha being removed from ل in this new word. In Urdu, with similar questioning statements, the word واقعى is used and in English, the word actually is used.

Core meaning shade : [ actually ... ? ].
Translation attempt : [ actually ... ? , { is ... actually ... ? , are ... actually ... ? , do ... actually ... ? , will ... actually ... ? , can ... actually ? , should ... actually ? , (and various other questioning words which are used depending on the context) }]

o.oa. haa
Stage 2 of 5 Notes.
The main purpose of هَا appears to be : to : bring to atention or notice or concern / premonish / alert / notify : the addressee :
of : something / someone / some matter
to hearken to what the speaker says, lest the speaker's object be missed.

Core meaning shade : [ lo, behold ].
Translation attempt : [ lo! , behold! , attention! , (look! , there! , attend to!) ].

May have been derived from the root ه و ا or ه ى ا

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Learn Meanings of أَنَّىٰ تَ كَ مَعَ عِنۡدَ annaa ta ka ma'a 'inda

Learn Meanings Shades for i.e . Keep checking:
Qur'an Concordance - Roots - Patterns - Letters - Word Sets - Word Domains - Usage Context - Ayah Initiation for research on Qur'an Concordance and The Post List for some other important related posts inshaALLAH!

Note that this is only partial research on these words, i.e. Stage 2 of 5. Funding is required for this stage, so that I can initiate and publish research on next stages inshaALLAH! For more details on voluntarily spent hours and hours requiring funding and how much funding is required for each pattern, see:
Iterative Arabic Research Content Development
أَنَّىٰ o.anny. annaa
تَ o.t. ta
كَ o.k. ka
مَعَ ma'a
عِنۡدَ o.end. 'inda

All the credit and all the praises and all the thanks for whatever is good and beneficial in this post and all the other posts, tools, and projects are just for ALLAH, and whatever shortcoming or mistake there is in any of these is due to me, an ordinary slave of ALLAH! and I seek ALLAH's forgiveness and pardon for any shortcomings and mistakes in any of these.

o.anny. annaa
Stage 2 of 5 Notes.
Appears to have been made from أَيۡنَ by augmenting it with ىٰ at the end, and then from أَيۡنَىٰ to أَنۡنَىٰ to أَنَّىٰ. The ىٰ at the end appears to indicate continuity, and from that, the sense of openendedness is apparently derived for this word e.g. where... . It is also in some use cases, used in the skeptical interrogative sense.

Core meaning shade : [ where... ].
Translation attempt : [ where... , whence , on which : place / location, on which base (basis / merit / source / way / method / logic / reasoning) , (how) , (how come) ].

Breaking it down further, following are some use cases depending on the context:
1. Where... ( which place / which location ).
2. Where... ( on which base ( basis / merit / source / way / method / logic / reasoning )), ( how / how come ).

In English, the word whence covers some of its use cases and how can also cover these use cases in many examples. In Urdu, the word کہاں covers some if its use cases.

o.t. ta
Stage 2 of 5 Notes.
What is mentioned in genitive case, i.e. majroor مَجْرُور case after تَ is mentioned or referenced to as a form of swearing by means of تَ ta, for the statement coming after this majroor مَجْرُور word. Usually it is only used with اللّٰه or His Names.

The mention of or reference to ذات or The Being (of ALLAH) as a form of swearing, to strengthen or as evidence to the veracity of the claims made in the next statement OR to further emphasize the : certainty / seriousness / importance : of the next statement.

Core meaning shade : [ Being ]
Translation attempt : [ By (Mentioning or Refering to The Being ) ] Translation attempt for تَٱللّٰهِ : [ By (Mentioning or Refering to The Being ) of ALLAH / Mentioning, Referring to The Being of ALLAH ]

o.k. ka
Stage 2 of 5 Notes.
Appears to be a shortened form for a word or 2 words (for its 2 use cases) from the root ك ف ا
and has the core meaning shade of corresponding to.

Translation attempt for genitive كَ or كاف الجر:
corresponding to / like / { as }.
Translation attempt for كَ of allocution or كاف الخطاب:
corresponding to / facing : (you / addressee / intended target ) / directing to : (you / addressee / intended target ) / with focus on : (you / addressee / intended target ) / you / addressee. ma'a
Stage 2 of 5 Notes.
May have been derived from a word from the root ع م م after transposition between ع and م .

Core meaning shade = [ with (in terms of some : matter / context / stance / action OR from some angle or perspective or frame of reference : etc.) ]
Translation attempt = [ with ]

In other words, a : generic / general / broad-ranging / wide-ranging : with , which can be used in different contexts from different perspectives or angles or frames of reference.

o.end. 'inda
Stage 2 of 5 Notes.
May have been derived from عَنۡ and يَد from the root ى د ى and conversion may have been from عَنۡيَد to عِنۡدَ

The original meaning shade appears to be off hand but since it is not or no longer used in English in the literal sense, we may may say vicinity of hand / proximity of hand or hand side or at hand or on hand.

