Translators' Profiles (0)

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Classical Arabic to English Translators can comment here. This is Translators Profile page for 1st project mentioned on :

You can mention following and any other details :

1. Is your 1st language Arabic, What is your 1st language?

2. How good is your Classical Arabic?

3. How good is your English?

4. Mention links or references to your past Classical Arabic to English Translations. 

5. How much will you charge (in Euros or British Pounds) for translating 1 complete page equivalent of Lisaan ul Arab based on following image. See below image of Lisaan ul Arab to get an idea of 1 page of Lisaan ul Arab for which you will have to offer your service price per page. Click this link to view image in full size or right click and choose save linked content as/save link as/ save target as to download the image and then see in full size.

Before selection, you will have to give sample translation of selected portion of a page or 1 page of Lisaan ul Arab chosen by me. This sample will also be shown to the sponsors.

Your responses to these questions and as much information you can provide as comment is important, since based on this sponsors can take decision regarding how many pages to assign to you.

Plan is to do it in targets of 100 pages each trying to select most important roots in 1st target and then next important roots in next target of 100 pages and so on till all roots starting with last 8 letters used in The Qur'an are translated. Roots included in 1st target include following, complete list to be shared once some manpower applies inshaALLAH!
ك ت ب
ق و م
ل و ي
م س ك
ن ك ر
ه د ي
و ق ي
ي ق ن