From this origin, the word apparently started being used to give a unique meaning shade of : closeness / nearness : physically / perceptibly : or : ideally / ideationally / logically / abstractly / conceptually : etc. and is even used with morning which has no hand but some matter can be in its proximity / vicinity : etc.

In some cases : what is present with a : person / thing / being : in any adjacent part or quarter with respect to that : person / thing / being.

Core meaning shade : [ off hand , (hand side, at hand) , perceptible / physical : or : ideal / ideational / logical / abstract / conceptual : proximity / vicinity / presence / nearness : etc. ]

Translation attempt : [ in the : perceptible / physical : or : ideal / ideational / logical / abstract / conceptual : proximity / vicinity / presence / nearness : etc.] , [ with ]

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Arabic Pattern Meanings Set 7 مَفۡعَل مَفۡعِل تِفۡعَال تَفۡعِيل تَفۡعِلَة

Learn Arabic Patterns Meaning Shades Set 7. Set 7 covers the patterns: maf'al maf'il tif'aal taf'eel taf'ilat i.e مَفۡعَل مَفۡعِل تِفۡعَال تَفۡعِيل تَفۡعِلَة also sometimes written maf3al maf3il tif3aal taf3eel taf3ilat. Keep checking:
Qur'an Concordance - Roots - Patterns - Letters - Word Sets - Word Domains - Usage Context - Ayah Initiation for some other research on Qur'an Concordance and The Post List for some other important posts inshaALLAH!

Note that this is only partial research on these patterns, i.e. Stage 1 of 5. Funding is required for this stage, so that I can initiate and publish research on next stages inshaALLAH! For more details on voluntarily spent hours and hours requiring funding and how much funding is required for each pattern, see:
Iterative Arabic Research Content Development
مَفۡعَل p.maf'al.
مَفۡعِل p.maf'il.
تِفۡعَال p.tif'aal.
تَفۡعِيل p.taf'eel.
تَفۡعِلَة p.taf'ilat.

All the credit and all the praises and all the thanks for whatever is good and beneficial in this post and all the other posts, tools, and projects are just for ALLAH, and whatever shortcoming or mistake there is in any of these is due to me, an ordinary slave of ALLAH! and I seek ALLAH's forgiveness and pardon for any shortcomings and mistakes in any of these.

Stage 1 of 5 Notes
What is a :
point / position / place / time / noun / collective noun / being / thing / act :
in / at / on / by : which:
what is indicated by the root:
is done / is to be done / happens / has happened / is encountered / is active or activated or felt or experienced etc.

The doing can be فَعَلَ style in many cases and sometimes فَعِلَ style.

Stage 1 of 5 Notes
What is a :
designated / specified / specific :
state / condition / place / time / noun / thing / part / action / matter / (commitment):
for doing / for encountering or being subjected to / being / being in a or for being in a : state / role / condition :
indicated by the root.

Stage 1 of 5 Notes
A : noun / being / thing / part : (as a whole / overall):
for : involvement / engagement : in and accomplishment of:
the : function / role / purpose : etc.:
that is indicated by the root.
An action involving : involvement / engagement : of a : being / thing / part / faculty : (itself) : (as a whole / overall):
for accomplishment of the : function / role / purpose: etc.:
indicated by the root.

Stage 1 of 5 Notes
Making a (specific) thing or being or noun (or matter) or even self : become / be made : permanently / for long-term / for long term effect or impact of doing or encountering of : what is indicated by the root.
making a (specific) thing or being or noun (or matter) or even self : be / be engaged : continuously / for extended or gradual or sequential or iterative, becoming of or reception of or doing of : what is indicated by the root.

ى may be for indicating : continuation or repetition or permanence or accomplishment (and permanence from thereon)
may be for indicating : thing / matter / being etc.

Stage 1 of 5 Notes
A specific : thing / matter / noun / action : for making a thing or being or noun (or matter):
become or be in a state of being or having or doing or encountering
what is indicated by the root or a word from the same root.

(U (raw unrefined note for taf'ulat, not part of pattern taf'ilat) : become the : end result of / object of / recipient of : the action or process or what is indicated by the root)

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Arabic Pattern Meanings Set 6 فِعَل فِعِل إِفۡعِيل مِفۡعِيل مِفۡعَل

Learn Arabic Patterns Meaning Shades Set 6. Set 6 covers the patterns: fi'al fi'il if'eel mif'eel mif'al i.e فِعَل فِعِل إِفۡعِيل مِفۡعِيل مِفۡعَل also sometimes written fi3al fi3il if3eel mif3eel mif3al. Keep checking:
Qur'an Concordance - Roots - Patterns - Letters - Word Sets - Word Domains - Usage Context - Ayah Initiation for some other research on Qur'an Concordance and The Post List for some other important posts inshaALLAH!

Note that this is only partial research on these patterns, i.e. Stage 1 of 5. Funding is required for this stage, so that I can initiate and publish research on next stages inshaALLAH! For more details on voluntarily spent hours and hours requiring funding and how much funding is required for each pattern, see:
Iterative Arabic Research Content Development
إِفۡعِيل p.if'eel.
مِفۡعِيل p.mif'eel.
مِفۡعَل p.mif'al.

All the credit and all the praises and all the thanks for whatever is good and beneficial in this post and all the other posts, tools, and projects are just for ALLAH, and whatever shortcoming or mistake there is in any of these is due to me, an ordinary slave of ALLAH! and I seek ALLAH's forgiveness and pardon for any shortcomings and mistakes in any of these.

Stage 1 of 5 Notes
A : noun / being / thing / part / matter / doing / collective noun:
having become / being:
in a : status / condition / mode / manner / way / role / function : etc.:

indicated by the root or a word from the same root.

Stage 1 of 5 Notes
A : noun / being / thing / collective noun:etc.:
in a : role / mode / manner / way / status : etc.:
of being in a state:

indicated by the root or a word from the same root.

Stage 1 of 5 Notes
A : being / thing / noun : etc. :
firmly established in being or being firmly established:
in a : mode / character / manner / status / way: etc.:
in an : adhering / enduring / lasting / continuing: manner / way:
for the meaning indicated by the root or a word from the root.

Stage 1 of 5 Notes
A : pinpointed / indicated / referred / marked / focused (usually using what or who etc.):
being / thing / noun : etc.:
(being) in a :mode / character / manner / status / way / (function / role): etc.:
in an : adhering / enduring / lasting / continuing: manner / way:
for the meaning indicated by the root or a word from the root.

Stage 1 of 5 Notes
what has the : role / function / capability : of doing or getting done (often in 1 action) what is indicated by the root.

(what makes something become فِعَل .)

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Arabic Pattern Meanings Set 5 فَعَال فِعَال فَعُل فُعُول فُعَل

Learn Arabic Patterns Meaning Shades Set 5. Set 5 covers the patterns: fa'aal fi'aal fa'ul fu'ool fu'al i.e فَعَال فِعَال فَعُل فُعُول فُعَل also sometimes written fa3aal fi3aal fa3ul fu3ool fu3al. Keep checking:
Qur'an Concordance - Roots - Patterns - Letters - Word Sets - Word Domains - Usage Context - Ayah Initiation for some other research on Qur'an Concordance and The Post List for some other important posts inshaALLAH!

Note that this is only partial research on these patterns, i.e. Stage 1 of 5. Funding is required for this stage, so that I can initiate and publish research on next stages inshaALLAH! For more details on voluntarily spent hours and hours requiring funding and how much funding is required for each pattern, see:
Iterative Arabic Research Content Development
فَعَال p.fa'aal.
فَعُل p.fa'ul.
فُعُول p.fu'ool.
فُعَل p.fu'al.

All the credit and all the praises and all the thanks for whatever is good and beneficial in this post and all the other posts, tools, and projects are just for ALLAH, and whatever shortcoming or mistake there is in any of these is due to me, an ordinary slave of ALLAH! and I seek ALLAH's forgiveness and pardon for any shortcomings and mistakes in any of these.

Stage 1 of 5 Notes
The : concluded / conclusive / completed / attained:
or : representative / complete / whole / full / mature / concrete / example:

noun / being / thing / part / collective noun / doing / action / quality / trait / time: etc.:
having / containing / displaying / manifesting / featuring:
what is indicated by the root or a word from the same root.

The noun for the completed verb or root use case. The complete : practical / mature : form for the root or verb e.g. trial for to try, punishment or punishing for punish, the completed reaching for to reach, peace for make peace, destruction for to destroy etc.

Stage 1 of 5 Notes
A : noun / being / thing / part / material / matter / process / quality / doing / action / place / location / time / collective noun : (as a whole / overall ) :
(being) in a:
role / status / position / function / purpose / manner / way / mode / form / state / (type / class):
indicated by the root or a word from the same root.

Stage 1 of 5 Notes
A : noun / being / thing / part / (matter) / (happening) : etc.:
having quality of being or of being apt for:
doing / being doer of / putting to use / being user of / being:

what is indicated by the root or word or verb from the same root.

Stage 1 of 5 Notes
A : noun / being / thing / part:
as a being / at the being level / itself :
engaged, occupied or involved on, or in or in doing or in being /
engaged, occupied, or involved in being subjected to, or being the recipient or object of:

what is indicated by the root or a word or verb from the same root.

Actions involving being on the action for sometime or some purpose : etc. Full engagement / involvement of being on action.

Stage 1 of 5 Notes
A: noun / being / thing : that:
has become / has been objected to / does / be-es:
what is indicated by the root or a word or verb from the same root.

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Arabic Pattern Meanings Set 4 فَعۡل فُعۡل فِعۡل فَعَل فُعُل

Learn Arabic Patterns Meaning Shades Set 4. Set 4 covers the patterns: fa'l fu'l fi'l fa'al fu'ul i.e فَعۡل فُعۡل فِعۡل فَعَل فُعُل also sometimes written fa3l fu3l fi3l fa3al fu3ul. Keep checking:
Qur'an Concordance - Roots - Patterns - Letters - Word Sets - Word Domains - Usage Context - Ayah Initiation for some other research on Qur'an Concordance and The Post List for some other important posts inshaALLAH!

Note that this is only partial research on these patterns, i.e. Stage 1 of 5. Funding is required for this stage, so that I can initiate and publish research on next stages inshaALLAH! For more details on voluntarily spent hours and hours requiring funding and how much funding is required for each pattern, see:
Iterative Arabic Research Content Development
فَعۡل p.fa'l.
فُعۡل p.fu'l.
فَعَل p.fa'al.
فُعُل p.fu'ul.

All the credit and all the praises and all the thanks for whatever is good and beneficial in this post and all the other posts, tools, and projects are just for ALLAH, and whatever shortcoming or mistake there is in any of these is due to me, an ordinary slave of ALLAH! and I seek ALLAH's forgiveness and pardon for any shortcomings and mistakes in any of these.

Stage 1 of 5 Notes
A : noun / being / thing / material / part / place / location / time / time period / action / doing / conduct / happening / event / saying / statement / sound / matter / collective noun or group / attribute / quality / feature / trait / faculty / feeling / thought / thinking / (status) :
active / functioning / operating / involving / engaged in / existing / being :
having / containing / displaying / utilizing :

what is indicated by the root or a word from the same root.

(No harakah on ع may be to indicate that the word is without primary meaning shade of : doer / done / state / mode : etc.)

In English, suffixes like : ion, ing, ent, ant, ure, age, al, ce, nce, ment, ity, y, ery, ly, ength, ness, ght, tude, ousy, ient, ant, th, t, or, er, en, ive etc. may be used depending on the word and the context in various cases.

In English, abstract nouns may also used in various cases to attempt to convey the meaning shade.

Stage 1 of 5 Notes
A : conceptual / physical : embodiment / form / noun : of / for : what is indicated by the root or a word from the same root.

A : noun / being / thing / part / matter / quality / trait / feature / feeling / action / doing / saying / statement / time / time period / place / collective noun : etc. :
itself / at the self level / at the being level / being / itself being / (as) / for / as a conceptual or physical embodiment for :
what is indicated by the root or a word from the same root.

Stage 1 of 5 Notes
A : label / name / term : or a : referring / categorizing / classifying / defining : word: etc.:
for a : noun / substantive / being / thing / part / place / matter / conduct / stance / behavior / attitude / action / doing / happening / occurrence / set of actions or doings over an extended period for a cause or purpose / feeling / emotion / thought / faculty / feature / trait / quality / measure / extent / statement / saying / time duration / belief / assumption / viewpoint / situation / relation / sign / indication / generic or collective noun : etc. :
in / in a / in an active or applicable :
mode / way / manner / role / function / purpose / scope / status / position / standing / posture / style / angle / character /

state / condition / circumstance / terms of what is / means /
kind / sort / type / variety / classification /
condition or state of a quality, trait, feature, attribute etc. /
measure / value / extent / capacity / grade / level / quantity / quality : in terms of : state / condition / share / allotment / allocation / portion : etc.:
indicated by the root or by a word from the same root.
in terms of / from the perspective of / from the frame of reference of :
what is indicated by the root or by a word from the same root.

Stage 1 of 5 Notes
A : noun / being / thing / part / area / place / time period / time / oath / doing / action / happening / saying / matter / way / path / collective noun / stage / information / thought / desire : etc.:
having done / having become ...ed according to / having become effected or resulting form for / that does (transitive or intransitive) / being i.e. that be-es / being be-er of or having become and being be-er of فَعِلَ (i.e. having reached a state) according to / being be-er of or having become and being be-er of فَعُلَ according to / being do-er of or having become do-er of or having done فَعَلَ according to :
what is indicated by the root or a word or verb from the same root.

Stage 1 of 5 Notes
A : noun / being / thing / part / material / matter / area / section / region / place / time period / condition / situation / age / stage :etc.:
for / apt or suitable or designated for:
being considered or treated or taken or used as or used for / being found or observed or sensed to be / being subjected to or being object for or of / receiving / bearing / being / doing / making use of / being used as interface for / on or at or during which, doing or being subjected to:

what is indicated by the root or a word or verb from the same root.

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